教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:772  
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       1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       mobile可动的;活动的→① immobile a.

                →② immobility n.

                →③ immobilize v.

       2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① automobile n.

       automotive a.

       ② mobilization n.

       ③ commove v.(提示:与名词commotion比较)

       ④ locomote v.

       locomotive n.

       3. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① moved a.移动的;感动的→unmoved a.

       ② movable a.可移动的→immovable a.

       ③ mobilization n.活动;动员→immobilization n.

       ④ emotion n.感情→emotionless a.

       4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① motile a.能动的

       ② motor n.发动机;电动机;汽车

       ③ motorable a.可行驶汽车的

       motorless a.非机动的

       ④ mob n.暴民,乱民;乌合之众

       mobbish n.暴民般的;无法无天的

       mobocracy n.暴民统治

       ⑤ motif n.主旨;主题

       61. nasc, nat [L]=to be born出生

       nation,native,nature 等常用词的词根是 nat,它来自拉丁动词nasci的完成时词干(这个动词没有动名词形式),其意思是to be born(出生)。nasc是nasci的不定式词干,它在英语中的派生词数量较少,常用的只有nascent,renascence等几个。

       nation [nat=to be born出生;-ion n.=the state表行为状态→“the condition of people's being born人们出生的环境”→“the origin of people人们的出身种族”→] n. body of persons born in a common country or having a common origin国民;民族:the Chinese nation中华民族

       ▽national [nation;-al a.] a.国家的;民族的

       native [nat=to be born出生;-ive a.=characterized by有……特点的→“characterized by being born带有出生的特点的”→] a.① by birth or origin出生(地)的:native land祖国② inborn or nature天生的:native ability本能③ not foreign本国的:native language母语

       ▽nativity [nativ(e);-ity n.] n.出生;出生地

       nativism [nativ(e);-ism n.] n.本土主义;先天论

       nativist [nativ(e);-ist n.] n.本土主义者;先天论者

       nature [nat=to be born出生;-ure n.=the state or result 表行为状态或结果→“the state or result of the birth of all things in the world世上万物降生的状况或结果”→] n. the established order of things in the world自然(世上万物的现有秩序):Mother Nature大自然

       ▽natural [natur(e);-al a.] a.自然的;自然界的

       cognate [co-(com-)=together共同;gnat (nat)=to be born出生;-e→“being born together共同出生的”→] a. of the same origin;related in origin同种的;同族的:Italian and Spanish are cognate languages.意大利语与西班牙语是同族语。

       ▽cognation [cognat(e);-ion n.] n.亲族;同词源;同语系

       natal [nat=to be born出生;-al a.=of……的→“of being born出生的”→] a. of or connected with one's birth出生的;诞生时的:natal day生日

       ▽natality [natal;-ity n.] n.出生率

       innate [in-=within在……之内;nat=to be born出生;-e→“being born within a person出生时内在的”→] a. inborn;inherent天生的;固有的:Man's knowledge is not innate in the mind.人的知识不是头脑里固有的。

       prenatal [pre-=before在……之前;nat=to be born出生;-al a.=of……的→“of the time before being born出生前那段时间的”→] a. prior to birth胎儿期的:prenatal education胎教

       pregnant [pre-=before在……之前;gnant (nat)=to be born出生→“before being born在出生前的”→] a.① having an unborn child or young in the body怀孕;怀胎:She is five months pregnant.她怀孕五个月。② full of important but hidden meaning 含蓄的:His words were followed by a pregnant pause.说了那些话,他意味深长地停顿了一下。③ full, or rich充满的:All nature is pregnant with life.整个自然界充满生机。

       ▽pregnancy [pregnan(t);-cy n.] n.怀孕;富有意义;充满

       neonate [neo=new新的;nat=to be born出生;-e→] n. baby newly born新生儿:neonate period婴儿期

       ▽neonatal [neonat(e);-al a.] a.新生儿的

       nascent [nasc=to be born出生;-ent a.=-ing……的→“being born出生的”→] a. newly conceived;beginning to exist or develop初生的;开始形成的:a nascent republic新生的共和国

       ▽nascence/nascency [nasc;-cence/-ency n.] n.发生;起源

       renascence/renaissance [re-=again再;nasc/naiss (nasc的变体)=to be born出生;-ence/-ance=the act表行为→“being born again再次诞生”→] n. new birth;revival新生;复活,复兴:the Renaissance(欧洲14到16世纪的)文艺复兴

       ▽renascent [re-;nasc;-ent a.] a.新生的;复活的,复兴的

       renaissant [re-;naiss;-ant a.] a.新生的;复兴的


      上一篇:英语词根——练习59: 下一篇:英语词根——练习61:


