1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① im-(in-)
② per-(=through, by means of )
2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① dependable a.药剂师;自动售货机
② suspensory b.可消费的;值得消耗的
③ dispenser c.可依赖的;可靠的
④ expendable d.补偿的;赔偿的
⑤ compensative e.悬挂的;吊着的
⑥ compensable f.应予补偿的
3. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① depend v.依赖→interdepend v.
② expensive a.花费多的;昂贵的→inexpensive a.
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① appendix n.书的附录;阑尾
appendicitis n.阑尾炎
② pensile a.悬垂的
③ pensive a.沉思
④ pending a.悬而未决的
⑤ penduline n.筑悬巢的鸟
⑥ recompense n.赔偿
⑦ pension n.养老金
pensioner n.可领取养老金的人
pensionable a.可领取养老金的
⑧ pendant n.垂饰;挂件
pendent a.下垂的;未决的
pendency n.未定;未决;待定;待决
69. pet, petit [L]=to seek, to strive寻求,追求
常用词compete,competent,appetite和petition的词根pet来自拉丁动词petere,意为to seek(寻求)或to strive(追求)。petit是动名词词干,用以构成相应的名词或形容词。
compete [com-=together共同;pet=to strive追求;-e→“to strive together with others与他人共同追求”→] v. take part in a contest;be a rival比赛;竞争:Two teams competed for the championship.两队争夺冠军。
▽competition [compet(e);-ition n.] n.竞争;比赛
competitor [compet(e);-itor n.] n.竞争者;比赛者;敌手
competitive [compet(e);-itive a.] a.有竞争力的;比赛的
competent [compet (e) v.竞争;-ent a.=able to能……的→“able to compete能竞争到的”→] a. capable;qualified有能力的;胜任的:He is com-petent for the job.他能胜任那项工作。
▽competence [compet(e);-ence n.] n.能力;胜任
competency [compet(e);-ency n.] n.富裕收入;充裕
appetite [ap-(ad-)=to向;petit=to strive追求;-e→“striving to something对某种事物的追求”→] n.① desire欲望;爱好:She has an appetite for social activites.她爱好社交活动。② desire for food食欲:to have a good appitite食欲很好
▽appetitive [appetit(e);-ive a.] a.关于食欲的
appetizer [appetit(e);-iz(e) v.;-er n.] n.开胃品;刺激欲望的事物
appetizing [appetit(e);-iz(e) v.;-ing a.] a.开胃的;促进食欲的
appetent [ap-(ad-)=to向;pet=to seek追求;-ent a.=-ing……的→“seeking to a goal向某个目标追求的”→] a. eagerly desirous;longing渴望的:The patient was appetent for early recovery.病人渴望早日恢复健康。
▽appetence [ap-;pet;-ence n.] n.强烈的欲望;嗜好
petition [petit=to seek寻求;-ion n.=the act表行为→“seeking or asking寻求或请求”→]Ⅰn. request, or formal application请求;请愿书:to sign a petition for higher wages在要求加薪的请愿书上签名→Ⅱv. make a petition;appeal请求;请愿:to petition for lower taxes请求降低税收
▽petitioner [petition v.;-er n.] n.请求者;请愿人
petitionary [petition v.;-ary a.] a.请愿的;请求的
repetition [re-=again再;petit=to seek or ask追求,要求;-ion n.=the act表行为→“asking again再次要求”→] n.① saying again, or repeating重说;重复:His speech is full of repetition. 他的发言重复太多。② that which is repeated重复的事物:He succeeded after many repeti-tions.经过多次反复,他终于成功了。
▽repetitious [re-;petit;-ious a.] a.重复的;罗唆的
repetitive [re-;petit;-ive a.] a.重说的;反复的
impetus [im-(in-)=into, on进,向前;pet=to strive追求;-us n.=thing事物→“thing that makes one strive on使人向前追求的因素”→] n. moving force;impulse动力;促进:The new policy gave an impetus to production.新政策促进了生产。
impetuous [im-(in-)=on向前;pet=to strive追求;-u-;-ous a.=inclining to 倾向……的→“inclining to strive on 喜欢一直向前追的”→] a.① moving violently or rapidly猛进的:an impetuous wind一阵猛风② acting with sudden immpetus冲动的,鲁莽的:an impetuous deci-sion草率的决定
▽impetuosity [impetuo(u)s;-ity n.] n.猛进;鲁莽