Salesperson : Hello there, welcome to Wine World. Let me know if I can help you out at all.
Customer : Um, yes, please, I could really use some help. I'm going over to my boss'house for dinner tonight and don't know what kind of wine I should bring.
Salesperson : OK, do you know what kind of food will be served?
Customer : Well, his wife is Japanese. He said she makes really good sushi.
Salesperson : Hmm, that's a bit of a challenge. Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine. Well, let's see. have to be a white wine, of course.
Customer : Why? Wouldn't a red wine go well with sushi?
Salesperson : No, I don't think so. Sushi is a very delicately flavored food, and red wine would be a jarring contrast. You need a white wine, which has more subtle flavors, tocomplement the fish.
Customer : I see. So should I get a bottle of Chardonnay? That's a white wine, right?
Salesperson : Yes, Chardonnay is a white wine, but I'm not sure it'd be your best bet. Chardonnay is one of the more fullbodied whites, and tends to be a bit oaky. I'd suggest that you go for something brighter, like this Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.
Customer : Sauvignon Blanc? What's that?
Salesperson : That's another varietal, or type of grape, just like Chardonnay.
Customer : Let's see. The label says it's got "attractive citrus and grassy aromas that give way to crisp, mineral flavors and a bonedry finish. Serve chilled." Oh, no, how long will it take to chill the wine? I'm on my way to the dinner now.
Salesperson : It's OK, don't worry, we'll just choose a wine from the cooler. We don't have quite as extensive a selection over here, but...this Rhone Valley white would be lovely.
Customer : All right. What varietal is that?
Salesperson : Well, this is a French wine, so they don't always specify the varietal on the label. The French believe that the soil a grape is grown in is one of the most important factors in the final flavor of the wine. This wine is probably a blend of a few different types of grapes, mostly Viognier, I'd guess.
Customer : And you think this is a good wine?
Salesperson : Yes, this is one of our best-sellers. It's not quite as dry as the Sauvignon Blanc we were looking at earlier, which means it's more approachable. It's light and crisp, with a bit of a vanilla aroma.
Customer : Perfect! I'll take it!
Customer : Um, yes, please, I could really use some help. I'm going over to my boss'house for dinner tonight and don't know what kind of wine I should bring.
Salesperson : OK, do you know what kind of food will be served?
Customer : Well, his wife is Japanese. He said she makes really good sushi.
Salesperson : Hmm, that's a bit of a challenge. Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine. Well, let's see. have to be a white wine, of course.
Customer : Why? Wouldn't a red wine go well with sushi?
Salesperson : No, I don't think so. Sushi is a very delicately flavored food, and red wine would be a jarring contrast. You need a white wine, which has more subtle flavors, tocomplement the fish.
Customer : I see. So should I get a bottle of Chardonnay? That's a white wine, right?
Salesperson : Yes, Chardonnay is a white wine, but I'm not sure it'd be your best bet. Chardonnay is one of the more fullbodied whites, and tends to be a bit oaky. I'd suggest that you go for something brighter, like this Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.
Customer : Sauvignon Blanc? What's that?
Salesperson : That's another varietal, or type of grape, just like Chardonnay.
Customer : Let's see. The label says it's got "attractive citrus and grassy aromas that give way to crisp, mineral flavors and a bonedry finish. Serve chilled." Oh, no, how long will it take to chill the wine? I'm on my way to the dinner now.
Salesperson : It's OK, don't worry, we'll just choose a wine from the cooler. We don't have quite as extensive a selection over here, but...this Rhone Valley white would be lovely.
Customer : All right. What varietal is that?
Salesperson : Well, this is a French wine, so they don't always specify the varietal on the label. The French believe that the soil a grape is grown in is one of the most important factors in the final flavor of the wine. This wine is probably a blend of a few different types of grapes, mostly Viognier, I'd guess.
Customer : And you think this is a good wine?
Salesperson : Yes, this is one of our best-sellers. It's not quite as dry as the Sauvignon Blanc we were looking at earlier, which means it's more approachable. It's light and crisp, with a bit of a vanilla aroma.
Customer : Perfect! I'll take it!