
Thomas: Yes, Nina?
Nina: Do you have a minute? Now's not a good time. I get it.
Thomas: Now is perfect. So...
Nina: I just wanted to tell you that I practiced the coda last night and I finished. I thought you should know.
Thomas: Okay, Nina, listen. Honestly, I don't care about your technique. You should know that by now.
Nina: Yeah, but yesterday...
Thomas: No. Anyway...I've already chosen Veronica. So...Sorry.
Nina: Okay, thank you.
Thomas: That's it? You're not going to try and change my mind? You must have thought it was possible. Otherwise, what are you doing here all dolled up?
Nina: I came to ask for the part.
Thomas: Well...The truth is...When I look at you, all I see is the White Swan. Yes, you're beautiful, fearful, fragile. Ideal casting. But the Black Swan? It's a hard fucking job to dance both.
Nina: I can dance the Black Swan, too.
Thomas: Really? In four years, every time you dance, I see you obsess getting each and every move perfectly right, but I never see you lose yourself. Ever. All that discipline for what?
Nina: I just want to be perfect.
Thomas: You what?
Nina: I want to be perfect.
Thomas: Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence. And very few have it in them.
Nina: I think I do have it in me.
Thomas: You bit me? I can't believe you bit me!
Nina: I'm sorry.
Thomas: Man, that fucking hurt!
Veronica: What? Why's she always staring at me?
Girl: Hey, it's been posted. Hey, it's out!
Nina: Veronica. Congratulations.
Veronica: Hey! Why would you say that? Your idea of some sick joke?
Nina: What?
Veronica: Fuck you.
Girl 1: Hey, Nina! Congratulations!
Girl 2: Congratulations.
Girl 3: Congratulations. You're so beautiful.
Girl 4: Congratulations.
Erica: Hello?
Nina: Hi.
Erica: What is it? What's wrong?
Nina: I'm fine. He picked me, Mummy. Do you hear me?
Erica: For Swan Lake?
Nina: I'm going to be Swan Queen! Mom! I'll be home soon. I just wanted to let you know.
Erica: I love you.
Nina: I love you, too.