1. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① occasionality a.使西化
② coincidence b.偶然性
③ occidentalize c.巧合
④ cadenced d.声调抑扬的
⑤ indeciduous e.常绿的
2. [由此及彼]
已知:在occident(西方)这个单词中,词根cid=to fall.
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① cascade n.瀑布
② cadence n.声调的抑扬;节奏
③ casuist n.诡辩家
④ accidence n. [语]词态变化;词法
11. cap, capt, cept, ceive [L]=to take取
这是一组形态变化比较复杂,孳生能力又很强的词根。cap来自拉丁动词capere,意为to take(取),capt,cept来自它的过去分词。由于该族同根词多由法语引入英语,因此又多了一个带法语痕迹的变体ceive。先介绍几个由cap,capt构成的派生词。
capable [cap=to take取;-able a.=able能……的→“able to take能取到的”→] a. able;talented有能力的;有才能的:capable teachers能干的教师
▽capability [capab(le);-ility n.] n.能力,才能,技能
capacious [cap=to take or hold取,抓;-acious (-ac +-ious) a.=having the nature有……性能的→“having the nature of holding能容纳的”→] a. able to hold much容量大的:capacious stage宽敞的戏台
▽capacity [cap;-ac;-ity n.] n.容量,容积;可容性,可能性
capture [capt=to take取;-ure n.=the result表结果→“the result of being taken or catched被夺取的结果”→]Ⅰn. person or thing seized俘虏,捕获物:The lion became their capture.那只狮子成为他们的猎物。→Ⅱv. take as a prize by force捕获:to capture butterflies with a net用网捕捉蝴蝶
▽capturer [captur(e);-er n.] n.捕获者
capturable [captur(e);-able a.] a.可捕获的
captive [capt=to take取;-ive a.=being...被……的→“being taken被抓的”→]Ⅰa. taken or made a prisoner被俘虏的:captive birds笼中之鸟→Ⅱ n. a person or animal captured俘虏;猎获物:The captives were sold as slaves.俘虏被贩卖为奴。
▽captivity [captiv(e) a.;-ity n.] n.囚虏;监禁(期);羁绊
captivate [captiv(e) a.;-ate v.] v. [古]捕获;迷惑,蛊惑
receive [re-=back回;ceive=to take取→“to take back取回”→] v.① get or accept收到,收受:It is more blessed to give than to receive.施惠比收受更好。② allow to enter 容纳,接待:to receive the guests warmly热情接待客人
▽receiver [receiv(e);-er n.] n.收受者;听筒;接收机
reception [re-;cept;-ion n.] n.接待;欢迎;接受,容纳
receptive [re-;cept;-ive a.] a.能容纳的;可接受的
deceive [de-=away离;ceive=to take取→“to take somebody away from what is true带某人离开真相”→] v. cause to believe what is false欺骗,蒙蔽:Deceive boys with toys, but men with oaths.用玩具骗小孩,用誓言骗大人。
▽deceiver [deceiv(e);-er n.] n.欺骗者,骗子
deception [de-;cept;-ion n.] n.欺骗,蒙蔽;骗人的东西
deceptive [de-;cept;-ive a.] a.骗人的;容易使人上当的
conceive [con-=in入;ceive=to take取→“to take in取进,吸收”→] v.① become pregnant怀(胎):to conceive a child怀孕 ② form in the mind构想,设想:I can't conceive why you said so.我想不出你为什么这样说。
▽conceivable [conceiv(e);-able a.] a.可想到的,可想象的
conception [con-;cept;-ion n.] n.概念;构想,设想;怀孕
conceptive [con-;cept;-ive a.] a.有构想力的;构想的
conceptual [con-;cept;-ual a.] a.概念的;概念艺术的
perceive [per-=thoroughly完全;ceive=to take or grasp 握→“to grasp thoroughly完全掌握”→] v. grasp through the senses感觉,察觉:She perceived a faint aroma.她闻出一种淡淡的香味。
▽perceivable [perceiv(e);-able a.] a.可感知的;有洞察力的
perception [per-;cept;-ion n.] n.感知,感觉;察觉
perceptive [per-;cept;-ive a.] a.感知的;有洞察力的
perceptual [per-;cept;-ual a.] a.感知的;[心]知觉的
perceptible [per-;cept;-ibe a.] a.可感知的;可察觉的
except [ex-=out出;cept=to take取→“to take out取出,排除”→]Ⅰv. leave out or exclude把……除外:She was excepted from the short list.她被排除在首选名单之外。Ⅱprep. but not除……外:He works every day except Sunday.除了星期天,他天天干活。
▽exception [except v.;-ion n.] n.除外,例外;异议,反对
exceptive [except v.;-ive a.] a.例外的,除外的,特殊的
exceptious [except v.;-ious a.] a.好提异议的,喜欢反对的
incept [in-=in在……中;cept=to take取→“to take in hand取在手中”→] v.① begin开始:The party incepted 80 years ago.该党成立于80年前。② complete the taking of a degree取得学位:to incept one's MA取得硕士学位
▽inception [incept;-ion n.] n.开始,初期;学位授予典礼
inceptive [incept;-ive a.] a.开始的,最初的
intercept [inter-=between在……之间;cept=to take取→“to take between在中途取得”→] v. seize or stop on the way拦截,截住:The drug shipment was intercepted at the airport.那批毒品在机场被截获了。
▽interception [intercept;-ion n.] n.拦截;截击;窃听
precept [pre-=before在……之前;cept=to take取→“words taken before an action行动前应记取的话”→] n. a rule of action or behaviour;maxim规矩,戒律;箴言:Example is better than precept.身教重于言传。
▽perceptive [per-;cept;-ive a.] a.规诫的,训诫的;规定的
susceptible [sus-(sub-)=(up from) under自下而上;cept=to take取;-ible=able to be可被……的→“able to be taken up可被占取的”→] a.①easily affected by易受影响的:He is susceptible to suggestion.他没有主见。②easily influenced by feelings易受感动的,多情的:susceptible girls多情少女
▽susceptibility [susceptib(le);-ility n.] n.敏感性;多情
hypersusceptible [hyper-;susceptible a.] a.过敏的
anticipate [anti-(ante-)=before前;cip=to take取;-ate v.→“to take before or realize before先取,先实现”→] v.① do before others do先于……做成:The Chinese anticipated the European in discovery of gunpowder.中国人在欧洲人之前发现了火药。② consider in advance预先考虑,预见:Our hotel anticipates your every need.本宾馆预先考虑到您的各种需要。③ expect期望,期待:We anticipate a good time at the party.我们期待着晚会上的愉快时光。
▽anticipation [anticipat(e);-ion n.] n.期望;预期;先发制人
anticipative [anticipat(e);-ive a.] a.预期的;先发制人的
principal [prin=first首位;cip=to take取;-al a.=of……的→“of taking first占取首位的”→]Ⅰa. most important;chief首要的;主要的:principal city首府→Ⅱ n. the chief person or head首长:the principal of school校长
participate [part=part份儿,角色;-i-;cip=to take取;-ate v.→] v. take part or partake参加,参与:The teacher participated in the chil-dren's games.教师参加了孩子们的游戏。
▽participation [participat(e);-ion n.] n.参与,参加;分享
participator [participat(e);-or n.] n.参与者;分享者
emancipate [e-(ex-)=out出;man=hand手;cip=take取;-ate v.→“to take out of one's hand从某人手中取出”→] v. set free or release解放,使不受束缚:Lincoln emancipated the slaves on Jan. 1st, 1863.林肯于1863年1月1日解放了奴隶。
▽emancipation [emancipat(e);-ion n.] n.解放;无拘束
emancipator [emancipat(e);-or n.] n.解放者