Taoism is a Chinese native religion that has shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years.There are three sources of Taoism's origin, with the oldest being the legend of "YellowEmperor". The second source in Zhuangzi's works, while the most famous one is Laozi's DaoDe Jing. Taoism emphasizes freedom, nature, self-cultivation and even pursues immortality.Taoism has had a deep and lasting influence in many fields of Chinese culture, including thearts, philosophy, medicine, and cuisine. It has also spread widely throughout East Asia.
1.第1句有两个分句,其主语都是“道教”译时可选用其中一个分句作为句子的主句,另一分句处理成状语或定语从句。译文把后半句“已经影响......”处理成定语从句,修饰religion,使句子结构紧凑连贯,Taoism a...religion that has shaped...。“影响了中国人”译为 shape Chinese life 比直译为 affect Chinese 要准确贴切。
2.第2句的主干是“道教有三个起源”,后半句“最古老的是……”意思独立,可用介词with加独立主格结构表伴随状态,译作with the oldest being the legend of “Yellow Emperor”,表达简洁流畅,符合英文的行文特点。
4.翻译中遇到的人名和作品的名称均可以用汉语拼音译出,如老子译成Laozi,《道徳经》译成Dao De Jing。
5.最后一句的主干为“道教……产生……影响,……并在……广泛流传”,可译成and连接的并列句。但因前半句较长而后半句较短,句子结构不平衡,宜将后半句拆译处理,另起一句,译作It has also spread widely...状语“对中国文化的许多领域”表达为in many fields of Chinese culture;“包括艺术、哲学......”是对“许多领域”的补充说明,用分词短语including the arts, philosophy...来表达。