1. [词海垂钓]
① in-(=on)
② inter-(=between)
2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① dictatress n.
② predictor n.
③ predictable a.
3. [同义相连] 将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。(提示:vale=farewell;juris=law;phon=voice)
① valediction a.断言,断定
② jurisdiction b.司法权;管辖权
③ dictaphone c.口述录音机
④ abdication d.放弃;退位
⑤ predication e.告别辞;告别演讲
4. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。
① edict n. A.编辑 B.命令 C.口授
② addict n. A.增加 B.吸毒者 C.放弃
5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① verdict n.判决;判断(提示:ver=truly)
② abdicate v.放弃权利;辞职;退位
③ predicate v.预言
④ dedicate v.奉献;致力
⑤ vindicate v.辩护;辩解(提示:vin=force)
6. [节外生枝] dic,dict还有一个异体dit,以下是常用的同根词。
① condition n.条件;状态
② indite v.赋(诗);撰写
③ sedition n.煽动叛乱的言行;暴动;叛乱
④ ditto n.同上,同前;上述的人或物
27. doc, doct [L]=to teach教
在常用词doctor,document和doctrine中,doc和doct是来自拉丁动词docere的一对同源异形根,意思相当于to teach(教)。
doctor [doct=to teach教;-or n.=person人→“person who teaches, or a learned person 为师者,有学问的人”→] n. ① one who holds the highest degree in a certain field博士(获得某学科最高学位的人):Doctor of Science理科博士②one who is trained and licensed to practice medicine医生:to go to see the doctor's去就医
▽doctorate [doctor;-ate n.] n.博士头衔;博士学位
doctoral [doctor;-al a.] a.博士的
document [doc=to teach教;-u-;-ment n.=thing物→“thing written for teaching or giving information用以示教的书面材料”→] n. paper or other material giving information, proof, or evidence文件;文献:clas-sified documents保密文件
▽documentary [document;-ary a./n.] a.公文的n.纪录片documental
[document;-al a.] a.文件的;文献的
doctrine [doctr(doct)=to teach 教;-ine n.=something done 表行为对象→“something taught 教导的内容”→] n. body of teachings orinstructions教义;教条:Christian doctrine基督教教义
▽doctrinaire [doctrin(e) n.;-aire n.] n.教条主义者
doctrinal [doctrin(e);-al a.] a.教条的
docile [doc=to teach教;-ile a.=capable of可……的→“capable of being taught”→] a. easy to teach, train or manage易管教的;易驯服的;驯良的:a docile horse一匹驯良的马
▽docility [docil(e);-ity n.] n.驯服;温顺
indoctrinate [in-=into进入;doctrin(e)n.=principle教义;-ate v.=to cause使……→“to cause some principle or belief into one's mind使某种教义或信仰进入头脑”→] v. imbue;instruct in灌输;教授:They often indoctrinate their children with patriotic thoughts.他们经常向孩子们灌输爱国思想。