复杂的并列句的拆分和理解 例254
教程:考研英语经验  浏览:326  
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    例254 Their methods don't attempt to estimate the actual biomass of fish species in particular parts of the oceans, but rather changes in that biomass over the time.

    【结构分析】这句话是典型的not...but...这种固定搭配,主语是Their methods,动词是don't attempt to estimate,第一个宾语是the actual biomass of fish species,后面加上介词短语in particular parts of the oceans做定语,but后面是第二个宾语,也就是changes in that biomass over the time。



    attempt to 试图

    estimate 估计

    actual biomass 真实的生物数量

    fish species 鱼类


      上一篇:复杂的并列句的拆分和理解 例253 下一篇:复杂的并列句的拆分和理解 例255

