教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:733  
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       1. [望文生义]根据已知词根的含义求出下列单词的含义。




       2. [由此及彼]根据前面单词的含义推出后面单词的含义。

       ① trinenial a.三年一度的→triarchy n.

       ② bishop n.主教→archbishop n.

       ③ priest n.祭司→archpriest n.

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① archon n.古雅典之执政者;统治者

       ② plutarchy n.富豪统治;富人政府(提示:plut=wealth)

       ③ diarchy n.两头政治(提示:di-=two)

       ④ archangel n.天使长;大天使

       ⑤ hierarch n.教主,主教

       ⑥ arch-criminal n.罪魁祸首

       ⑦ archfiend n.大恶魔

       ⑧ archipelago n.群岛(提示:pelago=sea)

       ⑨ architrave n. [建]柱顶过梁;门的头线条板(提示:trave=beam)

       7. aud, audit [L]=to hear听

       在常用词audience和auditorium中,有一对同源异形词根aud和audit,其词源拉丁动词audire的意思是to hear(听)。aud是不定式词干,audit是动名词词干。

       audience [aud=to hear听;-i-;-ence n.=the act or state表行为或状态→“the act or state of hearing 听的行为或状态”→] n.① interview or con-ference会见;接见:The foreign guests had an audience with the may-or.外宾拜会了市长。② the people assembled to hear听众:There will be a large audience today.今天会有很多听众来。

       auditorium [audit=to hear听;-orium n.=place场所→“place for hearing听的场所”→] n.① building or room for public meetings礼堂;演讲厅② the space allocated to the hearers听众席:The author was found sitting in the auditorium.有人发现作者正坐在听众席中。

       audible [aud=to hear听;-ible a.=capable of being能被……的→] a. capable of being heard听得见的:Their whispers are hardly audible.他们窃窃私语,别人听不见。

       ▽inaudible [in-;audible a.] a.听不见的

       audit [audit=to hear听→“to hear a lecture or a report听课;听取汇报”→] v. ① attend class in a university without intending to receive a grade(在大学)旁听:to audit a history course at college旁听大学历史课程②examine(financial accounts)审查(账目):The yearly accounts will be audited by a special committee.年度账目将由特别委员会审查。

       ▽auditor [audit;-or n.] n.(大学)旁听生;查账员

       audition [audit=to hear听;-ion n.=the act表行为→] n. ① hearing听② trial hearing(to an actor or singer)(对演员等)试听:to give an audition to a singer听歌手试唱决定是否录用

       audile [aud=to hear听;-ile a.=pertaining to……的→] a. pertaining(关于,有关)to hearing or the sense of hearing听的;听觉的:audile power听的功能

       auditory [audit=to hear听;-ory a.=relating to与……有关的→] a. relating to the sense of hearing听觉的:auditory nerves听觉神经

       audiology [audi=to hear听;-o-;-logy n.=branch of science一门科学→] n. the science dealing with the sense of hearing听觉学

       ▽audiologist [audiolog(y);-ist n.] n.听觉学学者

       audio [形容词性的合词成分:aud=to hear听;-io→“of hearing与听有关的”→] I a. pertaining to sound or sound waves声音的;声波的:audio frequency音频→Ⅱ n. broadcast or recorded sound播音;录音:My television set has a good picture by weak audio.我的电视机图像清晰,但是收音不好。


      上一篇:英语词根——练习5: 下一篇:英语词根——练习7:


