教程:影视界  浏览:2281  
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    Arts and Entertainment 艺术和娱乐榜



    1、Top 1 Movie 最佳电影

    With this touching coming-of-age drama, writer-director Richard Linklater accomplished so many groundbreaking things at once: Filming nonprofessionalactor Ellar Coltrane over 12 years, then folding his actual youth andadolescence into a fictional story starring Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke,Linklater created a new cinematic language, allowing past and present to meshas seamlessly as they do in real life. He allowed his actors to age naturallyand gracefully on screen, defying Hollywood’s usual age-phobic strictures. Andhe created a portrait of a family evolving, yet staying the same, that movedand resonated with anyone who had ever been a parent, or a child, or both。

    作为一部感人至深的成长电影,作家兼导演RichardLinklater进行了大胆突破:追踪拍摄业余演员Ellar Coltrane长达12年的成长历程,并将其改编成小说和电影,由Patricia Arquette和Ethan Hawke出演。此外,Linklater 开创了一种新的电影语言,将过去和现在毫不突兀地融合在一起,如同现实中的生活。在他的电影中,演员自然而优雅地老去,毫无违和感。同时,他也描绘了一个不断变化,但却又从未真正改变的家庭,触动了无数父母和孩子的心,念念不忘,必有回响。

      上一篇:2014收入最高演员 詹妮弗•劳伦斯居 下一篇:经典巫师对决:甘道夫vs邓布利多 最强巫师大比拼


