道林·格雷 Dorian Gray 精讲之六
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    Victor: A visitor, sir.

    Gray: To what do I owe the pleasure?

    Emily: I thought you might like to join me for lunch.

    Gray: No, I don't think...

    Emily: I made a picnic.

    Gray: Yes, well, I'm afraid I...I'd rather stay at home today.

    Emily: Serious?

    Gray: It's going to rain.

    Emily: Tell me, Mr Gray. Must you always play the cynic? Hm?


    Dorian Gray《道林·格雷》精讲之六


    Emily: Look up.

    Gray: Actually, I'd rather you didn't...

    (Shutter clicks)

    Emily: Oblige me, Mr Gray.

    Gray: Have you been pursuing this delightful hobby for long?

    Emily: No. It's a gift from my father. In return, he made me promise that I wouldn't chain myself to any more railings. For suffrage, Mr Gray. Well, don't you think that women should be given the vote?

    Gray: I don't believe a woman should be given anything she can't wear in the evening.

    Emily: What a loss to the Front you are. Think of all those Germans that you could bayonet with your epigrams.

    Gray: I do apologise if I offend.

    Emily: Oh, no, you'll have to do rather better to offend me.

    Gray: Then I humbly vow to redouble my efforts.

    Emily: You know, I wonder if it's true, what they say about you. That beneath all the charm, you're in fact quite heartless?

    Gray: They say I'm charming?

    Emily: They say that you devote your whole life to pleasure. Well, it's clearly to be recommended. If I look as good as you in 25 years, I shall be thoroughly happy.

    Gray: I can assure you, pleasure is very different from happiness. I mean, some things are more precious because they don't last.

    Emily: Mr Gray...I believe I know your secret. You do have a heart.

    Gray: Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.

    Emily: How terrifying.

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