Section A
Directions: In this section,you will hear too long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a singleline through the centre.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1.A)He will tell the management how hereally feels.
B)He will meet his new manager in two weeks.
C)He is going to attend a job interview.
D)He is going to leave his presentjob.
2.A)It should be kept private.
B)It should be carefully analyzed.
C)It can be quite useful to senior managers.
D)It can improve interviewees'job prospects.
3.A)It may leave a negative impression on the interviewer.
B)It may adversely affect his future career prospects.
C)It may displease his immediate superiors.
D)It may do harm to his fellow employees.
4.A)Prepare a comprehensive exit report.
B)Do some practice for the exit interview.
C)Network with his close friends to find a better employer.
D)Pour out his frustrations on a rate-your-employer website.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.A)Her unsuccessful journey.
B)Her month-long expedition.
C)Her latest documentary.
D)Her career as a botanist.
6.A)She had to live like a vegetarian.
B)She was caught in a hurricane.
C)She had to endure many hardships.
D)She suffered from water shortage.
7.A)A huricane was coming.
B)A flood was approaching.
C)They had no more food in the canoe.
D)They could no longer bear the humidity.
8.A)It was memorable.
B)It was unbearable.
C)It was uneventful.
D)It was fruitful.
Section B
Directions:In this section,you will hear too passages.At the end of each passage,you woill hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
9.A)Itdiminishes laymen's interest in science.
B)It ensures the accuracy of their arguments.
C)It makes their expressions more explicit.
D)It hurts laymen's dignity and self-esteem.
10.A)They can learn to communicate with scienists.
B)They tend to disbelieve the actual science.
C)They feel great respect towards scientists.
D)They will see the complexity of science.
11.A)Find appropriate topics.
B)Stimulate their interest.
C)Explain all the jargon terms.
D)Do away with jargon terms.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12.A)The local gassy hill might start a huge fire.
B)There was oil leakage along the Gulf Coast.
C)The erupting gas might endanger local children.
D)There were oil deposits below a local gassy hill.
13.A)Themassive gas underground.
B)Their lack of the needed skill.
C)The sand under the hill.
D)Their lack of suitable tools.
14.A)It rendered many oil workers jobless.
B)It was not as effective as he claimed.
C)It gave birth to the oil drilling industry.
D)It was not popularized until years later.
15.A)It radically transformed the state's economy.
B)It resulted in an oil surplus all over the world.
C)It totally destroyed the state's rural landscape.
D)It ruined the state's cotton and beef industries.
Section C
Directions: In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.
16.A)Unsuitable jobs.
B)Bad managers.
C)Insufficient motivation.
D)Tough regulations.
17.A)Ineffective training.
B)Toxic company culture.
C)Lack of regular evaluation.
D)Overburdening ofmanagers.
18.A)It collected feedback from both employers and employees.
B)It wasconducted from frontline managers'point of view.
C)It provided meaningful clues to solving the problem.
D)It was based only on the perspective of employees.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you havejust heard.
19.A)It is seeing an automation revolution.
B)It is bringing prosperity to the region.
C)It is yielding an unprecedented profit.
D)It is expanding at an accelerating speed.
20.A)It exhausts resources sooner.
B)It creates a lot of new jobs.
C)It causes conflicts between employers and employees.
D)It calls for the retraining of unskilled mining workers.
21.A)They welcome it with open arms.
B)They will wait to see its effect.
C)They are strongly opposed to it.
D)They accept it with reservations.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
22.A)Their cost to the nation's economy is incalculable.
B)They kill more people than any infectious disease.
C)Their annual death rate is about twice that ofthe global average.
D)They have experienced a gradual decline since the year of 2017.
23.A)They show a difference between rich and poor nations.
B)They don't reflect the changes in individual countries.
C)They rise and fall from year to year.
D)They are not as reliable as claimed.
24.A)Many of them have increasing numbers of cars on the road.
B)Many of them are following the example setby Thailand.
C)Many of them have seen a decline in road-death rates.
D)Many of them are investing heavily in infrastructure.
25.A)Foster better driving behavior.
B)Provide better training for drivers.
C)Abolish all outdated traffic rules.
D)Impose heavier penalties on speeding.
Section A
Conversation One
1-M:It's my last day at work tomorrow.Ill start my new job in two weeks,My human resources manager wantsto conduct an interview with me before I leave.
2-W:Ah,an exit interview.Are you looking forward to it?
3-M:I'm not sure how I feel about it.I resigned because I've been unhappy at that company for a long time,but I'm not sure if I should tell them how I really feel.
4-W:To my way of thinking,there are two main potential benefits that come from unleashing an agitated stream of truth during an exit interview.The first is release.Unburdening yourself of frustration,and perhaps even anger to someone who isn't a friend or close colleague can be wonderfully freeing.
5-M:And let me guess.The second isthat the criticism will,theoretically,help the organization I'm eaving to improve,making sure employees of the future are less likely to encounter what I did?
6-W:That's right.But the problem with the company improvement part is that very often it doesn't happen.An exit interview is suposed to be private,but often isn't.In my company,the information gained from these interviews is often not confidential.And the information is used as dirt against another manager,or can be traded among senior managers.
7-M:Now you've got me rethinking what Ill disclose in the interview.There is always a chance that it could affect my reputation and my ability to network in the industry.It is a prett small industry after all.
8-W:Anything you initially gain from the instantsatisfaction of tellingit like it is,you mightlose down the track by injuring your future career prospects.
9-M:Right. Perhaps it would be better getting things off my chest by going to one of those rate-your employer websites.
10-W:You could.And don't do the interview at all,Exit interviews are not mandatory.
Q1:What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
Q2:What does the woman think about the information gained from an exit interview?
Q3:Why does theman want to rethink what he will say in the coming exit interview?
Q4:What does the man think he had better do?
Conversation Two
1-M:Today,I'm talking to the renowned botanist,Jane Forster.
2-W:Thank you for inviting me to join you on the show,Henry.
3-M:Recently,Jane,you've become quite a celebrity since the release of your latest documentary. Can you tell us a little about it?
4-W:Well,it follows my expedition to study the vegetation indigenous to the rainforest in equatorial areas of Southeast Asia.
5-M:You certainly get to travel to some very exotic locations.
6-W:It was far from glamorous,to be honest.The area we visited was accessible only by canoe and the living conditions in the hut were primitive,to say the least.There was no electricity.And our water supply was a nearby stream.
7-M:How were the weather conditions while you were there?
8-W:The weather was not conducive to our workat all,since the humidity was almost unbearable.At midday,we stayed in the hut and did nothingIt was too humid to either work or sleep.
9-M:How long didyour team spend in the jungle?
10-W:Originally,we planned to be there for a month.But in the end,westayed foronly two weeks.
11-M:Why did you cut the expedition short?
12-W:Halfway through the trip,we received news that a hurricane was approaching.And we had to evacuate at very short notice.
13-M:That sounds like a fascinating anecdote.
14-W:It was frightening.The fastest evacuation route was through river rapids,We had to navigate them carrying all of our equipment.
15-M:So overall,was the journey unsuccessful?
16-W:Absolutely not.We gathered a massive amount of data about the local plant life.
17-M:Why do you put up with such adverse conditions?
18-W:Botany is an obsession for me.Many of the destinations I visit have stunning scenery.And I get to meet a variety of people from all over the world.
19-M:So where will your next destinationbe?
20-W:I haven't decided yet.
21-M:Then we can leave it for another oceasion,Thanks.
Q5;Whatdoes theman wantJane Forster to talk about?
Q6:Why does the woman describe her experience as“far from glamorous”?
Q7:Why did the woman and those who went with her end their trip halfway?
Q8:What does the woman think of the journey?
Section B
Passage One
I Scientists often use specialized jargon terms while communicating with laymen.Most of them don't realize the harmful effects of this practice.In a new study,people exposed to jargon when reading about subjects like autonomous vehicles and surgical robots later said they were less interested in science than others who read about the same topics,but without the use of specialized terms.They also felt less informed about science and less qualified to discuss science topics.It's noteworthy that it made no difference if the jargon terms were defined in the text,Even when the terms were defined,readers still felt the same lack of engagement as readers who read jargon that wasn't explained.
Ⅱ The problem is that the mere presence of jargon sends a discouraging mesage to readers.Hillary Schulman,the author of the study,asserts that specialized wordsare a signal.Jargon tells people that the message isn't for them.
Ⅲ There's an even darker side to howpeople react to jargon.In another study,researchers found that reading scientific articles containing jargon led people to doubt the actual science.They found the opposite—when a text is easier to read,then.people are more persuaded.
IV Thus,it's important to communicate clearly when talking about complex science subjects.This is especially true with issues related to public health,like the safety of new medications and the benefits of vaccines.Schulman concedes that the use of jargon is appropriate with scientific audiences.But scientists who want to communicate with the general public need to modify their language.They need to eliminate jargon.
Q9:What does the passage say about the use o jargon terms by experts?
Q10:What do researchers find about people reading scienific articles containing jargon terms?
Q11:What does Schulman suggest scientists do when communicating with the general public?
Passage Two
I At the beginning of the twentieth century,onthe Gulf Coast in the US state of Texas,there was a hill where gas leakage was so noticeable that schoolboys would sometimes set the hill on fire.
Ⅱ Patillo Higgins,a disreputable local businessman,became convinced that there was oil below the gassy hill.Oil wells weren't drilled back then:they were essentially dug.The sand under the hill defeated several attempts by Higgins'workers to make a proper hole.Higgins had forecast oil at 1,000 feet,a totally made-up figure.
Ⅲ Higgins subsequently hired a mining enginer,Captain Anthony Lucas.After encountering several setbacks,Captain Lucas decided to use a drill,and his innovations created the modern oil dilling industry.
IV In January 1901,at1.020 feet—almost precisely the depth predicted by Higgins wild guess—the well roared and suddenly ejected mud and six tons of drilling pipe out of theground,terrifying those present.For thenext nine days,until the well was capped,the well poured out more oil than all the wells in America combined.
V In those days,Texas was almost entirely rural,with no large cities and practically no industry; cotton and beef were the foundation of the economy.Higgins'well changed that.The boom made some prospectors millionaires,but the sudden surplus of petroleum was not entirely a blessing for Texas.In the 1930s,prices crashed,to the point that in some parts of the country oil wascheaper than water. That would become a familiar pattern of the boom-or-bust Texas economy.
Q12:What did Texas businessman Pattillo Higgins believe?
Q13:What prevented Higgins'workers from digging a proper hole to get the oil?
Q14:What does the passage say about Captain Lucas'drilling method?
Q15:What do we learn about Texas'oil industry boom?
Section C
Recording One
I Most people dislike their jobs.It's an astonishing but statistical fact.A primary cause of employee dissatisfaction,according to fresh research,is that many believe they have terrible managers. Few describe their managers as malicious or manipulative though.While those types certainly exist,they are minority.The majority of managers,seemingly,just don't know any better.They are often emulating bad managers they've had in the past.It's likely they've never reada management book or attended a management course.They might not have even reflectedon what good managemen looks like and how it would influence their own management style.
Ⅱ The researchers interviewed employees about their managers,beginning with a question about the worst manager they had ever had,From this,the researchers came up with four main causes of why some managers are perceived as being simply awful at their jobs.
Ⅲ The first cause was company culture,which was seen by employees as enabling poor management practices.It was specifically stressful work environments,minimal training and a lack of accountability that werefound to be the most blameworthy.Often a manager's superiors can effectively encourage a manager's distasteful behavior when they fail to discipline the person's wrongdoings.Such workplaces are sometimes described as toxic.
IV The second cause was attributed to the managers'characteristics.Thosedeemed to be most destructive were odd people—those without drive,those who allow personal problems into the workplace,and those with an unpleasant temperament or personality in general.
V The third cause of poor management was associated with a deficiency of qualifications—not so much the formal variety one obtains from auniversity,but theinformal varietythat comes from credible work experience and professional accomplishments.
VI The fourth cause concerned managers who've been promoted for reasons other than potential. One reason in particular why these people had been promoted was that they had been around the longest. It wasn't their skill set or other merits that got them the job;it was their tenure.
VII A point worth making is that the study was based only on the perspective of employees.The researchers didn't asksenior leaders what they thought of their frontline managers.It's quite possible they're content with how the individuals they promoted are now performing,merrily ignorant of the damage they're actually causing,which might explain why,as the researchers conclude,those same middle managers are usually unaware that they are a bad manager.
Q16:What is a primary cause of employeedissatisfaction accordingto recent research?
Q17:Whatis one of the causes for poor management practices?
Q18:What do we learn about the study on job dissatisfaction?
Recording Two
I With the use of driverless vehicles seemingly inevitable,mining companies in the vast Australian desert state of Western Australia are definitely taking the lead.
Ⅱ Iron ore is a key ingredient in stecl-making.The mining companies here produce almost 300 million tons of iron ore a year.The 240 giant autonomous trucks in use,in theWestern Australian mines,can weigh 400 tons,fully loaded,and travel at speeds ofup to 60 kilometers per hour.They are a technological leap, transporting iron ore along routes which run forhundreds of kilometers from mines to their destinations.Here when thetruck arrives at its destination,staff in the operationcenter direct it precisely where to unload.Vast quantities of iron ore are then transported by autonomous trains to ocean ports
Ⅲ Advocates argue these automated vehicles will change mining forever.It may only be five years before the use of automation technology leads to a fully robotic mine.
IV A range of factors has pushed Western Australia's desert region to the lead of this automation revolution.These include the huge size of the mines,the scale of equipment and the repetitive nature of some of the work.Then there's the area's remoteness.At 502,000 square kilometers,it can sometimes make recruiting staffa challenge.Another consideration is the risks when humans interact with large machinery.There are also the financial imperatives.The ongoing push by the mining corporations to be more productive and more efficient is another powerful driver in embracing automation technology.
V The concept of a fully autonomous mine is a bit of a misleading term,however.This is because the more technology is put into the field,the more people are needed to deploy,maintainand improve it.
VI The automation and digitization of the industry is creating a need for different jobs.These include data scientists and engineers in automation and artificial intelligence.The mining companies claim automation and robotics present opportunities to make mining more sustainable and safer.Employees will be offered a career that is even more fulfilling and more rewarding.
VII Workers'unions have accepted the inevitability of the introduction of new technology.But they still have reservations about the rise of automation technology.Their main concern isthe potential impact on remote communities.As automation spreads further,the question is how theseremote communities will survive when the oldjobs are eliminated.And this may well prove to bethe most significantimpact of robotic technology in many places around the world.
Q19:What does the passage say about the mining industry in Western Australia?
Q20:What is the impact of the digitization of the mining industry?
Q21:What is the attitude of workers'unions towards the introduction of newtechnology?
Recording Three
I According to official statistics,Thailand's annual road-death rate is almost double the global average. Thai people know that their roads are dangerous,but they don't know this could easily be changed.
II Globally,road accidents kill more people every year than any infectious disease,Researchers at the Institutefor Health Metrics and Evaluation in America put the death toll in 2017 at 1.24 million. According to the institute,the overallnumber of deaths has been more or less static since the turn of the century. But that disguises a lot of changes in individual countries.
Ⅲ In many poor countries,road accidents are killing more people than ever before.Those countries have swelling,young populations,a fast-growing fleet of cars and motorbikes,and a limited supply of surgeons.It is impossible to know for sure because official statistics are so inadequate,but deaths are thought to have risen by 40% since 1990 in many low-income countries.In many rich countries,by contrast,roads are becoming even safer.In Estonia and Ireland,for example,thenumber of deaths has allen by about two-thirds since the late 1990s.
IV But the most important and intriguing changes are taking place in middle-income countries,which contain most of the world's people and have some of the most dangerous roads. According to researchers,in China and South Africa,traffic deaths have been falling since 2000,and in India since 2012,and the Philippines reached its peak four years ago.The question is whether Thailand can soon follow suit.
V Rob McInerney,head of the International Road Assessment Programme,says that allcountries end to go through three phases.They begin with poor,slow roads.In the second phase,as they grow wealthier,they pave the roads,allowing traffic to move faster and pushing up thedeath rate.Lastly,in the third phase,countries act to make their roads safer.The trick,then,is to reach the thirdstage sooner,by focusing earlier and more closely on fatal accidents.
VI How to do that?The solution lies not just in better infrastructure,but in better social incentives. Safe driving habits are practices which people know they should follow but often don't.Dangerous driving is not a fixed cultural trait,as some imagine.People respond to incentives,such as traffic laws that are actually enforced.
Q22:What does the speaker say about traffic accidents inThailand?
Q23:What do we learn from an American institute's statistics regarding road deaths?
Q24:What is said about middle-income countrics?
Q25;What clse could be done to reduce fatal road accidentsin addition to safer roads?
1.[答案精析]D。第1段男士提到“明天是我最后一天上班”,表明他将从现在的岗位离职,D项正确。A项将第3段末句信息“但我不确定是否要告诉他们我的真实感受”窜改为“将告诉管理部门他的真实感受”。B项由第1段②句的“in two weeks”和③句的“human resources manager”杂糅编造而来,但原文仅提及男士两周后将开始他的新工作,并未提及他是否将与新经理会面。C项利用第1段②句的碎片信息“job”和第2段①句的“interview”编造出“job interview”(工作面试),但原文的interview指“离职面谈”,即在员工离开公司前与其进行的面谈。
2.[答案精析]A。第6段女士指出,离职面谈本该是保密的,却往往被公开,A项正确。B项由第5段信息 “这类信息理论上可以帮助公司做出改进”倒推而来,但这是男士提出的理想情况,而女士已明确表示,现实中所谓的“公司改进”往往不会发生,并建议男士拒绝离职面谈,选项内容与女士对离职面谈的总体态度不符。C项将第6段⑤句信息“在高级经理之间进行交易”窜改为“对高级经理来说非常有用”。D项与第8段女士的观点“离职面谈中透露的信息可能损害受访者的职业前景”相悖。
3.[答案精析]B。第7段②句男士认为,在离职面谈中透露的信息有可能影响到他的声誉和他建立业内人脉的能力,B项概括此句句意,故正确。A项从第4段中的agitated,frustration、anger臆断出“在离职面谈中 倾吐消极情绪可能给面谈官留下负面印象”,原文并无相关信息。C项由第4段中的anger一词编造而来,但原文实指“在离职面谈中向人力资源经理倾诉愤怒”,且文中并未提及参与离职面谈的人力资源经理是该男士的直属上司。D项由第4段末句中的Unburdening yourself...to...a friend or close colleague推断而来,但实属断章取义,该句指出离职面谈可以让人自由地倾吐负面情绪,而不必麻烦朋友或同事,选项与此不符。
4.[答案精析]D。第9段末句,男士表示也许自己去一个雇主评价网站上一吐为快更好,D项概括该句句意,故正确。A项根据常识“离职通常需要提交书面申请”捏造,文中并无任何信息提及“离职报告”。B项将男士去雇主评价网站的目的“倾诉自己的挫败感”窜改为“做一些离职面谈的练习”。C项根据第7段②句的 “my ability to network”(建立人脉的能力)设置干扰,但原文意在指出在离职面谈中吐露实情可能影响自己拓展人脉,而非“与密友建立人脉网以寻找更好的雇主”。
6.[答案精析]C。第6段女士首先总结指出此次经历“一点都不迷人”,随后具体说明她经历的许多困难:只能乘坐独木舟前往目的地,居住条件简陋,没有电,取水不易。C项是对女士说法的正确概括。A项由第4段中的 vegetation(植物)编造出vegetarian(素食者)一词,与文意不符。B项误将第12段的关键词hurricane(飓风)当作此次经历“不迷人”的原因,而飓风实际指向考察中止的原因。D项由第6段段末信息“水源就是附近的小溪(取水不易)” 过度推断出“女士遭遇了缺水问题(无处取水)”。
7.[答案精析]A。第11段男士询问女士为何中止行程;第12段女士回答称,考察进行到一半的时候,他们得知飓风正在逼近,不得不撒离,故A项正确。B项将第14段中的river rapids(急流)错误理解为flood(洪水)。C项根据第6段中的canoe(独木舟)一词及此次考察遇到的重重困难臆断出“独木舟上没有食物”。D项将第8段的信息“天气过于湿热,几乎让人无法忍受”过度解读为女士的团队因“无法忍受湿热”而中止了行程。
8.[答案精析]D。第15段男士询问女士是否认为此次考察之旅失败;第16段女士否认此行失败,指出他们收集到了大量关于当地植物的资料,可见女士认为此行成果颇丰,D项正确。A、C两项均利用惯常认识进行干扰,原文无相关信息。B项将第8段中女士对当地天气的感受(almost unbearable)误当作其对这次旅行的评价。
9.[答案精析]A。I段③④句指出,一项新研究表明,阅读时遇到专业术语的读者对科学的兴趣不及那些阅读相同话题但文章没有使用术语的人,且专业术语会令他们感到对科学的了解较少、对科学话题的讨论资格更低,A项契合文意。B、C项利用惯常认知(专业术语更具规范性、准确性、清晰性)进行干扰,但文中并无信息支撑。D项由④句They also felt less informed...and less qualified...“让非专业人士感觉知之甚少、讨论的资格较低”过度引申而来。
10.[答案精析]B。题干+B项同义替换Ⅲ段②句“研究人员发现,阅读含有专业术语的科学文章会导致人们对真正的科学产生怀疑”。A项利用文本中高频词汇communicate,scientists设置干扰,错误性质同C项,均与文意“专业术语(大大增加了大众对科学文章的理解与交流难度,从而)让大众不信任科学(家)”相悖。D项利用V段①句的碎片信息complex science subjects设置干扰,但原文指向“在谈论复杂的科学问题时,清晰的交流很重要”。
11.[答案精析]D。题干+D项同义改写IV段③④⑤句“若想与普通大众交流,科学家需调整他们的话术,避免使用专业术语”。A项由IV段中的碎片信息science subjects、appropriate杂糅捏造而来,但文中实指“在谈论复杂的科学问题(science subjects)时,清晰的交流十分重要;专业术语在面向科学界受众时较为适用 (appropriate)”,选项与文意相去甚远。B项利用I段③句中的they were less interested in science进行干扰, 但错将该句句意“阅读兴趣因科学术语而降低”曲解为“对科学兴趣不足(应激发兴趣)”。C项与M段⑤句“他们应避免使用专业术语”相悖,且由I段⑤⑥句也可知“无论文本中是否给出了术语的释义,读者都一样缺乏兴趣”,选项内容违背舒尔曼的研究发现。
12.[答案精析]D。Ⅱ段①句明确指出,希金斯坚信“这座天然气缭绕的山丘底下蕴藏着石油”,因此D项正确。A项利用首段提到的“男生们有时能把山丘点燃”进行干扰,但“可能会引发一场大火”是事实,并非希金斯的观点。 B项利用首段中的Gulf Coast,leakage断章取义,然而文中并未提到相关信息。C项根据“男生们有时能把山丘点燃”过度推导,但文中并未提及儿童可能因此受伤,而且这也不是希金斯的观点。
14.[答案精析]C。Ⅲ段末句表示,卢卡斯的创新缔造了现代的钻井工业。因此C项正确。A项由Ⅲ段末句的drill innovations以及Ⅱ段②句的essentially dug过度推导而来。考生可能会认为dug表示工人们之前是使用人力进行挖掘,而钻机(drill)的引入就会导致他们失业。但文中并未明确提到有工人因此失业。B项的主要信息文中也没有提及:卢卡斯没有对他的方法的有效性做出评价。D项由Ⅲ段末句modern一词臆测而 来,但文中没有讲到这种钻机何时推广开来。
15.[答案精析]A。V段②句指出,希金斯的油井改变了这一切。“这一切”(that)指的是①句所述的得州以第一产业为主导的经济,因此A项正确。B项根据③句中的sudden surplus进行干扰,但文中并未提到这种 过剩是否是全球性的。C、D两项由②句臆测而来:②句仅表示“改变了”得州整体的产业结构,没有提到以乡村为主的面貌或羊毛、牛肉产业具体发生了怎样的变化。
16. [答案精析]B。I段③句指出,根据一项新研究,员工不满的主要原因是许多人认为自己有糟糕的主管。 题干+B项是对①句A primary cause of employee dissatisfaction,according to fresh research,is...terrible managers的同义转述,故正确。A项由I段首句主观臆断出“导致员工不满的主要原因是工作不合适”,但该句仅陈述了大多数人不喜欢自己的工作这一事实,并未说明工作是否合适,也没有指出这是导致员工不满的主要原因。C项干扰源自IV段②句those without drive,但该信息意在说明缺乏积极性是糟糕主管的其中一种特征,而并未指出这是导致员工不满的主要原因。D项由Ⅲ段首句The first cause was company culture主观臆断出“管理严格的公司文化是员工不满的主要原因”,但由②句可知,这里所提及的公司文化并非指管理严格,且该句的cause并非指向员工不满的原因,而是指向主管被认为工作表现糟糕透顶的原因。
17.[答案精析]B。Ⅱ段末句首先指出研究发现糟糕管理有四个主要原因。随后Ⅲ段首句指出员工认为公司文化促成了糟糕的管理方法。接着②③句具体解释了什么样的公司文化会促成糟糕的管理方法,④句将这样的公司文化称为toxic“有毒害的”。由此可知,有害的公司文化是导致糟糕管理方法的原因之一,故B项正确。A项将Ⅲ段②句中的minimal training(最小限度的培训)窜改为Ineffective training(无效的培训)。C项由Ⅲ段②③句中的a lack of accountability(问责机制缺失)、Often..,fail to discipline...wrongdoings(未对错误行为进行惩戒)过度推导而来,选项内容实际并未在文中提及。D项源自Ⅲ段②句中的stressful work environments,却将其实际内涵“整体工作环境压力大”窜改为“主管个人负控过重”。
18.[答案精析]D。VII段首句指出这项关于工作不满的研究只基于员工的观点,D项完整复现了该句信息, 故正确。由VII段①②句可知,本研究并未参考雇主及主管的意见,A、B项均与这两句所传达的信息相悖,故错误。C项由本文主旨“该研究揭示了导致糟糕管理的四大原因”及常识“分析问题原因有助于针对性地解决问题”过度推导而来,但“揭示原因”并不直接等同于“提供解决线索”,文中实际并未提及“如何解决员工不满/糟糕管理的问题”,也未说明该研究在这一方面有何贡献。
19.[答案精析]A。录音开篇指出,无人驾驶车辆的应用似乎已经成为必然,西澳大利亚州的矿业公司正走在前沿,即这些矿业公司正在应用无人驾驶车辆。Ⅱ段详述自动驾驶车辆的应用。Ⅲ段展望矿区的未来。IV段首句总结上文指出,一系列的因素将西澳大利亚州的矿区推向了这场自动化革命的前沿。综合可知,西澳大利亚州的采矿业正在经历一场自动化革命,故A项正确。B项将Ⅱ段中“自动驾驶汽车在矿区(mines)忙碌的景象”曲解为“整个西澳大利亚州(the region)经济上的繁荣(prosperity)”;C项由Ⅱ段中“矿区铁矿石产量高”及主题“自动化技术的应用”主观推断出“采矿自动化后,铁矿石的产量暴增”,进而推断出“矿区正带来前所未有的利润”;D项将“采矿业技术的发展”误解为“采矿业产业规模的扩张/经济效益的增长(expanding)”。
20.[答案精析]B。VI段首句指出,该行业(指采矿业)的自动化和数字化创造了对不同工作岗位的需求。②句列举创造的工作岗位。由此可知,采矿业的数字化创造了很多新的工作岗位,B项符合文意。VI段③句指出,自动化和机器人技术能使采矿更可持续,即可促进资源的可持续开采,A项与此相悖。C项将IV段末句The ongoing push by the mining corporations与VI段末句Employees杂糅,臆断出“雇主(矿业公司)和雇员之间存在冲突”。D项由V段②句信息“投入的技术越多,就需要越多的人使用、维护和改进这些技术”及VI段首句信息“自动化创造了对不同岗位的需求”主观推断出“采矿自动化后,采矿工人跟不上技术的发展,需要对他们进行再培训”。
21.[答案精析]D。VII段首两句指出,工会已承认了引进新技术的必然性,但他们对自动化技术的崛起仍持保留态度,故D项正确。A项中“欣然接受”的态度体现于Ⅲ段中支持者对新技术的乐观态度:五年实现全自动采矿。C项中的“反对态度”体现于V段信息“全自动采矿的概念有点误导人”。两项均非工会的观点。B项中的“观望态度”体现于录音结尾处the question隐含的“身处偏远社区的人们如何生存”这一问题有待解决的意思中,将工会的观点片面化了。
22.[答案精析]C。首段首句指出,泰国的年度道路死亡率几乎是全球平均水平的两倍,C项是对该句中Thailand's annual road-death rate is almost double the global average的同义改写,故正确。A项由常识及后文对不同经济发展水平国家的分类讨论编造而来,文中并未提及。B项将Ⅱ段首句“交通事故导致的死亡人数比任何传染病都多”的谈论背景由“全球”偷换为“泰国”。D项杂糅Ⅱ段②句中的“2017”和IV段中各国交通事故死亡人数下降的情况,编造出泰国交通事故减少,但由首段所述泰国交通安全问题的严峻形势和IV段末句“问题在于,泰国能否很快跟上”可知,泰国的交通事故很可能一直居高不下,并未减少。
23.[答案精析]B。B项是对Ⅱ段末句that disguises a lot of changes in individual countries的同义改写,故正确。A项利用Ⅲ段对贫富国家的对比设置干扰,但Ⅱ段末句指出该部分内容恰是研究所数据所未能体现的 (disguises)。C项与Ⅱ段③句大意“自世纪之交以来,道路死亡总人数基本保持稳定”相悖。D项由Ⅲ段③句“由于官方数据远远不够,不可能知道确切数字”臆断而来,但文中实际谈论的是低收入国家的官方数据不够 (因此只能估算其增长情况),而非指美国研究所的数据不可靠。
25.[答案精析]A。末段②句指出,解决方案还在于“更有力的社会激励措施”,③句指出“安全驾驶习惯”并未得到遵守,随后④句指出危险驾驶并非固定不变,暗示安全驾驶习惯是可以培养出来的,A项与之相符。B项将②句的practices(文中指“惯常做法”)曲解为“训练;练习”,进而编造出“应为驾驶员提供更好的培训”,但文中并未提及这一信息。C、D项利用末段末句中的traffic laws that are actuallyenforced设置干扰,前者仅复现traffic laws,选项其余内容并未在文中提及,后者则将该部分强调之意“切实执法”窜改为“从立法层面加大处罚力度”。