例76 All we can hope today is that unbelievably dangerous powers of atomic weapons, which have been put into the hands of human beings by the development of modern science, will remain under control by responsible men and countries, and that evil terrorists will not release upon mankind the weapons that could extinguish not only mankind, but all life on earth.
【结构分析】这句话主干是All we can hope today is...,后面是两个并列的表语从句,第一个表语从句是that unbelievably dangerous powers of atomic weapons will remain under control by responsible men and countries,其中有插入语which have been put into the hands of human beings by the development of modern science,第二个表语从句是that evil terrorists will not release upon mankind the weapons...,其中有定语从句that could extinguish not only mankind, but all life on earth。
unbelievably dangerous powers 不可思议的破坏性力量
atomic weapons 核武器
put into the hands of human beings 被人类掌握
the development of modern science 现代科技的发展
remain under control 被控制
evil terrorists 邪恶的恐怖主义分子
release upon 投放
extinguish 摧毁