教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:811  
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       1. [词根辩异] pass(忍受)与另一拉丁词根pass(步伐,通过)是一对异源同形根。请辨别以下派生词的词根含义。

       ① passage n.通道,走廊;经过;(文章)一段

       ② passion n.激情,热情

       ③ compassion n.同情,怜悯

       ④ compassable a.能围绕的;能达到的

       ⑤ impassible a.无动于衷的,不感苦痛的

       ⑥ impassable a.不能通行的,无法通过的

       2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

       ① impatient      a.不相容的;不一致的

       ② incompatible     b.无动于衷的

       ③ impassible      c.冷酷的,无情的

       ④ uncompassionate   d.无感觉的,麻木的

       ⑤ impassive      e.不耐烦的;焦躁的

       3. [无师自通]


       4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① impassion v.激起……的热情;使极度激动

       impassioned a.充满激情的;激昂的

       ② self-compassion n.自怜

       ③ impatiens n.凤仙花属植物(其花夹成熟时稍碰即爆裂,故得其名。)

       5. [节外生枝]希腊语源的词根path与pati算是远亲近邻,意思相当于suffering或feeling,即“感情”。请分析下列path的主要派生词。

       ① apathy n.无感情;冷谈,漠然

       apathetic a.无感情的;冷谈的,漠然的(提示:a-=not )

       ② antipathy n.不相容;反感

       antipathetic a.不相容的;引起反感的 (提示:anti-=against )

       ③ sympathy n.同情;同感;同意,赞同

       sympathetic a.同情的;合意的;赞同的

       sympathize v.同情,表示同情;同感;赞同(提示:sym-=together)

       66. patri, patern [GK]=father, fatherland父亲,祖先,祖国


       patriarch [patri=father父;arch=ruler统治者→“ruler who is a father父权统治者”→] n. man who rules a family or tribe家长;族长:an aged patriarch年老的族长

       ▽patriarchal [patriarch;-al a.] a.家长的;族长的

       patriarchy [patriarch;-y n.] n.父权制;父权制社会

       patriot [patri=fatherland祖国;-ot n.=person or native人,本地人→] n. person or native who loves his fatherland爱国者:The hero was praised as a patriot.那位英雄被赞誉为爱国者。

       ▽patriotic [patriot;-ic n.] a.爱国的

       patriotics [patriot;-ics n.] n.爱国行为

       patriotism [patriot;-ism n.] n.爱国主义;爱国精神

       patrimony [patri=father父;-mony n.=thing物→“things from one's father来自父辈的东西”→] n. property inherited from one's father or ances-tors;heritage祖传财产;遗产:The patrimony of the poor is their own hands.穷人的祖传财产就是自己的双手。

       ▽patrimonial [patrimon(y);-ial a.] a.世袭财产的;世袭的

       patron [patr(i)=father父;-on n.=person人→“person who supports like a father父亲般的支持者”→] n. protector;supportor庇护人;资助人:a patron of school学校的赞助人

       ▽patronage [patron;-age n.] n.庇护人的身份;庇护;资助

       patronize [patron;-ize v.] v.庇护;资助

       compatriot [com-=together共同;patri=fatherland祖国;-ot n.=person人→“person who has the same fatherland with the people of a certain country与某民族同祖国的人”→] n. fellow-countryman同国人;同胞:overseas compatriots海外同胞

       ▽compatriotic [compatriot;-ic a.] a.同国人的;同胞的

       expatriate [ex-=out of出;patri=fatherland祖国;-ate v.=to cause to be使……→“to cause to be out of his fatherland使身处国外”→] v. sendout of one's country;expel把……逐出国外;流放:The Russian writer was expatriated for some political reason.那个俄国作家因某种政治原因被流放国外。

       ▽expatriation [expatriat(e);-ion n.] n.逐出祖国;流放国外

       patrilineal [patri=father父;line=line线;-al a.=of……的→“of the father's line父亲这条线的”→] a. reckoned through the father and male line alone父系的:patrilineal society父系社会

       paternal [patern=father父;-al a.=of……的→] a.① of or like a father父亲的;父亲般的:paternal care父亲(般)的关怀②on the father's side父方的:paternal grandfather祖父

       ▽paternalism [paternal;-ism n.] n.家长式统治;家长作风

       paternalist [paternal;-ist n.] n.搞家长式统治的人

       paternity [patern=father父;-ity n.=the state or quality表状况或性质→“the state or qualilty of a father为父的状况或品质”→] n.① fatherhood父亲的身份;父权:to perfrom one's paternity尽为父之道② origin on the father's side父系:a child's paternity小孩的父系亲属


      上一篇:英语词根——练习64: 下一篇:英语词根——练习66:


