1. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① selectee a.集体主义者
② college b.搞竞选活动;拉选票
③ electioneer c.选征合格的士兵
④ intellect d.思维能力;智力
⑤ collectivist e.学院
2. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。
① recollect v. A.回忆 B.收回 C.再收集
② re-collect v. A.回忆 B.收回 C.再收集
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① predilection n.偏好;偏爱
② preselect v.预选(提示:pre-=before)
③ sacrilege n.渎圣;亵渎(提示:sacri=holy)
④ analects n.论集;文选(提示:ana-=up )
⑤ legion n.古罗马军团;军团
⑥ intelligible a.可以理解的
⑦ negligee n.随便的衣着;不整齐的穿戴
⑧ diligent a.勤勉的
⑨ diligence n.勤勉(提示:di-
⑩ negligible a.可以忽略的
4. [节外生枝]拉丁动词legere还有to read(读)的意思。以下几个是常见的相关派生词,请分析其词义与to read(读)的联系。
① legend n.传说;传奇文学
② legible a.易读的
illegible a.难以辨认的
③ lecture n.讲课;演讲
④ lectern n.读经台
⑤ lection n.诵读的经文
⑥ prelect v.(在大学里)讲课;演讲
⑦ lesson n.课文(提示:从法语的lecon=lection转来)
51. loc [L]=place地方
在常用词 local,locate和 locomotive中,词根 loc来自拉丁名词locus,意思为place(地方)。
local [loc=place地方;-al a.=of……的→] a. of a place地方的,当地的:local standard time当地标准时间
▽locality [local;-ity n.] n.地点;所在地
locate [loc=place地方;-ate v.=to make or put into使……,置于……→“to put into a place置于某地”→] v. establish in a place;situate使设置于;使定位于:The station is to be located in the western suburb.车站将建在西郊。
▽location [locat(e);-ion n.] n.位置;定位
locator [locat(e);-or n.] n.定位器
locomotive [loc=place地方;-o-;mot=to move移动;-ive a.=capable of能……的→“capable of moving from place to place能移动到另一个地方的”→]Ⅰa. capable of moving in space运动的,移动的:locomotivecrane移动式起重机→Ⅱn. locomotive engine;railway engine机车;火车头
▽locomotion [loc-;-o-;mot;-ion n.] n.运动;移动
locomotor [loc-;-o-;mot;-or n. ] n. 有运动能力的人或物
locomotory [loc-;-o-;mot;-ory a.] a.运动的;运动器官的
allocate [al-(ad-)=to到;loc=place地方;-ate v.=to make or put使……,放……→“to put something to a place把某物放到某地”→] v.① locate to a certain spot定位:to allocate the central point of the future square 把要建的广场的中心点位置定下来② locate (duty, job, etc.) to, or give as a share把……落实于;分配:They allocated the hardest tasks to themselves.他们把最艰巨的任务分配给自己。
▽allocation [allocat (e);-ion n.] n.分配;配给物
collocate [col-(com-)=together一起;loc=a place地方;-ate v.=to put放置→“to put one thing together with another in a place把一物与另一物放在一个地方”→] v. set side by side并置,搭配:It is not suitable to collocate the auditorium and the workshops in a line.把礼堂与车间并排盖不太合适。
▽collocation [collocat (e);-ion n.] n.并置;配置;搭配
dislocate [dis-=to undo做……相反之事;locate v.定位→“to undo that of locating做与定位相反的事”→] v.① displace;put out of joint使脱位;使脱臼:He fell from the tree and dislocated his left ankle.他从树上摔下,左脚踝关节脱臼了。② put out of order使混乱:The traffic was dislocated by the storm.暴风雨打乱了交通秩序。
▽dislocation [dislocat (e);-ion n.] n.脱臼;混乱
relocate [re-=again再;locate v. 定位→] v. locate again;move to a new residence重新定位;重新安置:We relocated some villages before starting the project.工程动工前,我们把一些村庄迁移了。
▽relocation [relocat (e);-ion n.] n.重新安置