教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:709  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

       ① international a.

       ② internationalism n.

       2. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       A. national民族的 a.→① nationalism n.

               →② nationalist n.

               →③ nationalize v.

       B. natural自然的 a.→① naturalism n.

              →② naturalist n.

              →③ naturalize v.

       3. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① prenatal a.胎儿期的→antenatal a.(提示:ante-=before)

       ② neonatal a. 新生儿的→postnatal a.(提示:post-=after)

       4. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① naturism         a.不自然的

       ② connatural        b.自然主义的

       ③ naturalistic        c.国有化;民族化

       ④ unnatured        d.生来的;同性质的

       ⑤ nationalization      e.对自然现象的崇拜


       ① good-natured a.

       ② ill-natured a.

       ③ second-natured a.

       ④ cruel-natured a.

       6. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① pronatalist a.鼓励提高人口出生率的(提示:pro-=for)

       ② denationalize v.使非国有化;开除……的国籍(提示:de-=to undo)

       ③ denature v.改变……的性质;使变性

       denaturation n. [化学] 变性(作用)

       ④ denaturalize v.使非自然化;取消……的国籍

       ⑤ agnate a.宗族的;联姻的;男方亲属的 (提示:a-(ad-)=to)

       62. not [L]=to get to know知晓

       常用词note,notice,notion和denote等,都来自词根not,它是拉丁动词noscere的动名词词干,原意是to get to know(知晓)。在实际构词中,它有to know(知道),to note(表明)和to mark(标明)等含义。

       note [not=to know知晓;-e→“something written for one to know让人知晓的书面材料”→]Ⅰn.①short informal letter便条:a note of information通知书② record in writing笔记:notes of a journey旅行笔记→Ⅱ v.① take notes做笔记:He noted down his impression.他把观感记下来。② pay attention to注意:Please note the spelling of this word.请注意这个单词的拼法。

       notice [not=to know知晓;-ice n.=things物→“thing written for the public to know 让大众知晓的文字”→]Ⅰ n.① announcement;information通告;通知:meeting notice开会通知② attention注意:Take notice of the road signs.注意路标。→Ⅱ v. pay attention with the senses注意到:I noticed that he left very early that day.我注意到那天他很早就离开了。

       ▽noticeable [notice v.;-able a.] a.值得注意的;显而易见的

       notion [not=to get to know知晓;-ion n.=the state or result表行为状态或结果→“the state or result of getting to know something对某事的知晓或理解”→] n.① conception概念:to stick to the old notion死抱住过时的概念② belief or opinion in the mind看法;见解:to give up an unrealistic notion放弃不切合实际的想法

       ▽notional [notion;-al a.] a.概念的;名义上的

       denote [de-=down下;not=to mark, to make to know做记号,使知道;-e→“to make known by marking down做记号使人知晓”→] v.①indicate by mark or sign表明;指示:A smile often denotes pleasure.微笑通常表示高兴。② be the mark or name of意味着:The sign“=”denotes that two things are equal.符号“=”意味着两边相等。

       ▽denotation [denot(e);-ation n.] n.表示;符号;意义

       denotable [denot(e);-able a.] a.可表示的;可指示的

       denotative [denot(e);-ative a.] a.表示的;指示的

       notify [not=to know知道;-ify v.=to make做……→] v. make to know;give information of宣布;通知:Please notify me of the time you may arrive.请把您到达的时间通知我。

       ▽notifiable [notif(y);-iable a.] a.应通知的;应报告的

       notification [notif(y);-ication n.] n.通知

       notorious [not=to know知道;-orious (-ory+-ous) a.=having a special quality of 有……特点的→“being publicly known (now used in a bad sense)众所周知的(现用于贬义)”→] a. unfavourably known;

       infamous臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的:a notorious political swindler臭名昭著的政治骗子

       ▽notoriety [not;-oriety (-ory+-ety) n.] n.臭名昭著

       annotation [an-(ad-)=at在;not=to mark标明;-ation n.=the act表行为→“marking at the point在要点处标明”→] n.① writing of notes or explanation 做注解或注释:The annotation of the book took ten months.注释这本书花了十个月时间。② note in a book注释,注解:an annotation on an archaic word对一个古词的注释

       connote [con-(com-)=together, in addition一起,附加;not=to mark or note标明,表明;-e→“to mark or note a meaning in a word in addition to its formal meaning表明一个词原义之外的附加含义”→] v. suggest or imply (an added meaning in a word)意味着;含蓄着:The word“tropics”connotes heat.“热带”这个词内涵着“炎热”的意思。

       ▽connotation [connot(e);-ation n.] n.含蓄;内涵

       connotative [connot(e);-ative a.] a.含蓄的;内涵的


      上一篇:英语词根——练习60: 下一篇:英语词根——练习62:


