教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:515  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       recycle v.&n.

       2. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① cycloid a.圆形的;圆状的

       ② cyclist n.骑自行车的人

       ③ encyclic a.普遍传送的

       ④ encyclical n.通谕;通告

       ⑤ anticyclone n.反气旋

       ⑥ cyclopaedia n.百科词典;百科全书

       ⑦ cyclorama n.圆形连续画景

       ⑧ megacycle n.兆周(提示:mega=million)

       3. [节外生枝] cyclo-可作为术语前缀,表示“圆的”,“环状的”。请分析下列单词词义与“圆”,“环”的关系。

       ① cyclograph n.全景电影摄影机;圆弧规

       ② cyclometer n.车轮转数记录器

       ③ cyclostome n.圆口类脊椎动物

       ④ cyclothymia n.循环性精神病

       ⑤ cyclotron n.原子能回旋加速器

       25. dem [GK]=the people人民

       dem源于希腊名词demos,意思相当于the people(人民)。在添加后缀时,它常带有连接字母-o-,可以把demo当作dem的异体。

       democracy [demo=the people人民;-cracy n.=power权力→rule or ruling body统治,政体→“rule or ruling body by the people人民的统治或政权”→] n. government by all the people;society characterized by recog-nizing the equal rights of all the people民主政权;民主社会

       democrat [demo=the people人民;-crat n.=supportor of a government某种政体的支持者→“supportor of a government by all the people人民政权的支持者”→] n. supportor or advocate of democracy民主主义者

       ▽democratism [democrat;-ism n.] n.民主主义

       democratic [democrat;-ic a.] a.民主主义的;民主政体的

       democratize [democrat;-ize v.] v.使民主化

       demos [demos=the people人民→] n. the people;the populace人民,民众;大众

       ▽demotic [dem(os);-otic a.] a.民众的;通俗的

       demography [demo=the people人民→the population人口;-graphy n.=writing著作→recording and study记录与研究→“the recording and study of the population对人口的记录与研究”→] n. the study of statistics of births, deaths, disease, etc.人口统计学

       ▽demographic [demograph(y);-ic a.] a.人口统计的

       demographer [demograph(y);-er n.] n.人口统计学者

       demagogue [dem=the people人民;agogue=leader引导者→“leader of the people民众领袖”→] n. political agitator appealing to desires of the mob蛊惑民众的政治鼓动家

       ▽demagogic [demagog (ue);-ic a.] a.蛊惑的;煽动的

       demagogism [demagog(ue);-ism n.] n.煽动;煽动主义

       demagogy [demagog(ue);-y n.] n.煽动;煽动性宣传

       epidemic [epi-=upon在……之上;dem=the people民众;-ic a.=being……的→“being upon the people 发生在民众身上的”→] I a. prevalent among the people in a certain place at a certain time流行性的:Polio was once an epidemic disease.小儿麻痹症曾是一种流行性传染病。→Ⅱn. epidemic disease流行病:to prevent epidemics预防流行病

       endemic [en-=in在……之中;dem=the people人民;-ic a.=being……的→“being in the people of a certain area存在于某个地区民众中的”→] I a. prevalent in a particular area or nation某地(或某种人)特有的,地方性的:Cholera was an endemic disease in India.霍乱曾是印度特有的地方病。→Ⅱn. disease of an endemic nature地方性流行病;风土病:Some endemics have become epidemic diseases in the world.有些地方性疾病已变成世界性的流行病。

       ▽endemicity [endemic a.;-ity n.] n.地方性;风土性

       pandemic [pan-=whole全,遍;dem=the people人民;-ic a.=pertaining to……的→“pertaining to the whole people涉及全民的”→] a. prevalent over the whole of a country or the whole world流行全国(或全世界)的:a pandemic influenza世界性流感


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