A: Hey, I've noticed you've been studying French lately. What's your motivation?
A: 嘿,我注意到你最近在学习法语。你的动机是什么?
B: Hi! Yeah, I've been interested in French culture and I want to be able to communicate in the language.
B: 嗨!是的,我对法国文化感兴趣,我想能够用法语交流。
A: That's a great reason! How long have you been studying?
A: 真是个好理由!你学了多久了?
B: For about a few months now. I'm still a beginner, but I'm enjoying the process.
B: 现在学了大约几个月了。我还是个初学者,但我很喜欢这个过程。
A: Have you found any effective ways to learn?
A: 你有没有找到有效的学习方法?
B: Yes, I've been using language learning apps and watching French movies with subtitles.
B: 有,我一直在使用语言学习应用程序,还看带字幕的法语电影。
A: Watching movies is a good idea. Do you have a favorite French movie?
A: 看电影是个好主意。你有喜欢的法语电影吗?
B: "Amour" is one of my favorites. It's a beautiful film about an elderly couple's love story.
B: 《爱》是我最喜欢的一部。这是一部讲述一对老年夫妇爱情故事的美丽电影。
A: I've heard of that one. It's won many awards. What challenges have you faced while learning?
A: 我听说过那部电影。它赢得了许多奖项。你在学习过程中遇到了什么挑战?
B: Pronunciation is definitely a challenge for me. The sounds are quite different from English.
B: 发音对我来说绝对是个挑战。法语发音和英语很不一样。
A: Don't worry, with practice you'll get better. Keep up the good work!
A: 别担心,多练习你会变得更好的。继续加油!
B: Thanks for the encouragement! I'll definitely persist.
B: 谢谢你的鼓励!我一定会坚持下去的。
motivation [ˌmɒtɪˈveɪʃn]:动机,激励
culture [ˈkʌltʃər]:文化
beginner [bɪˈɡɪnər]:初学者
effective [ɪˈfektɪv]:有效的
pronunciation [prəˌnʌnˈsɪeɪʃn]:发音
persist [pərˈsɪst]:坚持,持续