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      在《超女》的季中末集中,简直就是刚离油锅,又入火海。Cat Grant发现了Kara的真实身份,但是她没有向大众曝光,而是向Kara道谢了。但是当这个负担从Kara身上卸下来的时候,氪星人在城里发起了大范围的攻击。超女不得不面对Non(Chris Vance饰)- 他的能力至少与超女的姨妈相当,但是对于杀死超女不会有一丝犹豫。

      其中一些演员和制作者坐下来和记者们谈起了一些这个同样拥有钢铁之躯的超女将来会发生的事情。主要出品人Ali Adler和Andrew Kreisberg与Melissa Benoist,Calista Flockhart,Chyler Leigh,David Harewood,还有Jeremy Jordan一起说起了前两集发生的事情会怎样贯穿本季剩下的那几集。

      从很多方面来看,Cat Grant都是Kara生活中最危险的一个女人,尤其是现在她还知道了Kara的真实身份。她不仅仅拥有让Kara的生活变的一团糟的能力,她还能让舆论大众与超女针锋相对,把Kara作为超级英雄的生活也搞的一塌糊涂。Benoist很喜欢这个紧张点,“她们之间的关系永远都会像坐过山车一样,这也是我最喜欢的地方之一,”她说。“这段关系一直在发展当中,并且甚至存在着一点母亲似的指引作用。她们俩也都缺少安全感。”



      Flockhart则深入到了更阴暗的一面。在漫画中,Adam Grant这个角色在更年轻的时候就死了,然后她就被吸引着去探索Cat Grant生活中的阴暗面了。“她酗酒,然后结婚了,就戒了酒,接着她的儿子就死了,她也就离婚了,又染上了酗酒的毛病。非常的黑暗,”她笑着说。“我觉得这点特别的棒。”


      那个火星猎人,他的秘密在一集之前刚被揭露,他也会在本季的下半部分当中有很大的戏份。J’onn J’onzz是最后一个火星人,至于他的同胞是怎么死的,这个故事会在第11集进行详述。“对我来说那是用情非常深的一集,只要想到种族灭绝,还有人被活活烧死就情不能已,”Harewood还说道,他们在拍摄这集的时候刚好是在巴黎事件前后,所以让拍摄的时候感情更为投入了。


      老Winslow Schott(喜欢超女的小宅男的爹)会在一月份回归的剧集当中首次出场。这个玩具人和他的儿子截然不同,Jordan不觉得在将来他会变的邪恶,至少这个变化不会很快到来。“不过我也不能完全排除这种可能,毕竟我也不清楚这个系列的详细计划走向,”他说。“我们可能会看到Winn的另一面”当他和他的父亲碰面的时候。“可能这一面一直都深深地埋在他的表象之下,印在他的血液里。”



      It was out of the frying pan and into the fire on the midseason finale ofSupergirl. Cat Grant has discovered Kara’s secret and, instead of exposing her, she thanks her. But while that burden is lifted off of our heroine’s shoulders, the Fort Rozz Kryptonians stage a full-scale assault on a National City mall and Supergirl must face Non (Chris Vance) — someone at least as powerful as her aunt, but with no qualms about killing her.

      Some of the cast and creators sat down with reporters to talk about what’s next for the Woman of Steel. Executive producers Ali Adler and Andrew Kreisberg joined Melissa Benoist, Calista Flockhart, Chyler Leigh, David Harewood, and Jeremy Jordan to talk about how the events of the last two episodes will resonate through the rest of the season.

      In many ways, Cat Grant is the most dangerous woman in Kara’s life, especially now that she knows who Supergirl really is. Not only does she have the power to make Kara’s life miserable, but she can also turn public opinion against her alter-ego, making her superhero life unmanageable too. Benoist loves that tension. “Their relationship is always going to be a rollercoaster and that’s one of my favorite things about it,” says the star. “It grows, and there’s this kind of almost maternal mentorship about it. They both have insecurities.”

      Flockhart sees their ups and downs a little differently. “Cat sees something special in Kara,” she explains. “She gives her advice without giving her advice and sort of tells her what to do by being nasty and suggesting it in her way. Nobody really gets that, but I think that’s because Cat is so good at it and so smart. She can manipulate that advice in a way that it doesn’t sound like advice.” How else can you mentor someone who can blow up cars with her eyes?

      The revelation of Cat’s secret son will definitely have an effect on Kara. “I like to think that, sometimes, the better Supergirl gets at her job, Kara’s personal life kind of suffers,” Benoist says, suggesting that there may be sparks between the two. “When she meets Adam that’s definitely the wrench in the machine of her life, in terms of CatCo.”

      Flockhart has a darker take. In the comics, the character of Adam Grant dies much younger, and she was drawn to the idea of exploring that grimmer version of Cat Grant’s life. “She was an alcoholic, and then she got married and sobered up, and then her son died and she got divorced and then she became an alcoholic again. It’s pretty dark,” she says with a chuckle. “I think that’s pretty awesome.”

      We will continue to see Alex be a strong grounding influence on Kara and the show as a whole. There’s the literal metaphor in the sparring room where the kryptonite reminds Kara of the ways in which Alex is her equal and even her superior. But there’s more to the relationship than sibling rivalry. Leigh’s favorite parts of the series center on that Kara-Alex relationship. “The scenes that we get to just be sisters: where it’s in the loft where we’re stuffing our faces with pizza or ice cream or whatever it is,” she says. “There’s a reality to that, that I think is very special.”

      Martian Manhunter, whose own secret was exposed just an episode before, will be explored a great deal in the second half of the season as well. J'onn J'onzz is the last Martian, and the story of how his people died will be told in episode 11. “It was a very emotional episode for me, just thinking about the whole idea of genocide and people being burned alive,” says Harewood, adding that they shot the episode “around the same time as the Paris attacks,” making it all the more emotional.

      For those who don’t know the character, Martian Manhunter’s powers are equal to and — in some respects — exceed those of even Superman. “What’s fun about that,” says Adler, “is that he’s got such tremendous powers so we finally get to use to our advantage all of these things that we’ve had to keep [hidden].” Which may mean we’ll see him in action in his full, green glory against the Kryptonians soon, but not without a little heartache. J'onn has been hiding for a long time — and for good reason. “In an upcoming episode,” says Kreisberg, “Alex is actually encouraging him to use his powers. She says, ‘What’s the difference between you and Kara?’ And he said, 'Your sister looks like a cheerleader, and I look like a monster.'”

      Winslow Schott, Sr. will make his first appearance when the series returns in January. The Toymaster is completely unlike his son, and Jordan doesn’t see a possible future in villainy happening anytime soon. “I can’t really rule it out because I don’t know what the big plans are for the whole series,” he says. “We’re gonna see a different side of Winn” when he meets his father. “Maybe it’s deep below the surface. It’s clearly in his blood.”

      The show has had a tremendous amount of attention from the beginning, which Adler said is not a problem for them. “If say, for example, there were a female president, every move she makes will be scrutinized, I promise. But at the end of the day, she’ll just have been the president, so it really doesn’t matter.” Now, half a season in, Adler said the talk is “less about her being female and more about her being Kara.” And Kreisberg echoes the sentiment. “Now that the show is out there and people have commented — both positively and negatively — we’ve been able to just go, 'Well, what’s making us happy?'” And that, he says, “Is always what’s our guiding star.”

      Supergirl returns Monday, Jan.4 at 8 p.m. on CBS.

      上一篇:卡梅隆首次透露《阿凡达》续集的最新动向 下一篇:《纸牌屋》第四季预告:纸牌屋第四季什么时候出已定!


