教程:恋爱物语  浏览:986  
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    A slight altering of attitude and lifestyle will draw people to your new sex appeal.

    You Will Need

    • Confidence
    • Healthy diet
    • Rest
    • Exercise
    • Red clothes, lipstick or accessories
    • Dating plan
    • Positive attitude
    • High-heels (optional)

    Step 1: Believe in yourself充满自信
    Believe in your own sex appeal. Tell yourself daily that you deserve the best.

    Step 2: Take care of yourself健康第一
    Take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and exercising. Sex appeal emanates from a healthy physical appearance.

    Step 3: Wear red 多穿红色
    Wear red. Studies show that the color red invokes sexier feelings.

    Women finding the color red sexy on men may be related to red symbolizing dominance in male primates.

    Step 4: Stick out your behind气质高雅
    Show off your bottom. All other primates send and receive sexual signals through their behinds.

    High-heels help show off a sexy butt.

    Step 5: Do what makes you happy笑对生活
    Do things that make you happy. Happiness shows on faces, minimizes wrinkles, and adds to sex appeal.

    Step 6: Develop a dating plan计划约会
    Develop a plan for dating. Once you begin this process and start attracting people, more sex appeal will develop.

    Step 7: Keep a positive attitude态度积极
    Maintain a positive attitude, and only engage with people who are positive. Positive forces attract other positive forces – all adding to that sex appeal.

    vt. 1.应受, 应得, 值得
    He deserves a reward for his efforts.
    他积极努力, 值得奖赏。
    He deserved to be punished.
    n. 1.优势;支配地位,统治地位;控制力
    It was to be even longer before their dominance over the party was eroded.
    n. 1.灵长类;灵长目动物
    14 per cent of primate species are highly endangered.
    14% 的灵长类物种处于高度濒危状态。
    Stick out
    1.伸出来, 突出; 竖起
    Your hair is sticking out in the back.

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