1. [词根辨异] port有个异源同形根 port,意为harbour(港口)。注意以下单词的词义与to carry无关。
① port n.港口;舱口;大门;城门
② porter n.看门人;门房;守门者
③ importune v.强求;胡搅蛮缠
④ opportune a.恰好的;适宜的
opportunity n.机会;时机
⑤ passport n.护照
2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① deportee a.出品商
② reporter b.进口商
③ exporter c.记者
④ supporter d.运输者
⑤ importer e.支持者
⑥ transporter f.被驱逐出国者
3. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① porter n.
② sportsman n.
③ reimport v.
④ reexport v.(提示:re-=again)
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① port n.姿势;姿态 v.持(枪)
② portage n.搬运;水陆联运
③ portly a.肥胖的;粗壮的
④ purport n.意义;涵义 v.意味着;声称(提示:pur-=forword)
⑤ portfolio n.公文包;文件夹(提示:folio=sheet, paper)
⑥ portmanteau n.旅行包;旅行箱(提示:manteau=mantle覆盖物)
⑦ portfire n.导火筒;点火装置
74. prehend, prehens, pris [L]=to seize抓住
常用词comprehend和prison, surprise有同根关系,其中的拉丁词根prehend来自动词prehendere,意为to seize(抓住),prehens是动名词词干,而pris则是prehens在法语中的变体。
comprehend [com-=together一起;prehend=to seize抓住→“to seize all the points together抓住所有的要点”→] v. grasp with the mind理解,领会:Man does not yet comprehend the universe. 人类尚未了解宇宙。
▽comprehension [com-;prehens;-ion n.] n.理解(力)
comprehensible [com-;prehens;-ible a.] a.可理解的
apprehend [ap-(ad-)=to到;prehend=to seize抓→“to seize to some place抓到某处去”→] v.① take into custody;arrest拘押;逮捕:The police apprehended the burglars.警察拘捕了窃贼。②grasp the meaning of领会,理解:to apprehend the difference between two words领会两词的差别之处
▽apprehension [ap-;prehens;-ion n.] n.忧虑;抵押;理解
apprehensible [ap-;prehens;-ible a.] a.可理解的,可领会的
reprehend [re-=back回;prehend=to seize抓→“to seize someone back把某人抓回来”→] v. blame or rebuke 指摘,斥责:The boy was severely reprehended for his bad conduct.男孩因行为不端被严加申斥。
▽reprehension [re-;prehens;-ion n.] n.斥责;指摘
reprehensible [re-;prehens;-ible a.] a.应受斥责的
prehensile [prehens=to seize抓;-ile a.=able可……的→“able to seize可抓住的”→] a. made for seizing能抓的,能握的:The monkey has a prehensile tail.猴子有能缠住东西的尾巴。
prison [pris=to seize抓住;-on(-ion)n.=the act or result表行为结果→“the result of seizing someone抓住某人的结果”→] n. place for keeping people accused of crime监狱:Prison may not be a cure for crime.监狱未必能杜绝犯罪。
▽prisoner [prison;-er n.] n.犯人,囚犯
surprise [sur-(super-)= over 越过;pris = to seize 抓;-e→“to seize somebody over some place 越过某地抓住某人”→] v. ① make an unexpected attack on奇袭,使措手不及:They surprised the enemy at dawn.他们在破晓时分奇袭敌军。② discover suddenly撞见:He came home early and surprised the thief there.他提早回家刚好撞见入室的小偷。③ strike with a sudden feeling of wonder 使惊奇:The sales figures surprise me.销售数额使我大吃一惊。
comprise [com- = together 一起;pris = to seize 抓;-e→“to seize all together全抓在一起”→] v.① include or contain包含,包括:The former Soviet Union comprised several republics.前苏联包括许多加盟共和国。② consist of构成,组成:The advisory board comprises six members.顾问小组由六个成员组成。
▽comprisable [compris(e);-able a.] a.能被包含的
enterprise [enter-(inter-)=between在……之间;pris=to seize or take抓取;-e→“to take chances between risks在风险中抓取机会”→] n.① adventurous spirit or ingenuity冒险精神,进取心:a man of great enterprise进取心很强的人 ② business firm;company企事业:the leading foreign enterprises重要的外国企业
▽enterpriser [enterpris(e);-er n.] n.企业家;创业者