1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① inter-
② trans-
2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① position n.
② preposition n.(提示:pre-=before)
③ postposition n.(提示:post-=after)
④ purpose n.(提示:pur-
3. [同义相连]许多由pos构成的动词,有由pon组成的对应名词或形容词,表示“……者”或“……的”。
① opponent a.组成部分;组成的
② component b.对手;对抗的
③ exponent c.建议者;建议的
④ proponent d.说明者;说明的
⑤ deponent e.宣誓作证者
4. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。
① superimpose v. A.叠加 B.附加 C.强加
② presuppose v. A.预料 B.假设 C.猜想
5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① pose v.(使)摆好姿势
② positive a.明确的;积极的
③ superpose v.把……放在上面;使重合
superposition n.叠加;复合(提示:super-=above)
④ juxtapose v.使并列;使并置
juxtaposition n.并列;并置(提示:juxta=next)
⑤ repose v.座落;使休息;蕴藏
⑥ reposit v.保存;贮藏
repository n.贮藏所;仓库
6. [节外生枝]已知pound是pon的变体,请写出右列单词的词义。
① compose v.组成→compound n.
② exposition n.说明→expound v.
③ propose v.提议→propound v.
73. port [L]=to carry拿,运
portable,import,export,important等都是词根port的常见派生词。port来自拉丁动词portare,意思为to carry(拿,运,持,传)。
portable [prot = to carry 拿,带;-able a. = capable of 可……的→] a. capable of being carried, or easily movable 可携带的;轻便的:portable typewriter手提打字机
▽portability [portab(le);-ility n.] n.可携带性;轻便
export [ex-=out出;port=to carry运→]Ⅰv. carry or send (goods) out of a country for trade输出,出口:The United States exports wheat.美国输出小麦。→Ⅱn. exported commodity输出品,出口货:Cotton is the major export of the country.该国主要输出棉花。
▽exportable [export;-able a.] a.可输出的
exportation [export;-ation n.] n.出口;输出品
import [im-(in-) = into 进入;port = to carry 运→]Ⅰv. carry or bring (goods) into a country for use输入,进口:The United States imports coffee.美国输入咖啡。→Ⅱn. imported commodity输入品,进口货:Imports exceeded exports in value last year.去年输入品的价值超过输出品。
▽importable [import;-able a.] a.可进口的
importation [import;-ation n.] n.进口;进口品
important [im-(in-)=in入;port =to carry带;-ant a.=-ing……的→“carrying or bringing in value or consequence带来价值或结果的”→] a. that carries with it great consequence重要的;重大的:important events in history历史上的重大事件
▽importance [im-;port;-ance n.] n.重大;重要性;价值
report [re-=back回;port=to carry带→“to carry back, as answer, news, etc.把答复、消息等带回来”→] v. give an account of;relate报告;转述:It is reported that a new coal mine was discovered.据说发现了一个新煤矿。
▽reportage [report;-age n.] n.新闻报道;报道文体;报告文学
support [sup-(sub-)=under在下面;port=to carry or bear承担→“to bear from under在下面承担着”→] v.① carry the weigh of支撑:These posts support the roof.这些柱子支撑着房顶。② hold up支持:We support your point of view.我们支持你的观点。
▽supportable [support;-able a.] a.能支持住的
transport [trans-=across, from...to...越过;port =to carry运→] v. carry from one place to another运输,运送:to transport the goods by air空运货物
▽transportable [transport;-able a.] a.可运输的;可移动的
tansportation [transport;-aton n.] n.运输;运输工具;运费
disport [dis- = away 离开;port = to carry 带→“to carry someone away from work带某人离开工作”→] I v. move in gaiety;amuse玩耍;娱乐:The students disported themselves on the seashore.学生们到海边玩耍。→Ⅱn. amusement娱乐;游戏
sport [名词disport的词首元音脱落词→] n.① amusement;play娱乐;游戏:It's great sport, swimming in the sea.在海里游泳,真好玩。② game of bodily exercise体育运动:Swimming is a popular sport in our country.游泳是我国一项全民性的运动。
▽sportful [sport;-ful a.] a.娱乐的;嬉戏的
sporty [sport;-y a.] a.像运动员的;供娱乐的
deport [de-=apart离;port=to carry送→“to carry somebody apart from a place把某人遣离某地”→] v. expel from a country驱逐……出国:to deport undesirable aliens把不受欢迎的外侨驱逐出国
▽deportation [deport;-ation n.] n.放逐