双语漫威故事《惊奇队长》 第六章
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    Chapter 6



    Kamala and Thor investigated six abandoned plants before they finally found one with a light glimmering dimly in one of its broken windows.



    “This has got to be him,” Kamala whispered, as they landed in the courtyard outside the plant. Thor nodded. He tilted his head, listening.



    “I hear voices,” he said. “Many voices. If this is truly the Inventor's stronghold, he has others defending it with him.”



    Kamala shook her head to clear it. It was nearly 4:00 a.m., and she was so tired. “If it's more of those birdlike Inhumans, I can probably take a few of them at once,” she said. Then she yawned so widely it felt like her jaw was going to fall off.



    Thor smiled. “I do not think you could take on a stiff breeze right now,” he said gently. “He will still be here tomorrow. Let us get you home.”



    “But I—” Kamala said, cutting herself off with another yawn.



    “You are in no shape for a showdown,” Thor said. He put his arm around her waist and swung his hammer up. “Let's get you to bed.”



    Kamala nodded sleepily as they rocketed into the sky. “Okay,” she said. “Bed.”



    Kamala Khan woke up feeling like death warmed over. She squinted blearily at her alarm clock, which was bleeping at her. 7:00 a.m. Time to get up. Time to eat breakfast. Time to go to school. Time to take that big Biology test.



    Kamala sat bolt upright, her heart hammering in her chest.



    “The test!” she yelled. She had forgotten all about the big Biology test. She hadn't even studied—



    “Nakia!” she yelled even louder. She'd blown off her study date the night before with Nakia!



    “Oh my glob,” she moaned. “I'm going to fail the test, and Nakia is never going to forgive me.”



    Kamala was almost afraid to go to her locker that morning. And sure enough, there was Nakia, adjusting her hijab in front of her mirror. When she saw Kamala approaching, Nakia shut her locker and turned.



    “Nakia, I'm so sorry—” Kamala started.



    “I texted you twenty-two times,” Nakia said.



    “I know,” Kamala moaned. She'd seen the texts when she finally checked her phone, on the way to school that morning.



    “Where were you?” Nakia asked.



    “I...” Kamala shook her head. “I don't want to lie to you. But I can't tell you that.”



    “I don't even want to see your face right now,” Nakia said. She turned and walked into the Biology classroom. Numbly, Kamala followed her.



    Kamala made it halfway through the Biology test before she just gave up.



    “May I go to the bathroom?” she asked, raising her hand.



    “Not during a test,” Mr. Lukoff said.



    “I'm done,” Kamala said. She handed the half-filled-out test to Mr. Lukoff and left the room.



    Kamala managed to keep it together until she got to the girls' bathroom. Tears began to stream down her face and she punched the tiled wall.



    Kamala was so angry she could hardly think. Everything was falling apart, and it was all the Inventor's fault!



      上一篇:双语漫威故事《惊奇队长》 第五章 下一篇:双语漫威故事《惊奇队长》 第七章


