卡梅伦首相变“跑男” 乱入美食节目
教程:影视明星  浏览:342  
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    英国首相卡梅伦不仅爱自拍,最近还变身“跑男”在一档节目中成功抢镜。英国ITV电视台This Morning节目组近日在拍摄美食节目时,主持人(前排左二)突然发现“一枚追风的大叔”,定 睛一看,竟是正在晨跑的首相卡梅伦!激动万分的主持人随即高声呼喊首相的名字。但是显然 ,“跑男”卡梅伦正沉浸在自己的世界中,对主持人完全无视……。


    The Prime Minister took a break from running the country to jog along the South Bank in centralLondon - but he unwittingly photobombed the programme's outdoor studio.

    Amanda and stand-in presenter Gok Wan, filling in for Philip Schofield, were filming a food segmentwhen they were suddenly distracted by Cameron breezing by.

    Amanda shrieked with excitement as cameras panned to a sweaty-looking PM dressed in a navyblue T-shirt and black shorts.

    She said: 'OH! David Cameron is jogging on the South Bank,' before shouting after the PrimeMinister and urging him to join the set.

    The 44-year-old added: 'I can't believe that!'

    【Key Points】


    英文里,cause a stir或make a stir就是“引发轰动、引起轩然大波”的意思,stir在这里表示“混乱或骚动”。


    Last week’s nomination of Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce by President BarrackObama has caused a stir on this side of the Pacific.


      上一篇:贾斯丁比伯新爱好 哪些明星热衷拔火罐?(图) 下一篇:奥普拉经典场景回顾:2005年5月23日 汤姆·克鲁斯跳上沙发示爱

