第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:影片简介 |

Janine: Okay, so clearly he hasn't called. Maybe he's away on business.
Gigi: He sells real estate. In Baltimore. Staying in town is his business.
Janine: Right. Well, look, let me tell you. After I went out with Ben for the first time, he didn't call me for 11 days. Eleven days. And now he's the world's best husband. That happens all the time.
Gigi: Really?
Janine: Really.
Gigi: You want coffee? I got you 2 percent.
Janine: Thanks.
Gigi: This is all your fault.
Janine: What? Why?
Gigi: You set us up.
Janine: No. You asked me if I know any guys, and I gave Conor your phone number. That's not a setup. When I do a setup, I weigh the pros and cons. I do my due diligence. All I know about Conor is that he sold us this house. Seriously, stop.
Gigi: He said he always hangs out after work at the City Supper Club. Maybe I should do a little drive-by?
Janine: Please don't. He'll call.
Girl: Okay, I have a question: Why'd they even invent caller ID? It's, like, who is this service helping? I mean, for centuries...Okay, well maybe not centuries, but for, like, a lot and lot of years...people have been answering their phone, not knowing who it is...and as far as I can tell, no one's died from that. And it's like if the police wanna know who placed a call, they could trace it. I mean, what am I, the police? This constant obsession with needing to know who's calling all the time...it's, like, so gross. Like, you pick up the phone, you find out who it is, then you know. It's, like...Look, all I'm saying...if a guy doesn't call me, I would like to reserve the right...to call him at 15-minute intervals until he picks up. But if he looks down and sees my numbers, he's gonna think I'm some kind of psycho or something. Which I'm not. Obviously.
Gigi: Hello? Mom. I gotta call you back.
Coach: Inhale. Upward-facing dog. Look up towards the ceiling. Look up towards the ceiling.
Gigi: He ordered more drinks for us when the waitress came. He remembered exactly what I wanted. He initiated the hug. He said it was nice meeting me.
Janine: So wait. This was at the end of the date or the beginning of the date?
Gigi: End. Why, does it matter?
Janine: Yeah. "Nice meeting you" at the beginning of the date, that's normal. "Nice meeting you" at the end of the date...It could be a blowoff.
Gigi: Maybe it was at the beginning.
Janine: Okay. That's fine. He's gonna call.
Gigi: Or maybe it was at the end. Or maybe it was just nice to meet me.
Beth: Help. Hi. This is torture. How am I supposed to come up with something pithy and dynamic to say about cinnamon blends?
Gigi: It's hard to focus on nutmeg when the guy who might be the guy of my dreams refuses to call me.
Beth: After my first date with Neil, I called him. There are no rules anymore. And, I mean, why should you have to wait for him to get off his ass?
Gigi: It's ringing.
Janine: That's pretty standard.
Phone voice: Hey, you've reached Conor.
Gigi: Yes! Voicemail.
Phone voice: Leave a message, I'll get back to you.
Gigi: Notes. "Hey, Conor, it's Gigi. I just thought, I hadn't heard from you...and how stupid is it that a gal has to wait for a guy's call anyway, right?" What does that say? What's that say? Because we're all equal, right? More than equal. More women are accepted into law school now than men. And, I mean, I don't know if you saw that Dateline, but women practically have penises now, right? So...Call me. Oh, this is Gigi. Call me.
Janine: Don't worry, he's totally gonna call.

Gigi: What? How can there not be a dial tone? How can there not be a dial tone? No dial tone. Come here, dial tone.
Gigi’s mother: Gigi, are you there? Hello, Gigi?
Gigi: Mom, is that you?
Gigi’s mother: Yes.
Gigi: I can't talk now, I'll call you back.
Gigi’s mother: Wait, I need you to-
Phone voice: Hi, it's Janine. Leave a message.
Gigi: Hi, Janine, it's me. Conor never called, so I'm on the precipice of staging a casual run-in at the City Supper Club. Pick up if you wanna stop me. All right, I'm interpreting your silence as tacit compliance. Bye.