Student A: Hey, Lily, have you made any plans for the upcoming National Day holiday?
学生A: 嘿,莉莉,你对即将到来的国庆假期有什么计划吗?
Student B: Yeah, I'm thinking about taking a trip to the countryside to enjoy the peaceful scenery and fresh air.
学生B: 是的,我正考虑去乡下旅行,享受宁静的风景和新鲜的空气。
Student A: That sounds great! Any specific destination in mind?
学生A: 听起来不错!有具体的目的地吗?
Student B: I'm leaning towards visiting a nearby village famous for its rice terraces. They're absolutely stunning during autumn.
学生B: 我倾向于去参观附近一个以梯田闻名的村庄。秋天的时候,它们简直太美了。
Student A: Wow, I've heard of that place too. It's a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.
学生A: 哇,我也听说过那个地方。它是逃离城市喧嚣的完美去处。
Student B: Exactly! And I plan to stay there for a few days, hiking, taking photos, and maybe even trying some local cuisine.
学生B: 没错!我计划在那里待上几天,徒步、拍照,也许还会尝尝当地美食。
Student A: That sounds like a fantastic plan. Do you need a travel companion? I'm free too.
学生A: 听起来是个很棒的计划。你需要旅伴吗?我也有空。
Student B: Oh, that would be wonderful! Let's plan it together then.
学生B: 哦,那太好了!那我们一起来计划吧。
National Day holiday: 国庆假期,指中国的国庆节假期。
countryside: 乡下,乡村地区,与城市的喧嚣形成对比。
scenery: 风景,指自然或人造的景观。
rice terraces: 梯田,一种特殊的农业景观,常见于山区。
stunning: 令人惊叹的,形容梯田在秋天的美景。
hustle and bustle: 熙熙攘攘,形容城市的繁忙和喧嚣。
getaway: 逃离,此处指逃离城市去乡村放松。
hiking: 徒步旅行,一种户外活动。
local cuisine: 当地美食,指某个地区特有的菜肴。
travel companion: 旅伴,一起旅行的人。