1. [词根辨识]试分析下列单词是否lat的派生词。
circulate population regulation formulate
2. [由此及彼]试比较以下几组fer与lat的派生词的词义。
① collate v.校对→confer v.
② illation n.推论;演绎→inference n.
③ relate v.叙述→refer v.
④ translate v.翻译→transfer v.
3. [词海垂钓] 从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① ob-
② pre-
③ pro-
4. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
legislate立法→① legislation n.
→② legislator n.
→③ legislative n./a.
5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① dilate v.使扩大;膨胀
dilation n.扩张;膨胀(提示:di-
② elate v.使兴奋 兴奋的
elation n.兴奋(提示:e-
③ ventilate v.使通风
ventilation n.通风;流通
ventilator n.通风器(提示:vent=wind)
50. leg, lig, lect [L]=to choose选
词根leg,lig,lect都来自拉丁动词legere,意思相当于to choose或to pick,即“挑”或“选”。其中,leg是不定式词干;lig是leg在添加某些前缀时的音变形式;lect是动名词词干。在三个异形词根中,lect的派生词最多。
collect [col-(com-)=together一起;lect=to pick选→“to pick together挑选到一起来”→] v.① gather收集:to collect stamps集邮② assemble集合:to collect in the square在广场集合
▽collection [collect;-ion n.] n.收集;集合
collectable [collect;-able a.] a.可收集的
collector [collect;-or n.] n.收集者
collective [collect;-ive a.] a.聚集的;集体的
elect [e-(ex-)=out出;lect=to pick挑选→] v. pick out for office by vote选举:We elected him monitor我们选他当班长。
▽election [elect;-ion n.] n.选举
elective [elect;-ive a.] a.选任的;有选举权的
elector [elect;-or n.] n.有选举权的人
select [se-=apart分开;lect=to pick挑选→“to pick apart from a group从一群中挑出”→] v. pick out from a number of sth. by preference选择:selected works选集
▽selection [select;-ion n.] n.选择;选集
selector [select;-or n.] n.选择者;选择器;调谐开关
selective [select;-ive a.] a.选择的
neglect [neg-=not不;lect=to choose选择→“not to choose没去选择”→]Ⅰv.① fail to do by carelessness漏做,疏忽:I neglected winding the clock.我忘了上钟表。② treat carelessly, or pay no attention to忽视;忽略:to neglect one's health忽视自己的健康→Ⅱn. disregard;lack of care忽略;忽视:neglect of duty玩忽职守
▽neglectful [neglect n.;-ful a.] a.疏忽的
intellectual [intel-(inter-)=among在……中间;lect=to choose 选择;-u-;-al a.=of……的→“of the ability to choose the best among many能从多中选优的”→]Ⅰa. relating to mental powers理智的,智力的:intellectual education 智力教育→Ⅱn. one who has superior mental powers智者;知识分子:the intellectuals in China中国的知识分子
▽intellectuality [intellectual;-ity n.] n.理智性
intellectualism [intellectual;-ism n.] n.智力活动
elegant [e-(ex-)=out出;leg=to choose挑选;-ant a.=being……的→“being chosen out 挑出来的”→“excellent 优秀的”→] a. graceful;refined雅致的;优美的:She is elegant both in dress and in manners.她不但服饰漂亮,而且举止优雅。
▽elegance/elegancy [e-;leg;-ance/-ancy n.] n.雅致;优美
eligible [e-(ex-)=out出;lig=to pick挑选;-ible a.=able to be可被……的→“able to be picked out可被挑选出来的”→] a. worthy or fit to be chosen;suitable;qualified值得挑选的;合格的;符合条件的:eligible candidates 合格候选人
▽eligibility [eligib(le);-ility n.] n.合格;适宜
negligent [neg-=not不;lig=to choose选择;-ent a.=-ing……的→not choosing没去选择的”→] a. careless;neglecting粗心大意的;疏忽的:Don't be negligent of your duties.别玩忽职守。
▽negligence [neg-;lig;-ence n.] n.粗心大意;疏忽(行为)
intelligent [intel-(inter-)=among在……之间;lig=to choose选择;-ent a.=having the quality of有……能力的→“having the ability to choose the best among many 有从多中选优能力的”→] a. having fine mental powers;quick of mind有理智的;聪明的:intelligent students聪明的学生
▽intelligence [intel-;lig;-ence n.] n.智力;聪明;情报
intelligential [intelligent;-ial a.] a.智力的;传送情报的
intelligentsia [intelligent;-sia n.] n.知识界;知识分子总体