The Story of Gamora
The Zen-Whoberis were a peaceful humanoid race, living in harmony, until a group of violent aliens arrived on their planet. The militaristic creatures invaded, destroying everything in their path and wiping the Zen-Whoberis completely off the cosmic map. When the dust settled, there was a single survivor, an infant known as GAMORA. The child was taken in by the mad Titan THANOS, who sought to turn her into a war machine, molded precisely to do his evil bidding. He delighted in pitting Gamora against her adopted sister, NEBULA, and the two little girls fought for their father's affection. Gamora became an expert fighter and swordswoman, her viciousness earning her quite the bad reputation. But when she realized just how much she'd been manipulated by her villainous father, Gamora rebelled. She decided instead to become a force for good. Thanos was more than displeased, vowing ultimate revenge on Gamora for disobeying his orders. Nebula, however, stood by her father and shamed her sister for her disobedience. Gamora aligned herself with a handful of adventurers over the years until eventually settling down with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Despite her alliances, she remains an outsider searching for kinship in a vast and unsettling universe, struggling to come to terms with her painful past. For the moment, she's content being known as GAMORA: THE DEADLIEST WOMAN IN THE GALAXY.
真-霍伯利斯是一个爱好和平的类人种族,他们一直和谐地生活着,直到一群暴力的外星人闯入他们的星球。这群武力至上的生物入侵后,将他们所到之处的一切都尽数摧毁,连真-霍伯利斯也被他们从宇宙地图上完全抹去了。当尘埃落定时,只剩下一个幸存者:那是一个名叫卡魔拉的婴儿,她被疯狂的泰坦·萨诺斯掳走了。他试图把卡魔拉变成一台战斗机器,为了让她执行自己的邪恶命令而精心训练她。他喜欢挑唆卡魔拉和同样由他收养的妹妹星云一决高下,两个小女孩为了争夺父爱而对抗。卡魔拉成了一名女武士、一台能力超群的战斗机器,但她的残暴使她名声扫地。 然而,当她意识到自己被邪恶的养父所操控的时候,卡魔拉奋起反抗,决定弃恶从善。她的养父非常恼火,发誓要让卡魔拉为违抗父命付出代价。而星云却站在养父这一边,以姐姐的公然抗命为耻。后来,卡魔拉和一些冒险家结盟,并且一结盟就是好多年。最终,她加入了银河护卫队。尽管有了联盟,她仍然是孤单一人,在浩瀚无垠又危机四伏的宇宙中寻找亲情,隐忍着接受她痛苦的过去。如今,她很高兴自己被称为卡魔拉:银河系中最致命的女人。