
Eric: You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?
Bella: I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type.
Eric: Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page.
Bella: No, I'm not. (Stutters) You...Please don't have any sort of...
Eric: Chillax. No feature.
Bella: Okay, thanks.
Eric: Cool?
Girl: All right. Okay. Yeah.
(Girls Chattering)
Girl: Get it! Get it! Get it!
(Bella Grunts)
Girl 1: To you!
Mike: Whoa!
Bella: I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play.
Mike: No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't...You're Isabella, right?
Bella: Just Bella.
Mike: Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton.
Bella: Nice to meet you.
Mike: Yeah, yeah.
Jessica: She's got a great spike, huh?
Mike: (Chuckles) Yeah, it's...
Jessica: I'm Jessica, by the way. Hey, you're from Arizona, right?
Bella: Yeah.
Jessica: Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan?
Bella: Yeah. Maybe that's why they kicked me out.
(Mike and Jessica Laughing)
Mike: You're good.
Jessica: That's so funny.
Girl: Back in, Jess.
Boy: Down here.
Eric: Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, and then you guys can...
Mike: It's my pleasure, Madame.
Eric: You guys can give each other high fives.
Mike: Burrito, my friend?
Eric: Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella?
Mike: Hey. Your home girl?
Eric: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah?
Tyler: That's...My girl. Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike!
Eric: Tyler.
(All laughing)
Tyler: Yes!
Jessica: Oh, my God. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy.
Angela: Smile.
Bella: Okay.
Angela: Sorry.I needed a candid for the feature.
Eric: The feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again.
Bella: It's okay, I just...
Eric: I got your back, baby.