教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:548  
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       1. [同义相连]根据audio的相关知识把下列英汉对等词连接起来。

       ① audiometer      a.测听术

       ② audio-visual      b.音频

       ③ audiophile       c.听力计

       ④ audiometry      d.音响效果爱好者(发烧友)

       ⑤ audio-frequeny     e.视听教学的

       2. [由此及彼]

       ① earphone是耳机,telephone是电话,audiphone是什么?

       ② typist是打字员,被称为audiotypist的人,打字技术如何?

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① auditress n.女审计员

       ② auditorial a.审计的;审计员的

       ③ subaudition n.领会到的言外之义(提示:sub-=under)

       ④ audion n.三极真空管

       8. aug, auct, auth [L]=to increase增加

       读者可能想不到August(八月),auction(拍卖)和author(作者)居然是同根词吧!它们分别来自拉丁动词aguere、它的过去分词auctus及其变体auth,其基本意思都是to increase(增加)或to cause to grow(使产生,使增大)。

       august [aug=to increase使增大;-ust a.=the most最→“to increase to the most增到最大”→“the greatest最伟大的”→]Ⅰa. majestic威严的:august palaces威严的王宫→Ⅱ(大写August)n.① 奥古斯特(即古罗马Augustus凯撒大帝,他自认为是最伟大的帝王)② 八月(奥古斯特大帝以自己的名字命名八月份)

       augment [aug=to increase增加;-ment v.→] v.① make greater or enlarge增加,扩大:to augment the power扩大权力② become greater增加,增大:The sound of traffic augments during the rush hour.高峰时间交通噪音会增大。

       ▽augmentative [augment;-ative a.] a.有扩大(增加)作用的

       auction [auct=to cause to grow使增加;-ion n.=the act表行为→“the act of causing the price to grow使价格上升的行为”→]Ⅰn. sale in which goods are sold to the person offering the most money拍卖:to sell the old furniture by auction拍卖旧家具→Ⅱv. sell by auction拍卖:When the artist died, his family auctioned his paintings.艺术家去世后,家人把他的画拍卖了。

       ▽auctioneer [auction v.-eer n.] n.拍卖商

       author [auth(auct)=to cause to grow 使成长;-or n.=person 人→“person who causes anything to grow使事物产生者”→] n.① person who begins or creates发起人,创始者:the author of the new plan新计划的倡议者② writer著作者,作家:His favorite author is Dickens.他最喜欢的作家是狄更斯。

       ▽authorless [author;-less a.] a.作者不明的;隐名的

       auctorial [auctor=author作者;-i-;-al a.=of……的→] a. of or having to do with an author作者的:auctorial comments作者说明

       authority [author n. 创始者;-ity n.=the quality表特性→“the quality of an author创始者的特性”→] n.① the power or right to control or make decisions 权力,权威:Rulers have no authority from God to do mischief.上帝并没有给统治者制造祸害的权力。② person(s) having authority当权者:higher authority上级领导

       authorize [author n.创始者(→power权力);-ize v.=to cause to have使有→“to cause to have power使有权力”→] v. give power to授权:The president authorized his ambassador to sign the treaty.总统授权大使签订该条约。

       ▽authorization [authoriz(e);-ation n.] n.授权,委托


      上一篇:英语词根——练习6: 下一篇:英语词根——练习8:


