第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
Neil: Hey. That look straight to you?
Beth: Why are you hanging that?
Neil: Because you asked me to about three weeks ago. I'm getting around to it. Why? You don't want it here?
Beth: No, I love it there. But just stop.
Neil: Why? Is it the painting? You know, I know, it looks kind of like a deflated boob here. Right? I know. It's gonna be depressing. Should I take it down?
Beth: No, I want you to stop doing anything nice.
Neil: This feels like a trick.
Beth: No.
Neil: No?
Beth: No, I just- I just need you to stop being nice to me...unless you're gonna marry me after. Is that funny? Do you think that's funny?
Neil: No, I guess it's not funny.
Beth: See, you can't keep being nice to me...and I can't keep pretending that this is something that it's not. We've been together for over seven years. You know me, you know who I am. You either wanna marry me or you don't.
Neil: Or there's the possibility...that I mean it when I say I don't believe in marriage-
Beth: Bullshit. Bullshit. Come on, it's bullshit for every woman that has been told by some man that he doesn't believe in marriage and then...six months later he's married to some 24-year-old that he met at a gym. It's just- It's bullshit.
Neil: Where is this coming from?
Beth: It's coming from the place I've been hiding from you for about five years.
Neil: Okay.
Beth: Five years, because I haven't wanted to seem demanding. And I haven't wanted to seem clingy or psycho. Or whatever. So I haven't asked you. But I...I have to. I mean...are you ever gonna marry me? Oh, I can't do this anymore.
Woman 1: I used to think that I had never been dumped.
Woman 2: Yeah, then we started comparing notes. Then we realized, wait a second, we've both been dumped by every man we've ever been with.
Woman 1: Every one.
Woman 2: Yeah.
Woman 1: But they do it so skillfully.
Woman 2: Mm-hm.
Woman 1: They just so sneaky that you think it was your idea.
Woman 2: Yeah. You know, you're sitting back and you're like: "Oh, oh, oh, oh yeah. This my idea. But wait a second, why am I alone?"
Woman 1: “Why am I unhappy? Why have I gained 20 pounds?"
Woman 2: Mm-hm.
Woman 1: They Jedi mind-trick you.
Woman 2: Yes, they do.
Woman 1: So they do a soft pass.
Woman 2: Yeah, yeah. They got little lines they like to tell you.
Woman 1: Like, "I don't wanna stand in your way."
Woman 2: Or, "You're perfect, it's just I have to work on myself."
Woman 1: Right. "I'm just thinking of your happiness."
Woman 2: "Oh, I don't deserve you." That's my favorite one.
Woman 1: You know the other one I like? "I am so jealous of the guy who gets to marry you." Well, that could have been you.
Woman 2: Yeah.
Woman 1: That's what I was leaning towards.
Woman 2: Yeah. And I’m telling you something. The second you hear that, you just run to the store, get yourself some ribs and some ice cream, because you have been dumped.