1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① accord n.一致;调和→disaccord n.
② obcordate a.倒心形的→cordate a.
2. [同义相连]常用词cardiac(心脏的,心脏病的)的词根cardi来自希腊名词kardia,而kardia与cordis在印欧语系中是同根词,意思都是heart(心)。试比较以下两列,把对等词用线连起来:
① cardiogram a.心力计
② cardiology b.心动图
③ cardiometer c.心病学
④ cardiotonic d.心脏炎
⑤ carditis e.强心剂
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① cardiograph n.心动描写器
② cardia n. [解] 贲门
③ cardiovascular a.心血管的
④ cardiorespiratory a.心肺的(提示:cardi=cord)
⑤ precordium n.心前区
precordial a.心前区的
⑥ concordat n.契约
4. [节外生枝] cord还有两个异体cor和cour。cor即拉丁名词cor的原形;cour来自法语。试分析下列几组单词的含义。
① core n.核心;果实的心
coreless a.无(果)心的
② courage n.勇气
courageous a.勇敢的;无畏的
③ encourage v.鼓励
encouragement n.鼓励
④ discourage v.使泄气
discouragement n.泄气;阻拦
19. cresc, cret, cre [L]=to grow生长
常用词crescent,increase,create和concrete,表面看来似乎关系不大,其实是同根生的。它们的词干部分cresc,cret和cre是一组同源异形根,都来自拉丁动词crescere,意为to grow(生长)。其中,cresc是不定式词干;cret是动名词词干;cre是cret在添加后缀时的变形。
crescent [cresc=to grow生长,变化;-ent n.=the state 表行为状态→“the growing state(of the moon)(月亮)变化的状态”→] n.① the visible part of the quarter moon which is growing larger or smaller月牙② any object like a crescent月牙形的东西/The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent.土耳其的国徽是个月牙。
increase [in-=into成;creas(cresc的重读式)=to grow生长;-e→] I v. grow into a larger amount;become greater or larger增长;增加;增大:The production increases with years. 生产逐年增长。→Ⅱn. growth增长:the rate of increase增长率
create [cre=to grow生长;-ate v.=to make使……→“to make to grow into shape使生长成形”→] v. make something exist 创造:to create more jobs创造更多的就业机会
▽creation [creat(e);-ion n.] n.创造;创作;(大写)创世
creator [creat(e);-or n.] n. 创造者;创始者;(大写)造物主 creature [creat(e);-ure n.] n.创造物;生物;动物
creative [creat(e);-ive a.] a.有创造力的;创造性的;创作的
concrete [con-=together一起;cret=to grow生长;-e→“to grow or stick together 长在一起或结成一块”→] I v. solidify or harden凝固;固结:The sands concreted into a mass. 沙土结成块。→Ⅱa. relating to a solidified thing; particular; real 固定有形的;具体的;实际的:a concrete problem 具体问题 III n. any mass of solidified particles, especially used in building 混凝土:reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土
▽concretion [concret(e) v.;-ion n.] n.凝固;凝固物
concretive [concret(e) v.;-ive a.] a.凝结性的
decrease [de-=downward向下;creas=to grow生成,变化;-e→“to grow downward 向下变化”→] I v. become less, or make less减少;使变少:Water comsumption decreased.耗水量降低了。→Ⅱn. reduction减少;减少量:A big decrease in sales caused the supermarket to close.销售量锐减使得超市关了门。
increment [in-=into成;cre=to grow生长;-ment n.=the result表行为结果→“the result of growing into a larger amount 数量增长的结果”→] n. the amount of increase 增加量:monthly increments 月增加额
▽incremental [increment;-al a.] a.增加的;增值的
increscent [in-=into成;cresc=to grow生长;-ent a.=-ing有……特征的→“growing into(the full moon)长成(满月)的”→] a. waxing of the moon(月亮)渐盈的:an increscent moon盈月
accretion [ac-(ad-)=to向;cret=to grow生长;-ion n.=the act or state 表动作或状态→“growing to向……生长”→] n.① continued growth生长;增大:the accretion of cancer肿瘤增大 ② growing of parts into each other合生,连生:accretion of two kinds of plants两种植物的合生现象
excrescence [ex-=out出;cresc=to grow生长;-ence n.=the result表行为结果→“growing or growth which is out of the normal state超出正常状态的生长物”→] n. ① abnormal outgrowth 赘生物,瘤:an excresence on the neck脖子上的瘤② superfluous part累赘,多余物:This tree is an excrescence in the painting.这棵树在画中是多余的。
▽excrescent [ex-;cresc;-ent a.] a.赘生的;多余的