1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
2. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
participate v.参加,共享→① participation n.
② participator n.
③ participant a.
3. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① partible a.可分开的→impartible a.
② partial a.偏心的→impartial a.
③ participable a.可参与的→imparticipable a.
4. [词义辨异]根据构词成分与构词顺序,分析下列近形同根词的不同词义。
① impartable a.可给予的;能告知的
② impartible a.不可分割的;不能给予的;不能告知的
③ impartial a.不偏不倚的;公正的
5. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。(提示:quadri=four;quinque=five)
① bipartite a.由两部分组成的
② hexapartite b.由三部分组成的
③ quadripartite c.由四部分组成的
④ quinquepartite d.由五部分组成的
⑤ tripartite e.由六部分组成的
6. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① partake v.参加,参与;共享,分享
② particle n.微粒,颗粒 [物]粒子,质点
③ participle n. [语]分词
④ partisan n.党人,党徒;虔诚的信徒
⑤ partition n.分开,分割 v.分割;瓜分
7. [节外生枝] part有一个异体port,请记住以下port的主要派生词。
① portion n.一部分;一份;(餐馆中的食物)一客;嫁妆
portionless a.无份额的;无嫁妆的
② apportion v.分派;分摊
apportionment n.分派;分摊
③ proportion n.比例,比
proportional a.比例的,成比例的
65. pati, pass [L]=to suffer or endure;feeling承受,忍受;感受
大家可能想不到,patient与passion居然是同根生的。词根pati是个拉丁动词,pass是它的过去分词passus的词干。pati的基本意思是to suffer或endure,指精神上,感情上的“承受”或“忍受”。因此,动名词词干pass有feeling(感受)的意思。
patient [pati=to endure忍受;-ent a.=-ing的……→]Ⅰa. enduring calmly without complaining忍耐的,容忍的:Be patient with the pupils.对小学生要耐心。→Ⅱn. one under medical care病人:Do be patient since you are a patient here.作为病人住院,既来之则安之。
▽patienthood [patient n.;-hood n.] n.患病(状态)
patientless [patient n.;-less a.] a.无病人的
patience [pati=to endure忍受;-ence n.=the ability表能力→“the ability of enduring忍受的能力”→] n. the ability of controlling one's feelings忍耐,耐心:Mother has endless patience with us.妈妈对我们极有耐心。
▽impatience [im-;patience] n.不耐烦;焦急,焦躁
compatible [com-=together共同;pati=to endure容忍;-(i) ble a.=able to能……的→“able to suffer together能共同忍受的→] a.① capable of living together in peace能和睦相处的:Cats and birds are seldom compatible.猫和鸟难得和睦相处。② (a computer, etc) able to work with another system(计算机等)兼容的:compatible colour TV system兼容制彩电系统
▽compatibility [compat(ble);-ibility n.] n.兼容性;相容,适合
passion [pass=to suffer承受;-ion n.=the result表行为结果→“the result of suffering of one's mind精神上承受压抑的结果”→] n.① strongfeeling激情:Sometimes his passions get the better of him.有时他激情难抑。② strong fondness酷爱:passion for music酷爱音乐
▽passional [passion;-al a.] a.激情的,热情的
passionate [passion;-ate a.] a.热情的;热恋的
passive [pass=to endure忍受;-ive a.=tending to倾向……的→“tending to suffer倾向于忍受住的”→] a. not acting much;inactive被动的;消极的:passive resistance消极抵抗
▽passivism [passiv(e);-ism n.] n.被动(性);消极主义
passivity [passiv(e);-ity n.] n.被动(性);消极状态
compassion [com-=together共同;pass=to suffer承受;-ion n.=the act表行为→“the act of suffering together共同承受”→] n. feeling of sympathy for others' misfortune同情,怜悯:to show compassion on the unfor-tunate怜悯不幸者
▽compassionate [compassion;-ate a.] a.有同情心的,同情的
passible [pass=to suffer承受;-ible a.=easy易……的→“easy to suffer in mind精神易受影响的”→] a. easy to be moved易感动的:She is too passible to be a lawyer.她心肠太软,不能当律师。
▽impassible [im-;passible] a.无动于衷的;不感苦痛的
dispassionate [dis-=not无;passion n.激情;-ate a.=having有……的→“not having passion无激情的”→] a. free from passion;without personal feeling不动感情的;冷静的:He described the accident in a dispas-sionate way.他不带感情地描述事故的过程。