Chapter 9
“Hulk!” yelled Tony. The giant looked at Tony and grimaced. Or maybe it was a smile. It was kind of hard to tell. “Smash!”
The Hulk ran head-on into the sea of A.I.M. agents, their weapons blazing. The Hulk shrugged and tossed agents left and right. One landed next to Tony.
“Enough!” commanded M.O.D.O.K., and his voice seemed to fill every part of the room. A beam of light issued from his headband, blasting the Hulk in the face. The Hulk roared in anger, then collapsed to the ground, holding his head.
A Phantom turned toward the Cosmic Bridge Generator. It moved its fingers over the watch on its wrist and the generator came to life. It glowed red, and creepy humanoid shapes began to emerge from within.
一个幽灵转向宇宙连接生成器。它的手指在手腕上的手表中移动着,激活了生成器。生成器发出红光,内部开始 出现令人毛骨悚然的人形。
More Phantoms.
“Good to see you guys!” said Tony as the Phantoms advanced toward him.
“Who are you talking to, human?” asked a Phantom as it morphed its arm into a tentacle and wrapped it around Tony.
Tony gasped, “Over . . . there.”
The Phantom sneered, “What are y—” then caught Captain America's shield in the face and lost its grip on Tony.
“We didn't follow you all the way from Antarctica to let one of those things get you,” said Cap as Falcon and Black Widow took the fight to A.I.M. Tony smiled at his teammates. I'm one lucky shellhead, he thought, lucky to have friends who've always got my back.
“Never mind that,” replied Tony. “These aliens plan on using this generator to invade our world!”
“So let's blow it to pieces!” said Black Widow, knocking an A.I.M. agent to the ground.
“Tried it. It's made out of some kind of material that isn't blow-up-able.”
“Is that even a word?” asked Falcon, punching an A.I.M. agent through the helmet.
Cap smiled at Tony. “So if force alone won't do it, what will?”
“Teamwork,” offered Tony. “We can start by helping the Hulk. Can you take out M.O.D.O.K.'s psi-beam?”
After assessing the situation, Captain America had only to look at Falcon.
With the speed of his namesake, Falcon swooped in from above, raking one of his hard-light wings against M.O.D.O.K.'s face. His attack against the Hulk cut short, M.O.D.O.K. found himself face to face with Falcon's fury!
The A.I.M. agents scrambled to aid their fallen leader, but they had their own problem in the form of Black Widow! Like a one-woman wrecking crew, she tore through the agents. Using all the martial arts prowess at her command, Widow attacked relentlessly, never slowing.
“Cap! I know how we can stop these guys . . . but I'm gonna need your help,” said Tony. The two raced toward their green-skinned teammate.
“That's what friends are for,” said Cap.
Cap and Tony were cut off from the Hulk. A line of Phantoms formed between them, shape-shifting into gruesome monsters. They looked like dinosaurs gone horribly wrong. Sharp talons, fangs, spiked tails, and long sinewy limbs. The creatures let loose an unearthly sound and continued to close in on the heroes.
“Puny monsters,” growled the Hulk, smashing his enormous fists into the ground and sending the creatures flying.
“Can you keep these things busy, Hulk?” asked Tony. The Hulk grunted, grabbing one of the Phantoms by its tail. He whirled it around his head, then let go.
“So that's a yes,” said Tony. “Come with me, Cap!”
Captain America ran alongside Tony and they slid to a stop at the base of the generator.
Tony shook his head. “The generator can transport things from the Phantoms' home world to Earth and vice versa. But what happens if we program the generator to transport itself?”
“I give up,” Cap said. “What happens?”
“I don't know,” replied Tony. “But I'll bet you a brand-new space bike the Phantoms will hate it.”
A no-holds-barred brawl raged in A.I.M. headquarters. M.O.D.O.K. tried in vain to hit Falcon with his psi-beam as the winged hero circled above. Black Widow continued her assault against the A.I.M. agents. There were only a few left standing at that point. Meanwhile, the Hulk smashed monster after monster.
“I'll need you to throw your shield into the generator on my mark!” shouted Tony. Cap just looked at him. “Don't worry, you'll get it back!”
The star-spangled Avenger moved like a red-white-and-blue blur, knocking back the alien invaders. “Whatever you're going to do, do it fast!”
Tony's fingers raced along the generator's controls. Just a few seconds, thought Tony. Just a few seconds . . .
“Now!” cried Tony, and Cap hurled his shield into the Cosmic Bridge Generator just as the giant machine hummed to life. The shield hit the crackling red energy, and the entire room glowed red.
As the red veil lifted from the room, Tony Stark looked around. He saw Cap's shield resting on the floor. The generator was gone—and along with it, every last trace of the Phantoms . . . and M.O.D.O.K., too. All that remained were the Avengers and the defeated agents of A.I.M.
“Well, what do you know,” Tony said. “It worked!”
“What did you do?” asked Cap, picking up his shield.
“I used your Vibranium shield to reflect the generator's energies on itself,” Tony explained. “The generator has transported itself, along with the Phantoms and M.O.D.O.K. . . . somewhere in space and time.”