Veronica: Did you see Beth today? I can't believe she's back.
Galina: Of course she's back.
Veronica: What, she can't take a hint? The company is broke. No one comes to see her anymore.
Galina: Oh, nobody actually comes to see ballet full stop.
Veronica: That's not true. I heard The Royal had one of their best seasons yet.
Galina: He just needs to try something new. That's all.
Veronica: No, someone new.
Galina: Like who?
Veronica: Like someone who's not approaching menopause.
Nina: It's sad.
Veronica: What's sad?
Nina: Beth's such a beautiful dancer.
Galina: Yeah, so is my grandmother.
Nina: Well Fonteyn danced into her fifties.
Veronica: Yeah, we know.
Lily: Great. Thought I'd fucking missed my stop. It's a hell-fit all the way from 79th. OK.
Coach: Beautiful as always, Nina. Relax. And one, and two, and three, and four. Stop, John. One second. Okay, take position. And one, and two, and three, and up. And one, and two, and three, and four.

Thomas: Hello, dear. We all know the story. Virginal girl, pure and sweet, trapped in the body of a swan. She desires freedom that only true love can break the spell. Her wish is nearly granted in the form of a Prince. But before he can declare his love, the lustful twin, the Black Swan, tricks and seduces him. Devastated, the White Swan leaps off a cliff, killing herself. And in death...finds freedom. Good morning, company.
Girls: Good morning.
Thomas: We will open our season with Swan Lake. Done to death, I know. But not like this. We strip it down, make it visceral and real. A new production needs a new Swan Queen. A fresh face to present to the world. But... Which of you can embody both Swans? The White, and the Black. All the soloists I tapped: Go to your scheduled rehearsals this afternoon. And the girls I didn't tap: Meet me in the principals' studio at 5:00. Thank you.
Coach: All right. Let's go. Did we do left side?
Girl: Yes, mistress.