Shira: You don't remember my name, do you? It's OK. It's Shira, and you look like you could use some coffee.
Adam: Yes. Coffee's good. I got...Where are my pants?
Shira: I don't know. They could be anywhere. Here's your coffee.
Adam: Thank you. Did you have a good time last night?
Shira: It was all right. Nothing special.
Adam: Listen, I want you to know that...I respect you.
Shira: Thank you.
Adam: Normally, I would remember the name of someone that I've...
Shira: What? Oh, my God. Did you think we had sex? Oh, my God, we did not have sex.
Boy: Hey, Adam. You left your socks in my room.
Adam: Did I?
Boy: You did.
Adam: Did I, by chance, leave my pants in your room?
Boy: No. When we met, you weren't wearing pants.
Patrice: Stop teasing him, you guys.
Adam: Patrice. Hey, I know you. What happened last night? Did we do it?
Patrice: We had sex. Yeah. I really liked it. I didn't know that my body could handle that much pain. And that I would like it.
Emma: You're up.
Adam: Emma. You live here?
Emma: Yep. You feeling any better?
Adam: Did I have sex with anyone in this apartment last night?
Emma: No, you didn't.
Patrice: No. Sorry. You didn't.
Adam: Thank you. Yeah, that's... that's funny. Let's make fun of the hung-over naked guy.
Emma: But I do have your pants, so if you want them, come with me.
Adam: Yes. Thank you.
Patrice: You don't have to feel embarrassed, because we're all doctors, so we see literally hundreds of penises a week.
Boy: I see thousands.
Shira: I just pulled a penis out of a VitaminWater yesterday. So, we are cool with penises here.
Patrice: We're professionals.
Adam: Well...It has been a pleasure.
Patrice: Bravo. Nice. Bravo, bravo.
Boy: Yep, I'm definitely gay.
Adam: So, how did I get here?
Emma: You texted me that it was an emergency, and then I texted you my address, and then you came over. And I think you thought you were at home, because you started taking off all your clothes.
Adam: Oh, God.
Emma: Here are your pants.
Adam: Thank you. So... Did I just pass out on your couch?
Emma: No. No, then you did this thing. It was...like a dance?
Adam: Dance?
Emma: Yeah, like...
Adam: I shook my dick at you?
Emma: Yeah.
Adam: Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
Emma: No, no, it was... it was exciting. It was like you were cheering while you were doing it. You were like, "Look at my dick!"
Adam: Did you look at it?
Emma: Yeah, I looked. It was nice. You have a really nice penis.
Adam: Nice?
Emma: It seems kind of like carefree.
Adam: Jesus. I don't know where to start. My dad's...My dad's dating my ex-girlfriend.
Emma: You told me about it last night.
Adam: Did I tell you like in a charming way? Was I like charming and funny when I told you?
Emma: Yeah. You were...naked and crying.
Adam: I'm a mess.
Emma: Hey. It's gonna be OK.
Adam: Thanks. Seriously. Thank you.
Emma: I should probably get ready now. I don't want to be late.
Adam: Yeah, it's... You don't want to be late.
Emma: No, that would be bad.