教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:952  
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       1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① docile a.驯服的;驯良的→incocile a.

       ② indoctrinate v.灌输→indoctrinator n.

       ③ doctrinaire n.教条主义者→doctrinairism n.

       2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① indoctrination      a.教条至上主义

       ② indocility        b.文件的提供或使用

       ③ documentation      c.难驯服;倔强

       ④ doctrinism       d.灌输;教训

       ⑤ doctorship       e.博士学位

       3. [节外生枝]以下单词都来自德语。其中dact可看作doct的异体。

       ① docent n.教员;临时讲师

       ② didact n.教育者;说教者

       ③ didactic a.教学的;教导的;教诲的

       ④ didactics n.教学学;教学法

       ⑤ didacticism n.教导(性);说教(性)

       28. duc, duct [L]=to lead引导

       常用词conduct, educate, introduce, produce等是同根词。它们的词根duc或duct都来自拉丁动词ducere,意思相当于to lead(引导)。这对词根的孳生能力很强,其同根词不下百个。

       conduct [con-表加强词义;duct=to lead引导→] I n.① leading;guidance引导;指导:His conduct of the business is successful.他对企业的指导是有成效的。② leading oneself to a certain result, or behaviour行为;品行:His conduct in school is good.他在学校品行良好。→Ⅱv.① lead or guide 引导;带领:The mayor conducted us through the town.市长带我们参观了城市。②direct(oneself)为人,表现:The children conducted themselves well tonight.孩子们今晚表现得很好。

       ▽conductor [conduct v.;-or n.] n.指导者;(乐队)指挥;导体

       conductible [conduct v.;-ible a.] a.能传导的

       conductive [conduct v.;-ive a.] a.传导性的

       educate [e-(ex-)=out of从……出来;duc=to lead引导;-ate v.→“to lead out of(the ignorant state)从(无知状态)引导出来”→] v. give training or schooling to教养;教育:He has been well educated.他受过良好的教育。

       ▽education [educat(e);-ion n.] n.教育;教育的过程

       educator [educat(e);-or n.] n.教育工作者

       educative [educat(e);-ive a.] a.有教育意义的

       introduce [intro-=into进;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead into引进”→] v.① lead or bring into use引用;采用:to introduce new techniques采用新技术 ② lead into acquaintance with介绍:to introduce a new teacher to the class把新老师介绍给班上学生

       ▽introducer [introduc(e);-er n.] n.引进者;介绍人

       introduction [intro-;duct;-ion n.] n.引进;介绍;导言

       introductory [intro-;duct;-ory a.] a.介绍的;导言的

       produce [pro-=forward向前;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead or bring forward to some result向前引导,引出结果来”→] v. bring forth;make or create生产;制造;创造:This factory produces lathes.这家工厂生产车床。

       ▽producer [produc(e);-er n.] n.生产者;制造者

       product [pro-;duct] n.产品;成果

       production [pro-;duct;-ion n.] n.生产;总产品;总成果

       productive [pro-;duct;-ive a.] a.生产的;多产的

       deduce [de-=down from从……出来;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead a conclusion down from从……引出结论”→] v. draw as conclusion;infer演绎;推理:I deduced that she was married by the ring on her finger.根据她手上的戒指我推断她已经结婚。

       ▽deduction [de-;duct;-ion n.] n.演绎;推论;扣除

       deductive [de-;duct;-ive a.] a.演绎的;推论的

       reduce [re-=backward向后;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead backward引回头,使后退”→] v. ① bring from a higher position to a lower position使降级:The officer was reduced to the ranks.那个军官被降为士兵。②make less in size, amount, value, etc.缩小;减少;贬值等:to reduce the costs降低成本

       ▽reducer [reduc(e);-er n.] n.缩减者;减速器

       reducible [reduc(e);-ible a.] a.可缩减的

       reduction [re-;duct;-ion n.] n.减少;缩小

       reductive [re-;duct;-ive a.] a.减少的;缩减的

       seduce [se-=aside离,偏;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead aside引离正道”→] v. lead astray, or draw aside from what is right勾引;引诱:She seduced him to crime.她引诱他犯罪。

       ▽seducible [seduc(e);-ible a.] a.易受诱惑的

       seduction [se-;duct;-ion n.] n.诱惑;勾引

       seductive [re-;duct;-ive a.] a.诱人堕落的

       abduct [ab-=away from离开;duct=to lead引导→“to lead away from home引离家庭”→] v. take away by fraud or violence;kidnap诱拐;劫持:His forefather was abducted to America a long time ago.他的祖先是很久前被绑架到美洲的。

       ▽abductor [abduct;-or n.] n.诱拐者

       abduction [abduct;-ion n.] n.诱拐;劫持

       induct [in-=into入;duct=to lead引导→“to lead into some group引导加入某种团体”→] v.①introduce formally使正式加入:He was inducted into the trade union.他入了工会。② put in possession使就职:This ceremony inducts the cabinet into office.仪式之后,新内阁正式就职。

       ▽inductee [induct;-ee n.] n.入会者;就任者

       inductor [induct;-or n.] n.引导者;授职人

       induction [induct;-ion n.] n.入会;就职

       inductive [induct;-ive a.] a.引入的;诱入的


      上一篇:英语词根——练习26: 下一篇:英语词根——练习28:


