Where possible we have eliminated the use of superlatives from the text (possibly making our brochure(小册子) less attractive to read than it might be) and have concentrated on as accurate a description as possible. Nevertheless you should bear in mind that your opinion and the opinion of our investigator might differ and there may be changes between the time of a visit by our investigator and the visit of one of our customers.
We trust that it is evident to you that we have done all in our power to eliminate misdescription and that there really is no question of misrepresenta-tion on our part—either careless or otherwise. We welcome your constructive criticism—it is the best way we know of improving our brochures and our service. Although complaints are very expensive to handle, your complaint or criticism will be thoroughly investigated and a refund (退赔 ) made if it is justified—none will be made if it isn't.
26. The firm claims that all its winter sports centers have been the recent target of
A. a program of personal visits
B. intensive enquiries about facilities
C. attempts to increase hotel accommodation
D. an improved information service
27. The "Independent Centers" were personally inspected_______.
A. the year before last B. three years ago
C. between 1975 and 1976 D. within the last three seasons
28. The program of tours to the United States appears to be_______.
A. a new collaboration with U. S. travel firms
B. newly taken over by U. S. tour operations
C. a new independent venture
D. organized by United Airlines
29. Their brochure would be more attractive to read, they say, if_______.
A. it were less truthful B. it used fewer superlatives
C. it eliminated description D. it were more encouraged
30. The firm's claim is that their program is improved by_______.
A. helpful fault-finding by customers
B. attractive description of the centers in every brochure
C. a standard policy of prompt repayment
D. careful control of the hotels
26. A 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. A