1. [词根辨异]指出下列单词的词根的含义是① care或② to run:
current curious curricle currency
secure curator incur incuriosity
recur procure concurrence occur
2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① incurious a.不关心的→inaccurate a.
② incuriosity n.不关心的→inaccuracy n.
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① insecure a. faulty
② insecurity b. incorrectness
③ inaccurate c. unsafe
④ inaccuracy d. defencelessness
⑤ incuriority e. unconcern
4. [望文生义]根据已学的词根知识推测下列单词的词义。
① incurable a.
② incurability n.
5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① curio n.古董,古玩;珍品
② curiosa n. [复] 珍品;稀有的书
③ procuration n.代理
④ procurator n.代理人
⑤ manicure n.修指甲
manicurist n.指甲修剪师(提示:man=hand)
⑥ pedicure n.足医;修脚指甲(提示:ped=foot)
⑦ sinecure n.挂名职务;闲职(提示:sine=without)
24. cycl [GK]=circle圆环
cycle [cycl=circle圆环;-e→“a circle of time running时间转了一圈”→] n. recurrent period;period of a thing completion循环;周期:the cycle of the seasons季节的循环
▽cyclic [cycl(e);-ic a.] a.周期的;循环的
bicycle [bi-=two二;cycl=circle圆环;-e→“two circles两个圆轮”→] I n. two-wheeled vehicle两轮脚踏车,自行车→Ⅱv. ride on a bicycle骑自行车:to bicycle to school骑自行车上学
▽bicyclist [bicycl (e);-ist n.] n.骑自行车的人
unicycle [un=one 一;-i-; cycl=circle 圆环;-e→“one-circled vehicle一个轮的车”→] n. one-wheeled vehicle used by acrobats(杂技演员用的)独轮车
autocycle [auto-=automatic自动;cycle=bicycle脚踏车→] n. automatic bicycle, or bicycle with auxiliary engine机器脚踏车
encyclopaedia [en-=in在……之内;cycl=circle圆圈→all directions or fields各方面;-o-;paedia(与pacideia“教育”混淆)=education教育→“book giving education or knowledge in all fields 提供各方面知识的书”→] n. work containing information on all branches of knowledge百科全书:Encyclopaedia Britannica《大不列颠百科全书》
▽encyclopaedic [encyclopaed(ia);-ic a.] a.百科全书(式)的
encyclopaedism [encyclopaed(ia);-ism n.] n.知识渊博
encyclopaedist [encyclopaed(i);-ist n.] n.百科全书编篡者
cyclone [cycl=cicle圆;-one n.=thing, wind物,风→“wind in a circle圆环状的风”→] n. wind whirling around a low barometric center旋风,气旋(围绕低气压中心旋转的风)
▽cyclonic [cyclon(e);-ic a.] a.气旋的
hemicycle [hemi=half半;cycl=circle圆;-e→“half circle半个圆”→] n. semicircular figure半圆形
tetracycline [tetra=four 四;cycl=circle, ring 环;-ine n.=medicine药→] n. medicine of four-ring compounds in which carbon atoms are linked with other atoms四环素