Lesson Introduction
Here’s another great lesson for all you sci-fi fans out there. This podcast lesson’s all about Star Trek, and we’re going to be teaching you some easy, elementary vocabulary that will help you to understand and talk about sci-fi movies and TV shows.
A: Captain, we’re under attack by an unidentified ship.
B: Damage report.
A: We’ve sustained heavy damage to the engines.We’ve lost our warp drive.
B: We’ll have to attempt to make contact. This is Captain Picard of the Starship Enterprise. We don’t wish to engage. What is the nature of this attack?
C: I am Captain Kor of the ship Klothos. Your ship attacked our search party...
B: No! You’re not doing it right! Kor doesn’t sound like that. His voice is deeper!
C: I am Captain Kor of the ship Klothos. Your sh...
B: No! If you can’t do a Klingon voice, I’ll have to find a more serious Star Trek fan actor who actually
can, OK?
C: But... but... I already bought the Klingon suit! And the wig...
unidentified not known,having no identity
sustain to experience or suffer
warp drive the engine system used by a spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light
engage to start fighting
nature basic reason
search party an organized group of people sent to look for someone or somthing that is missing or lost
deep voice Low in pitch; resonant
wig artificial hair
phaser a ficticious, futuristic weapon that can stun or kill an enemy
bridge the central point of the ship where the captain comands and orders are taken
holodeck a virtual reality simulation room where places and scenarios can be loaded
beam up the action of transporting a person immediately from one place to another in less than a second
ensign a member of the crew with the lowest rank