
Christina: I took your advice, it was good advice, thank you. You look pale, everything ok? Shawn, Shawn! Hey. Anyway listen, I wanted to tell you, the only reason why I canceled. He calls three times a day. I hear more from him now, than I did when we were together. What is it with guys? I gave notice.
Captain Stevens: Notice?
Conductor: May I see your ticket?
Captain Stevens: I ehh...
Christina: Hey. Hey. You are acting really strange this morning, are you ok?
Black man: Are we gonna make up the 10 minutes?
Conductor: We gonna try, Sir.
Max Denoff: Hey, grandpa, what the heck was the delay back there?
Conductor: I just purge the tickets, Sir.
Max Denoff: I'd punch your face.
Christina: Shawn, did I do something?
Captain Stevens: Look, I can see, that you think you know me but I don't know who you are. My name is Captain Colter Stevens. I fly Helicopters for the US-Army in Afghanistan.
Christina: Shawn, that's....
Captain Stevens: Shawn? I feel sick.
Kid: Damn it!
Captain Stevens: Oh, I am sorry! Right, let me help you with that.
Kid: No, it's ok.
Student: Hey Mister... Hey! You dropped this!
Derek Frost: Thanks!
Student: Appreciate it.
Captain Stevens: What is that?
Student: Chicago.
Broadcasting: All on board, doors are closing. This is a Chicago-down train.
Christina: You ok there, captain?
Captain Stevens: Did you see that?
Christina: You kinda freak me out.
Captain Stevens: No... No, no, no, no, no.
Identity card: Sean Fentress. Teacher.
Christina: Are you all right?
Captain Stevens: I don't know what's going on.
Christina: Talk to me Shawn!
Captain Stevens: I don't know who Shawn is, and I don't know who you are!
Christina: Ok we can get off at the next stop and forget whatever is going on here, ok?
Captain Stevens: This doesn't belong to me.
Christina: Look at me, everything is gonna be ok!
Goodwin: Captain Colter Stevens, this is beleaguered castle. Captain Colter Stevens, this is beleaguered Castle. Acknowledge transmission! Captain Stevens, do you copy?
Captain Stevens: Where am I?
Goodwin: You are with "Beleaguered Castle". Are you functional?
Captain Stevens: I am dizzy. Did I ... Did I just a-lock?
Goodwin: Adjusting your orientation. Can you report it this time?
Captain Stevens: What is this? What is this? Where....who am I talking to?

Goodwin: Captain, report what you saw.
Captain Stevens: I don't understand it.
Goodwin: Where were you, before you were talking to me?
Captain Stevens: There was an explosion.
Goodwin: Coming from where? Some confusion is perfectly normal at this stage, Captain. Do you have a visual signal?
Captain Stevens: Who are you?
Goodwin: You already have that information captain.
Captain Stevens: I do?
Goodwin: Recall my name. We'll rebuild the pattern. Try to focus.
Captain Stevens: I...I was on a mission. I was flying and...then I woke up on a train. Now I am here. I need to be briefed. What unit is this?
Goodwin: You're with Beleaguered Castle.