教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:739  
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       1. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① benefactor n.行善者→malefactor n.

       ② benefaction n.行善→malefaction n.

       ③ effective a.有效的→ineffective n.

       2. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① facture n.制造;加工法

       ② manufacture v.制造;加工(提示:manu=hand)

       ③ facsimile n.摹写;传真(提示:simil=like)

       ④ factitious a.做作的;不自然的

       ⑤ affectionate a.充满感情的

       ⑥ faction n.内讧;派系斗争;派别

       ⑦ factious a.好搞宗派活动的

       ⑧ factualism n.尊重事实;事实主义

       ⑨ factitive a.使役的 n.使役动词

       ⑩ factotum n.家务总管

       3. [节外生枝]词根fic也是fac的异体。分析下列fic的派生词的词义。

       ① efficient a.效率高的

       efficiency n.效率;功效

       ② deficient a.不足的;缺乏的

       deficiency n.不足;缺乏

       ③ difficult a.困难的

       difficulty n.困难

       ④ magnificent a.巨大的;宏伟的

       magnificence n.壮丽;豪华(提示:magn-=great)

       ⑤ significant a.有意义的;重要的

       significance n.意义;重要性(提示:sign=mark)

       ⑥ proficient a.熟练的

       proficiency n.熟练

       ⑦ suffice v.满足……的需要

       sufficient a.充分的

       sufficiency n.充足;足量

       ⑧ office n.办公室;公务;公职

       official a.公职的;公务的 n.官员

       31. fer [L]=to carry, to bring, to bear 拿,带,产生

       在常用词conference,different,offer和prefer中,可以看到一个很常用的词根fer,它来自拉丁动词ferre的不定式词干。这个词根的含义在不同的派生词中略有差异,可以用三个近义词来概括它的含义:to carry(拿);to bring(带来);to bear(负担,产生)。

       confer [con-(com-)=together一起;fer=to bring带→“to bring everyone's opinion together 把各人的意见带到一起来”→] v. talk or consult together交换意见;协商:Two lawyers conferred on how to handle the case.两位律师协商处理该案。

       ▽conference [confer;-ence n.] n.会谈;会议

       conferee [confer;-ee n.] n.参加商谈者;参加会议者

       differ [dif-(dis-)=apart离;fer=to carry拿→“to carry apart from each other拿开,互相分离”→] v. be unlike;disagree不同;相异:I differ from you on this point.在这问题上,我和你意见不同。

       ▽difference [differ;-ence n.] n.分歧;差异

       different [differ;-ent a.] a.不同的;各种各样的

       offer [of-(ob-)=towards向;fer=to carry拿→“to carry towards somebody向某人送去”→] v. ① present for acceptance;lay before提供;奉献:She offered the guests some gifts.她给客人献上礼物。② propose提议:He offered his help.他主动提出帮助。

       ▽offering [offer;-ing n.] n.提供;礼物

       prefer [pre-=before在……之前;fer=to bring带→“to bring something before all the others把某物放在他物之前”→] v. choose rather;like better宁要;偏爱:The hero preferred death to surrender. 英雄宁死不屈。

       ▽preference [prefer;-ence n.] n.优先;偏爱

       preferable [prefer;-able a.] a.更可取的;更好的

       refer [re-=back回;fer=to bring带→“to bring back to the starting point带回出发点”→] v.① trace to ...as cause or source把……归诸于:She refers the success to efforts. 她把成功归诸于努力。② bring some information back for consideration参考:Please refer to the dictionary.请查阅词典。

       ▽reference [refer;-ence n.] n.参考

       referable [refer;-able a.] a.与……有关的

       suffer [suf-(sub-)=under在……之下;fer=to bear承担→“to bear under在下面承担着”→] v.① undergo;experience遭受;经受:to suffer losses遭受损失 ② endure忍受:These plants cannot suffer a severe cold.这些作物耐不住严寒。

       ▽sufferance [suffer;-ance n.] n.忍耐;忍耐力

       sufferable [suffer;-able a.] a.可忍受的

       transfer [trans-=across从……到……;fer=to carry送→“to carry across an area送过一个地区,从甲地送到乙地”→] v. remove from one place to another转移:to transfer property 转移财产

       ▽transference [transfer;-ence n.] n.转移;转让

       transferor [transfer;-or n.] n.转让人

       transferee [transfer;-ee n.] n.受让人

       transferable [transfer;-able a.] a.可转移的;可转让的

       顺便指出:词根fer能与后缀-ous 结合成术语后缀 -ferous,意为bearing,即“含……的,产……的,有……的,发出……的”。

       auriferous [auri (aurum)=gold金;-ferous a.=bearing含……的→] a. bearing or yielding gold含金的:auriferous ore金矿

       fructiferous [fructi (fructus)=fruit果实;-ferous a.=bearing产……的→] a. bearing fruit结果实的:fructiferous trees结果实的树

       luminiferous [lumini (lumen)=light光;-ferous a.=bearing产……的→] a. giving light发光的:luminiferous insects发光的昆虫

       somniferous [somni (somnus)=sleep睡眠;-ferous a.=bearing or bringing to产生……的,导致……的→] a.bringingtosleep催眠的:somniferous medicine催眠药


      上一篇:英语词根——练习29: 下一篇:英语词根——练习31:


