教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:859  
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       1. [词根辨识]分析下列单词,指出其中dem(人民)的派生词。(提示:注意区分前缀de-跟mo开头的词干结合的单词与词根demo的派生词。)

       demolish        demoralize       demobilize

       demonstration      democratically     demote

       2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① undemocratic a.

       ② democratization n.

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① epidemiology n.流行病学

       ② epidemiologist n.流行病学家

       26. dic, dict [L]=to say说

       词根dic是拉丁动词dicere的不定式词干;dict是动名词词干,意思都相当于to say(说)。在英语中,dic的派生词较少,dict的派生能力却很强。

       indicate [in-=towards对;dic=to say说;-ate v.→“to say towards some-thing针对某事说话”→] v.① point out;make known指出;表明:The arrow indicates the direction of advance. 箭头指出前进方向。② show;suggest表示;暗示:High fever indicates severe illnesss.高烧表示病重。

       ▽indication [indicat(e);-ion n.] n.指示;象征

       indicator [indicat(e);-or n.] n.指示者;指示器

       indicative [indicat(e);-ive a.] a.指示的;象征的;陈述的

       dictate [dict=to say说→saying话;-ate v.=to do做→“to do a saying做一次讲话”→] v.①say or read for another to write口述,使听写:He dictated a letter to the typist.他向打字员口授一封信。②say commands命令,支配:He will not be dictated to you.他不会听命于你的。

       ▽dictation [dictat(e);-ion n.] n.口述;听写

       dictator [dictate(e) v.命令;-or n.=person人→“person who dictates laws, commands, etc.发布法令者”→] n. absolute ruler独裁者,专政者:fascist dictators法西斯独裁者

       ▽dictatorship [dictator;-ship n.] n.独裁;专政

       dictatorial [dictator;-ial a.] a.独裁的;专政的

       diction [dict=to say说话;-ion n.=the manner表行为方式→“the manner or art of saying说话的方式或艺术”→] n. choice of words and phrases in speaking措词,辞令:Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.措词不当削弱了他讲话的效果。

       dictionary [diction n. 措词;-ary n.=thing物→“book for diction措词用书”→] n. book explaining the use of words in a language词典,字典:an English-Chinese dictionary英汉词典

       contradict [contra-=against 对抗;dict=to say 说→“to say against 以言相抗”→] v.① speak against反驳:Students may contradict their teachers.学生可以反驳教师。② deny否认:Don't contradict what you just testified.别否认你刚刚证实的东西。③ hold the opposite of同……矛盾:to contradict oneself自相矛盾

       ▽contradiction [contradict;-ion n.] n.矛盾

       contradictory [contradict;-ory a.] a.矛盾的;对立的

       dictum [dict=to say说;-um n.=thing done所做的事→“something said有人说过的话”→] n. saying;authoritative saying名言;格言:There is an old dictum that blood is thicker than water.古话说,血浓于水。

       edict [e-(ex-)=out from 自……而出;dict=to say说→saying 话→“saying out from(the authorities)(当权者)发出的话”→] n. order issued by authority法令:the king's edict国王的命令

       ▽edictal [edict;-al a.] a.法令的

       predict [pre-=beforehand事先;dict=to say说→“to say beforehand事先说出”→] v. say what will happen in the future;foretell预言;预告:The weather forecasting center predicted rain for tomorrow.气象站预告明天有雨。

       ▽prediction [predict;-ion n.] n.预言;预告

       predictive [predict;-ive a.] a.预兆的

       benediction [bene=good好;dict=to speak说;-ion n.=-ing表行为→“good speaking说好话”→] n. blessing祝福:sincere benediction诚心的祝福

       ▽benedictive [bene;dict;-ive a.] a.祝福的

       malediction [male=ill, evil坏,恶;dict=to speak说;-ion n.=-ing表行为→] n. evil-speaking;curse诽谤;咒骂:irresponsible malediction不负责任的诽谤

       ▽maledictive [male;dict;-ive a.] a.诽谤的;咒骂的


      上一篇:英语词根——练习24: 下一篇:英语词根——练习26:


