1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
diminish减少→① diminution n.
→② diminutive a.
→③ undiminished a.
2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① 单词minify和comminute是两个不太常见的动词。你能不借助词典,分析出它们的大致意思吗?(提示:-fy=to make or cause to be;com-用以加强词义。)
② 与min同源的前缀mini-,表示类型中特别小的东西。下面是一些含有mini-的单词,你能“望文生义”吗?
minibus minicab minicam (era) minigun
minipants miniskirt minisub (marine) minitype
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① minimal a.最小的
② minimus n.微生物
③ minimum n.最低限度
④ minimize v.使减少到最低限度(提示:minim=smallest, least)
⑤ miniature n.微小的模型;缩影
⑥ miniaturist n.微型图画绘制者
⑦ miniaturize v.使小型化
⑧ administrate v.执行;管理
58. mit, miss [L]=to send发,送
词根mit和miss是同源的。mit来自拉丁动词mittere的不定式词干mitt;miss是动名词词干,意思相当于to send(发,送)。其构词特点是:mit构成动词,miss一般构成名词或形容词。
admit [ad-=to, into去,进;mit=to send or let go发送,放行→“to send into, or to let go into送进去,放进去”→] v.① let in;let enter让……进入:One ticket only admits one person to the theater.一张戏票只能进一个人。② allow to join接纳:They are admitted to the trade unions.他们被批准加入工会。
▽admittance [ad-;mit(t);-ance n.] n.进入;允许进入
admission [ad-;miss;-ion n.] n.允许进入;入场费
commit [com-表示加强词义;mit=to send 送→] v. ① send in custody把……送押:The theif was committed to prison.小偷被押送到监狱去。② send to the care of把……提交给:We committed the case to the department concerned. 我们把案件提交有关部门处理。③ send or devote oneself to some duty;pledge使负责;使承担(义务):He refused to commit himself to supporting the family.他拒绝赡养家庭。
▽commitment [commit;-ment n.] n.关押;提交;承担义务
committee [commit(t);-ee n.] n.负责审议提案的团体;委员会
commission [com-;miss;-ion n.] n.委托;委任;委员会
dismiss [dis-=away离开;miss=to send送,发→] v. send away from a place, a job, etc.打发走;解雇等:The boss dismissed him without any reason.老板毫无道理地把他解雇了。
▽dismissal [dismiss;-al n.] n.打发;解雇,免职
missile [miss=to send发送;-ile a.=capable of可……的→]Ⅰa. capable of being sent or thrown可发送的;可投掷的:A hand-grenade is a missile weapon.手榴弹是一种投掷武器。→Ⅱn. missile object投掷物;发射物:guided missile导弹
▽missilery [missil(e);-ery n.] n.导弹技术;[总称]导弹
emit [e-(ex-)=out 出;mit=to send 送,发→] v. send out or give off (sound, light, heat, etc.)散发;发射出(声、光、热等):The firecraker emitted sparks in all directions.爆竹一响,火花四射。
▽emission [e-;miss;-ion n.] n.散发;发射
emissive [e-;miss;-ive a.] a.发出的;发射的
omit [o-(ob-)=in front of在……面前;mit=to send送→“to send something in front of someone else把某物送到他人面前”→“to let something go away from oneself让某物离开自己”→] v. leave out;fail to use删去;省略:This paragraph can be omitted.这段文字可以删去。
▽omission [o-;miss;-ion n.] n.删节;省略
omissive [o-;miss;-ive a.] a.删节的;省略的
permit [per-=through通过;mit=to send送→“to send or let go through送其过去,让其通过”→] v. allow许可,允许:You are not permitted to smoke here.你不能在这里吸烟。
▽permission [per-;miss;-ion n.] n.允许;同意
permissive [per-;miss;-ive a.] a.容许的;随意的
submit [sub-=under在……之下;mit=to send 送→“to send under the control of somebody送到某人的控制之下”→] v.① send or put forward for consideration or decision送交;呈交:to submit a case to the court向法院起诉② cause to yield, or subject使服从;屈从:Soldiers must submit themselves to army discipline.士兵必须遵守军纪。
▽submission [sub-;miss;-ion n.] n.提交;服从
submissive [sub-;miss;-ive a.] a.服从的;顺从的;谦恭的
transmit [trans-=across越,mit=to send送→] v. send across, or pass on传送;传达:The news was transmitted by email.这消息是用电子邮件发送的。
▽transmitter [transmit(t);-er n.] n.传送者;传达者
transmission [trans-;miss;-ion n.] n.传送;传达
transmissive [trans-;miss;-ive a.] a.传送的;能传送的