刺绣 embroidery
双面秀 two-sided embroidery
剪纸 paper Cutting
书法 calligraphy
赋诗 inscribe a poem
对对联 matching an antithetical couplet
猜拳 finger-guessing game
皮影 shadow puppet
糖人 sugar-molded
踩高跷 stilt walk
说书 monologue story-telling
老字号 time-honored
相声 cross talk
挂毯 tapestry
蜡染 batik
藤条制品 wickerwork
真丝 pure silk
图章 seal
盆景 potted landscape
屏风 screen
烟嘴 cigarette holder
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
下象棋 to play Chinese chess
练习书法 to make special studies of calligraphy
画国画 to do traditional Chinese painting
题诗 to inscribe a poem
拨浪鼓 shaking drum
竹苗 bamboo flute
风车 pinwheel
杂技 acrobatics
老字号 time-honored
火药 gunpowder
指南针 compass
造纸术 paper-making techniques
印刷术 paper-printing techniques
It is+形容词+that
例:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.
It is+形容词+to do/doing
例:She had said what it was necessary to say.
例:Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people than automobile accidents each year.