唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)时期,艺术盛行。诗歌成为中国文化不可分割的一部分。学习诗歌对于那些想通过科举考试(the imperial examination)的人来说是一门 必修课。中国历史上,一些著名的诗人就生活在这个时期,像李白、杜甫和王维。虽 然唐朝诗歌闻名于世,其他的艺术在该时期也非常流行。许多文学形式包括短篇故 事和历史小说都在该时期成型。同样,绘画也很流行,这个时期诞生了一些著名的画家。
The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. Poetry became an integral part of the Chinese culture. Learning poetry was a must for those who wanted to pass the imperial examination. Some of the great poets in Chinese history lived in this time, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei. While the Tang Dynasty is worldwide famous for its poetry, other art forms also became very popular during this period. Many forms of literature took shape, including short stories and history novels. Painting was also very popular oxid many famous painters arose in this era.
1.诗歌成为中国文化不可分割的一部分:“不可分割的一部分”可译为an integral part。
2.学习诗歌对于那些想通过科举考试的人来说是一门必修课:其中“科举考试” 可用imperial examination表示;“必修课”可译为a must。
3, 成型:可用take shape表达。