Section A
Directions:In this section,you will heartwolong conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once. Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1.A)Her house has not been repaired in time.
B)She has failed to reach the manager again.
C)Her claim has been completely disregarded
D)She has not received any letter from the man.
2.A)The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.
B)Their caravan was washed away by the flood.
C)Their entire house was destroyed by the flood.
D)The roof of their cottage collapsed in the food.
3.A)The woman's misreading of the insurance company's letter.
B)The woman's ignorance of the insurance company's policy.
C)The woman's inaccurate description of the whole incident.
D)The woman's failure to pay her house insurance in time.
4.A)File a lawsuit against the insurance company.
B)Talk to the manager of Safe House Insurance.
C)Consult her lawyer about the insurance policy.
D)Revise the terms and conditions of the contract.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.A)They work in different fields of AI technology.
B)They disagree about the future of AI technology.
C)They differ greatly in their knowledge of modern technology.
D)They are both worried about the negative impact of technology.
6.A)Simply writing AI software
B)Stimulating and motivating.
C)Less time-consuming and focusing on creation.
D)More demanding and requiring special training.
7.A)There could be jobs nobody wants to do.
B)Digital life could replace human civilization.
C)Humans would be tired of communicating with one another
D)Old people would be taken care of solely by unfeeling robots.
8.A)Life will become like a science fiction film.
B)It will take away humans jobs altogether.
C)Chips will be inserted in human brains.
D)It will be smarter than human beings.
Section B
Directions: In this section,you will hear twopassages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear aquestion,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding leter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
9.A)Restrain themselves from high-risk investments.
B)Save one-fifth of their net monthly income.
C)Invest shrewdly in lucrative businesses.
D)Try to earn as much money as possible.
10.A)Start by doing something small.
B)Ask a close friend for advice
C)Try to stick to their initial plan.
D)Cut 20% of their daily spending.
11.A)An optimistic attitude.
B)An ambitious plan.
C)A proper mindset.
D)A keen interest.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12.A)She was uninterested in advertising.
B)She found her outfit inappropriate.
C)She was unhappy with fashion trends
D)She often checked herself in a mirror.
13.A)To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day.
B)To meet the expectations of fashion-conscious clients.
C)To keep up with the current trends.
D)To save the expenses on clothing.
14.A)It enhances people's ability to work independently
B)It helps people succeed in whatever they are doing.
C)It matters a lot in jobs involving interaction with others.
D)It boosts one's confidence when looking for employment.
15.A)Design their own uniform to appear unique.
B)Wear classic pieces to impress their clients.
C)Fight the ever-changing trends in fashion.
D)Do whatever is possible to look smart.
Section C
Directions: In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions l6 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.
16.A)Their obsession with consumption.
B)Their failure to accumulate wealth.
C)The ever-increasing costs of housing.
D)The deterioration of the environment.
17.A)Things that are rare to find.
B)Things that cost less money
C)Things that boost efficiency.
D)Things that we cherish most.
18.A)They serve multiple purposes.
B)They benefit the environment.
C)They are mostly durable.
D)They are easily disposable.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.
19.A)All respondents were afraid of making a high expense claim.
B)A number of respondents gave an average answer of 400 miles.
C)Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance they drove.
D)Most of the respondents got compensated for driving 384 miles.
20.A)They responded to colleagues'suspicion.
B)They cared about other people's claims.
C)They wanted to protect their reputation.
D)They endeavored to actually be honest.
21.A)They seem positive.
B)They seem intuitive.
C)They are illustrative.
D)They are conclusive.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
22.A)Deterioration in the quality of new music.
B)Insights into the features of good music.
C)Older people's changing musical tastes.
D)Older people's aversion to new music.
23.A)They no longer listen to new music.
B)They find all music sounds the same.
C)They can make subtle distinctions about music.
D)They seldom listen to songs released in their teens.
24.A)The more you are exposed to something,the more familiar it'll be to you.
B)The more you are exposed to something,the deeper you'll understand it.
C)The more you experience something,the longer you'll remember it.
D)The more you experience something,the better you'll appreciate it.
25.A)Teenagers'memories are more lasting.
B)Teenagers'emotions are more intense.
C)Teenagers are much more sensitive.
D)Teenagers are much more sentimental.
Section A
Conversation One
1-M:Good morning,Safe House Insurance.My name is Paul.How can I help you today?
2-W:Morning.I wouldn't say that it's good from where I am standing.This is Miss Wilson and this is the thirdtime I've called this week since receiving your letter about our insurance claim.I'm getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.
3-M:Miss Wilson,thank you for calling back.Can I take some details to help me look at your claim?
4-W:It's Miss May Wilson of 15 South Sea Road in Cornwall,and the details are that our village was extensively flooded 2 months ago.The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water and five of us have been living in a caravan ever since.You people are still withholding the money we are entitled to over a bizarre technical detail.And it's not acceptable,Paul!
5-M:Miss Wilson,accordingto the notes on your account,the bizarre technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadn't paid house insurance the month before the incident.
6-W:That money left our account,and now that you should be paying out,you're suddenly saying that you didn't receive it on time,I'm really skeptical about this claim.
7-M:The contract does say that any missed payment in a year will affect the terms and conditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims,Of course,I can pass you on to my manager to talk to you more about this.
8-W:I've already spoken to him,and you can tell him I'm furious now,and that your company has a lawsuit on its hands.You will be hearing from my lawyer.Goodbye.
1.What is the woman complaining about?
2.What is the problem the woman's family encountered?
3.What has caused the so-called“bizarre technical detail”according to the man?
4.What does the woman say she would do at the end of the conversation?
Conversation Two
1-W:How do you feel about the future of artificial intlligence?Personally.I feel quite optimistic about it.
2-M:Al?I'm not so optimistic actually.In fact,it's something we should be concerned about.
3-W:Well,it will help us humans understand ourselves better.And,when we have a better understanding of ourselves,we can improve the world.
4-M:Well,one thing is for sure:Technology is evolving faster than our ability to understand it.And in the future,AI will make jobs kind of pointless.
5-W:I think artficial intelligence will actually help create new kinds of jobs,which would require less of our time and allow us to be centered on creative tasks.
6-M:I doubt that very much.Probably the last job that we will remain will be writing Al software.And then eventually,AI will just write its own software.
7-W:At that time,we're going to have a lot of jobs which nobody will want to do,so we'll need artificial intelligence for the robots to take care of the old guys,like us.
8-M:I don't know.There's a risk that human civilization could be replaced by a superior type of digital life.Al will be able to completely simulate a person in every way posible.In fact,some people think we are in the simulation,right now.
9-W:That's impossible.Humans can't even make a mosquito.Computers only have chips.People have brains,and that's where the wisdom comes from.
10-M:Once it's fully developed,AI will become tired of trying to communicate with humans,as we would be much slower thinkers in comparison.
11-W:I'm not so sure,A computer is a computer,and a computer is just a toy.
12-M;Computers can easily communicate incredibly fast,so the computer will just get impatient talking to humans,It will be barely getting any information out.
13-W:Well,I believe there is a benevolent future with AI.I also think you watch too many science fiction films.
5.What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?
6.What will new kinds of jobs be like,according to the woman?
7.What is the risk the man anticipates?
8.What is the man's concern about AI technology?
Section B
Passage One
I. To achieve financial security,how much you save is always more important than the amount you earn or how shrewdly you invest.If you are under 30 years old,your goal should be to save 20% of your monthly income after tax deductions.This is irrespectiveof how much you earn.Approximately 50% should be reserved for essentials like food and acommodation.The remaining 30% is for recreation and entertainment.
II.But for many young people,it'll be difficult to designate such a large proportion of their income for savings.If you find it hard to save any money at all,start by cutting all unnecessary spending. Allocate a tiny amount of 1 or 2 percent for savings,and gradually increase that amount.Always keep that 20%goal in mind to prevent yourself from becoming complacent.It can be challenging to stick to such a strict plan.But if you adopt the right mindset,you should be able to make it work for you.
III. So,what should you be doing with the money that you're saving?Some must be kept easily accesible in case you need some cash in an emergency.The largest proportion should be invested in retirement plans, cither through your employer or privately.And you can keep some money for high-risk but potentially lucrative nvestments.Dividends can be reinvested or used to purchase something you like.By following this plan,you should hopefully be able to enjoy your life now,and still be financially secure in the future.
9.What are people under 30 advised to do to achieve financial security?
10.What should people do if they find it difficult to follow the speaker's advice on their financial plan?
11.What does the speaker think isimportant for achieving financial security?
Passage Two
I. I work in advertising and I like to keep up with current trends,mainly because I'm aware that we ive in an image-obsessed world.However,when Ifirst started my job,occasionally I'd catch glimpse of myself in the lifts,and find myself thinking that I looked a total mess.Was I being held back by my choice of clothing?The short answer is yes。especially when clients are quick to judge you on your style rather than your work.
II. But no one can be unique with their outfit every day.I mean,that's why uniforms were invented.So,here's what I did.I created my own uniform.To do this,I chose an appropriate outfit. Then I bought multiple items of the same style in different shades.Now,I never worry about what I'm wearing in the morning even if I do get a bit tired of just wearing the same classic picces.
III. Overall,when it comes to work,you have to ask yourself:will looking smarter enhance my ability to do my job?For some,this question may not be an issue at all.Especially if you work remotely and rarely see your colleaguesor clients face to face.But if your job involves interacting with other people,the answer to this is often yes.So rather than fighting the system,I think we should just do whatever helps us to achieve our goals at work.If that means playing it safe with your image,then let's face it.It's probably worth it.
12.What do we learn about the speaker when she first started her job?
13.Why were uniforms invented acording to the speaker?
14.What does the speaker sayabout looking smarter?
15.What does the speaker advise people to do in an image-obsessed world?
Section C
Recording One
I. Did you know that Americans have approximately three times the amount of space we had 50 years ago?Therefore,you'd think we'd have sufficient room for all of our possessions.On the contrary, the personal storage business is now a growing industry.We've got triple the space,but we've become such enthusiastic consumers that we require even more.This phenomenon has resulted in significant credit card debt,enormous environmental footprints,and perhaps not coincidentally,our happiness evels have failed to increase over the same half century.
II. I'm here to suggest an alternative that having less might actually be a preferable decision.Many of us have experienced,at some stage,the pleasure ofpossessing less.I propose that less stuff and less space can not only help you economize,but also simplify your life.
III. I recently started an innovative projcct to discover some crcative solutions that offered me everything I required.By purchasing an apartment that was 40 square meters instead of 60,I immediately saved $200.000.Smaller space leads to reduced utility bills,and also a smaller carbon footprint.Because it is designed around an edited collection of possessions,limited to my favorite stuff, I'm really excited to live there.
IV.How can we live more basically?Firstly,we must ruthlessly cut the unnecessary objects out of our lives.To stem consumption,we should think before webuy,and ask ourselves,“Will it truly make me happier?”Obviously,we should possess some great stuff,but we want belongings that we're going to love for years.
V.Secondly,we require space efficiency.We want appliances that are designed for use most of the time,not for occasional use.Why own a six-burner stove when you rarely use even three burners?
VI. Finally,we need multifunctional spaces and housewares.I combined a movable wall with transforming furniture to get more out of my limited space.Consider my coffee table.It increases in size to accommodate ten.My office is tucked away,easily hidden,My bed simply pops out of the wall.For guests,I can relocate the movable wall and utilize the foldable guest beds I installed.
VII. I'm not saying we should all live in tiny apartments,but consider the benefits of an edited life. When you return home and walk through your front door,take a moment to ask yourselves,“Could I do with a little life editing?Would that give me more freedom and more time?”
16.What has prevented Americans'happincss levels from increasing?
17.What things should we possess according to the speaker?
18.What do we learn about the items in the speaker's home?
Recording Two
I. Now,believeit or not,people sometimes lie in order to maintain a good,honest reputation—even if it hurts them to do so,At least,this is what a team of scientists is suggesting,with evidence to prove it.
II. Picture this scenario:You often drive for work and can be compensated for up to 400 miles per month.Most people at your company drive about 300 miles each month.But this month,you drove 400 miles.How many miles do you think you'd claim in your expense report?
III. The scientists asked this exact question as part of the study we're discussing today.With surprising results,they found that 12% of respondents reported the distance they drove as less than the actual figure,giving an average answer of 384 miles.In other words,they lied about the number of miles,even though they would forfeit money they were owed.
IV. The researchers believe this was to seem honest,with the assumption being that others would be suspicious of a high expense claim.But why would people fabricate numbers to their own detriment? The researchers explain that many people care a great deal about their reputation and how they'll be judged by others.If they care enough,their concern about appearing honest and not losing the respect of others may be greater than their desire to actually be honest.
V. The researchers assert that the findings suggest that when people obtain very favorable outcomes,they anticipate other people's suspicious reactions and prefer lying and appcaring honest to telling the truth and appearing as selfish liars.
VI. So why is this research important?Well,experts generally agree there are two main types of lie—selfish lies and lies that are mean to benefit others.The first,as you may predict,is for selfish gain, such as submitting a fraudulent claim to an insurance company,while the second involves lying to help others or not offend others,for example,telling a friend whose outfit you don' like that they look great.
VII. But the researchers are suggesting a third type of lying—lying to maintain a good reputation. Now this hypothesis is new and some skeptics argue that this isn't a whole new category of lie.
VIII.But the findings seem intuitive to me.After all,one of themain motivations for lying is to increase our worth in the eyesof others.So it seems highly likely that people will lieto seem honest.
19.What did a team of scientists find in their study?
20.Why would people fabricate numbers to their own detriment according to the researchers?
21.What does the speaker think of the researchers'findings?
Recording Three
I. Why do old people dislike new music?As I've grown older,I often hear people my age say things like“They just don't make good music like they used to”.Why does this happen?Luckily. psychology can give us some insights into this puzzle.Musical tastes begin to crystallize as early as age 13 or 14.By the time we're in our carly 20s,these tastes get locked into place pretty firmly.
II. In fact,studies have found that by the time we turn 33,most of us have stopped listening to new music.Meanwhile,popular songs released when you're in your early teens are likely to remain quite popular among your age group through the rest of your life.
III. There could be a biological explanation for this,as there's evidence that the brain's ability to make subtle distinctions between different chords,rhythms and melodies deteriorates with age.So to older people,newer,less familiar songs might all "sound the same".
IV. But there may be some simpler reasons for older people's aversion to newer music.One of the most researched laws of social psychology is something called the “mere exposure effect”,which,in essence,means that the more we're exposed to something,the more we tend to like it.This happens with people we know,the advertisements we see and the songs we listen to.
V. When you're in your early teens,you probably spend a fair amount of time listening to music or watching music videos.Your favorite songs and artists become familiar,comforting parts of your routine.
VI. For many people over 30,job and family obligations increase,so there's less time to spend discovering new music.Instead,many will simply listen to old,familiar favorites from that period of their lives when they had more free time.
VII. Of course,those teen years weren't necessarily carefree.They're famously confusing,which is why so many TV shows and movies revolve around high school turmoil.
VIII. Psychology research has shown that the emotions that we experience as teens seem more intense than those that come later.And we also know that intense emotions are associated with stronger memories and preferences.Both of these might explain why the songs we listen to during this period become so memorable and beloved.
IX. So there's nothing wrong with your parents because they don't like your music.Rather it's all part of the natural order of things.
22.What does the speaker mainly discuss in this talk?
23.What have studies found about most people by the time they turn 33?
24.What do we learn from one of the most researched laws of social psychology?
25.What might explain the fact that songs people listen to in their teen years are memorable and beloved?
1.[答案精析]C。第2段女士抱怒“我的索赔电话完全被忽视,真有点受够了”,C是对该信息的概括,故正确。A利用第4段The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water设置干扰,但“屋子的整个底层都 被浸在水中”是女士索赔事件的起因,并非此次打电话抱怒的内容。B来自第7段I can pass you on to my manager,但第8段表明“女士已和经理交涉过”。D将第2段since receiving your letter和being completely disregarded糅合设置干扰,这里指“女士收到保险公司信件后与其交涉的电话被忽视(索赔未被处理)”,并非指女士“没有收到回信”。
2.[答案精析]A。第4段女士指出“我们村2个月前被洪水大面积淹没。我家屋子的整个底层都被浸在水里(The entire ground floor ofour cottagewas submerged in water)”。A是对该遭遇的概括,故正确。B利用第4段“房屋被淹之后我们住到了拖车里”捏造“我们的拖车被洪水冲走”。C、D分别将The entire ground floor of our cottage窜改为Their entire house和The roof of...cottage,改变了女士面临的问题。
3.[答案精析]D。第5段男士指出,所谓“奇怪的技术细节”是指“女士在事发前一个月没有缴纳房屋保险费”这一事实,D正确。A将第2段receivingyour letter about our insurance claim(女士收到了保险公司就其索赔的回信)扭曲为misreading of the insurance company's letter(女士错误理解了保险公司的回信)。B就第7段男士对保险政策的说明“一年内任何漏缴都会影响到保险合同的条款和条件,还可能会影响理赔”臆测出“女士对保险政策不了解”。C就第4段“女士对事件的描述”臆测出“女士描述不准确”。
4.[答案精析]A。第8段女士声称“你们公司有官司要打了。你们会收到我的律师函”,故A正确。B与第8段开头女士话语“我已经同你们经理谈过”相悖。C将hearing from my lawyer(“保险公司会收到女士律师的信画”)曲解为“女士会向律师咨询保险政策”。D利用第7段terms and conditions of the insurancecontract 捏造干扰,但原文提到“合同的条款和条件”是用来说明漏缴房屋保险费会影响合同条款生效,并未提及女士声称要修改合同条款。
5.[答案精析]B。第1段女士引出问题并作出回答“如何看待AI的未来?我本人持乐观态度”,第2段男士作答“不太乐观,实际上倒是很担忧”,结合可知二人对人工智能的未来持有不同态度,B正确,同时排除D。A杂糅对话中的关键词artificial intelligence及第4段末尾jobs,臆断出二人在AI技术的不同领域工作。C则将双方谈话主题“AI的未来”偷换为“对现代技术的了解”。
6.[答案精析]C。第5段女士指出人工智能会帮助创造出更多新型工作,这些工作无需投入很多时间,能让我们专注于创造性任务,C是对这一描述的正确概括。A为第6段男士的观点,答非所问。B根据第5段的 creative,与第8段中simulate相似的stimulate捏造出motivating和Stimulating,且creative指向的是“人们的工作重心”而非“新型工作的特点”。D利用常识“技术发展的大背景下,新型工作要求更高、需要特别培训”捏造而来。
12.[答案精析]B。I段②句指出,“我”在刚开始工作时,偶尔会在电梯里看一眼自己,并发现自己的穿着十分糟糕(occasionally...find myself...a total mess),B对此进行了准确概括。A利用①句“我在广告业工作”进行干扰,但文中并未提及讲话人对自己的工作不感兴趣;C违背①句信息“我喜欢紧跟当前时尚”;D利用②句catch a glimpse of myself in the lifts干扰,将“偶尔会从电梯中看自己一眼”窜改为“常常会对着镜子查看自己”。
13.[答案精析]A。Ⅱ段②句指出,that's why uniforms were invented(这就是人们发明制服的原因),结合①句“没人能做到每天都穿得独特”可知,发明制服的原因在于“省却每天费心找独特穿搭的麻烦”,A正确。B利用I段末句“部分客户会根据你的衣着外表对你下判断”干扰,C利用I段①句“紧跟当前时尚”设置障 碍,但二者均与制服的发明无关;D以生活常识“多穿制服可以少花钱买农服”干扰,但文中没有提及。
14.[答案精析]C。Ⅲ段先提问:穿得漂亮得体会提高我的工作能力吗?随后④句回答:如果你的工作需要和人打交道,那答案是肯定的。可见C正确。A的干扰源自Ⅲ段③句work remotely and rarely see your colleagues or clients face to face(远程办公,很少和同事或客户见面),但说话人是在指出“这种情形下,穿着不会有太大影响”;B将注重形象有助于“提高工作能力(enhance my ability to do my job)”夸大为“做好一切事 情”;D利用常识“穿着得体在面试时会有所助益”进行干扰,但文中并未提及“求职面试”的相关信息。
15.[答案精析]D。Ⅲ段⑤句明确指出,“(我认为)我们只需做好一切能帮我们达成工作目标的事情”,⑥句则进一步说明“如果这意味着要审慎对待个人形象,那么就要去做”,D是对这一观点的合理总结。A以Ⅱ段 ④句提及的说话人个人做法“创造出了自己的制服”进行干扰,但这并非她给人们的建议;B杂糅I段clients 和Ⅱ段classic pieces进行干扰,也非说话人建议;C违背Ⅲ段⑤句观点“不要和这个体制对抗”。
16. [答案精析]A。I段末句指出,这一现象(指代前一句“美国人热衷于消费”)导致信用卡负债增多、环境足迹增加、幸福水平未能提升,故A正确。B“负债增多、未能积累财富”和D“环境足迹增加、环境恶化”和题干中“美国人幸福水平未能提高”均是痴迷消费造成的结果,而非前两者是后者的成因。C利用录音中反复提及 的“购买小型公寓、节省开支”等信息捏造干扰,录音实际并未提及“房价上涨”。
17.[答案精析]D。说话人在IV段提出第一条建议,其中末句指出,我们需要的是自己能喜爱多年的物品(belongings that we're going to love for years),即我们最为珍爱的物品,故D正确;此外,Ⅲ段末句说话人以自己的公寓为例介绍所留物品仅限于自己最喜爱之物(favorite stuff),也可进一步印证答案。A利用V段末句个别词汇rarely捏造干扰,该句实际在建议“不要购买不常用的物品”,而非建议“购买稀有物品”。B利用录音中多次提及的“节省开支”这一信息干扰,但这是作者建议带来的好处(精简购买可节省开支),而非作者建议“购买省钱的/花费少的物品”。C将V段第二条建议“购买能提高空间利用率的物品(require space efficiency)”窜改为“购买能提高效率的物品(boost efficicency)”。
18.[答案精析]A。说话人在VI段提出最后一条建议“我们需要多功能家庭用品”,并以自己家中的可移动墙壁、可变形家具等予以例证,故A正确。B利用Ⅲ段③句“减少碳足迹、有益于环境”捏造干扰,但这是说话人 “购买小公寓(拥有更少的物品和空间)的好处”,而非说话人“家中物品的特点”。C将V段“use most of the time(大多数时间都能使用的物品/常用物品)”曲解为“mostly durable(大多能使用很长时间的物品/耐用物 品)”。D将VI段“casily hidden(容易隐藏的物品)”窜改为“easily disposable(客易处理的物品)”。
19.[答案精析]C。Ⅲ段②句指出“科学家们发现有12%的受访者填报的驾驶里程要低于实际驾驶里程”,③句对②句作出解释“换句话说,这12%的受访者在自己填报的里程数上撒了谎”,故C正确,同时排除A(A将“12% 的受访者”夸大为“所有人”)。B将受访者给出的平均里程数由384英里偷换为400英里,而400英里实际为最高可报销额度。D则将受访者在采访过程中所给出的驾驶里程数384英里偷换为他们的实际报销申请额度。
20.[答案精析]C。IV段②句提问:但是为什么人们(受访者)会在有损自己利益的情况下谎报里程数呢? ③句以研究人员的解释作答:很多人非常在意自己的名声以及别人对自己的评价。换言之,研究者认为,人们/受访者在有损自己利益的情况下谎报里程数是为了保护自己的声誉,C正确。A将IV段be suspicious of 与录音的复现词respondents杂糅,但同事的怀疑为人们自己的假设,选项将其视为现实。B张冠李戴,原文指出人们关心的是自己的声誉,而非别人的报销。IV段末句指出,人们对“自己表现得诚实”“自己不失去别人的尊重”的关注多于对“自己内心想要诚实的愿望”的关注,即与成为一个真正诚实的人相比,他们宁愿撒谎以 让自己看起来诚实,D与此相悖。
21.[答案精析]B。B原词复现录音结尾处说话人的态度“但研究结果对我来说似乎是基于本能”,即人们是基于“为提升自己在别人眼中的价值”的本能而撒谎。A源自V段favorable,指向对自己有利的情况,C源自IV 段explain,指向研究人员对研究发现的解释,两项均非说话人的态度。倒数第二段指出,这是个新假设(研究人员的假说/结论),一些怀疑者辩称这并不是一个全新的谎言类别,即研究者的发现遭受了质疑,D与此相悖。
22.[答案精析]D。I段直接提出疑问“为什么年长者不爱新音乐”,随后全篇围绕这一问题给出心理学解释,D正确(aversion to new music同义替换原文dislike new music)。A、B借I段②句They just don't make good music likethey used to捏造干扰,但该句仅作为引子,引入全文论述的对象,后文不再涉及,且“音乐质量大不如前”只是年长者的看法,并非本文说话人的观点。C与“人们十三四岁时音乐品味开始成型,二十出头时已根深蒂固”相悖。
23.[答案精析]A。“题干+A”是对Ⅱ段①句的同义改写,no longer listen to new music同义替换stopped listening to new music。B利用Ⅲ段②句all “sound the same”设置干扰,但对他们来说,“听起来一个样”的仅仅是“新的、自己不热悉的音乐”,而不是“所有音乐(all music)”。C与Ⅲ段①句所述“随着年龄增长,人们区分音乐之间的细微差别的能力下降”相悖。D与录音中反复提及的信息“年长者不喜欢新歌,而是听自己年少时期的歌”相悖。
24.[答案精析]D。D同义改写IV段②句对研究最多的社会心理学法则“纯粹接触效应”的解释:我们接触某事物越多,我们就会越喜欢它(the more we're exposed to something,the more we tend to like it),其中appreciate(欣赏)为like的同义表述。A、B均为显而易见的常识,却并非录音中给出的法则内涵。C利用VIII段②句stronger memories捏造干扰,但文中与“记忆是否越深刻”相关联的是“强烈的情感”,而非“接触/经历某事物的多少”。
25.[答案精析]B。VIII段先指出研究发现“青少年时期的情感极其强烈”,随后指出人所共知的事实——“强烈的情感”与“更深的记忆及更强的偏好”相连。最后提出这两点或许能解释为什么这一时期听的歌会令人难忘。可见B正确,选项是对原文the emotions that we experience as teens seem more intense的同义改写。A将“因情感强烈而使得记忆深刻(记得歌曲)”这一逻辑窜改为“因记忆力持久而记得歌曲”。C和D均对VII段 weren't necessarily carefree、famously confusing、high school turmoil断章取义,结合随后内容可知,这是在说明青少年“情感强烈”,而非“敏感”或“多愁善感”。