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    21.儒家思想是中国传统文化的基石。它出现在大约2500年前的春秋时期(the Spring and AutumnPeriod),是建立在夏、商、周朝的传统文化之上,并由孔子创立的完整观念体系(ideologicalsystem)。儒家思想博大精深,涵盖了人性、政治、法律、教育、哲学、道德各个领域。儒家文化以人本哲学(humanistic philosophy)为依托,这表现在它对人类个体的尊敬、关注和热爱。总而言之,儒家文化是世界文化遗产的重要组成部分,是东方文化的代表,也是中国文化传统的中流砥柱。

    Confucianism is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture. Founded about 2500 years ago inthe Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism is a complete ideological system created byConfucius, based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang, Zhou Dynasties. It is extensive andprofound, covering on humanistic philosophy, politics, education, philosophy and ethics. Confucianculture rests on humanistic philosophy, which is shown in its respect, attention to and love ofhuman individuals. In brief, Confucian culture is an important component of world cultural heritage,a major representative of oriental culture, and the dominant facet of Chinese cultural tradition.

    22.清华大学被视为中国最著名和选拔人才最严格的大学之一。清华大学的校园位于北京西北部的海淀区,这是专为大学指定的区域。它坐落在清代皇家花园的旧址上,保留了一些中式的园林风格以及一些传统的建筑,但它的许多建筑物都是西式风格的,反应了美国对它的影响。它拥有中国最美丽校园之一,拥有中国最好的工程和应用科学 (applied science)课程,吸引了全国最有才华的学生,其地位和美国伯克利大学 (Berkeley)、麻省理工学院以及斯坦福大学相当。

    Tsinghua University is regarded as one of the most renowned and most selective universities inChina. The campus of Tsinghua University is situated in northwest Beijing, in Haidian District whichis designated for universities. It is located on the former site of Qing Dynasty royal gardens andretains some Chinese-style landscapes as well as some traditional buildings, but many of its buildingsare Western-style reflecting the American influence on its history. With one of the most beautifulcampuses and the best engineering and applied science programs in China, it attracts the mosttalented students of the nation and occupies a position similar to Berkeley, MIT, and StanfordUniversity in the US.

    23.京剧被称为中国的国粹(national opera), 起源于18世纪晚期,是将音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技(acrobatics)综合于一体的戏曲。在中国,京剧是所有戏曲中最有影响力和代表性的戏曲。中国的京剧有着200多年的历史,是中国的名族瑰宝。京剧有着丰富的剧目(repertoire)、众多的表演艺术家和大批的观众,在中国有着其他戏曲无法匹及的深远影响。京剧剧目主要讲述前朝传说故事,其中包括古代重要的历史事件以及王侯将相、才子佳人的故事,讲述从尧、舜、禹,春秋战国群雄并起的历史时期到秦、汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清等多朝代的历史故事。

    Known as China’s national opera, Beijing Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is asynthesis of music, dance, art and acrobatics. It is the most influential and representative of alloperas in China. Beijing Opera is a national treasure with a history of more than 200 years. Owingto its richness of repertoire, great number of artists of performance and of audiences, Beijing Operahas profound influence, which no other opera in China can rival. The repertoire of Beijing Opera ismainly engaged in fairy tales of preceding dynasties, important historical events, emperors,ministers and generals, geniuses and great beauties, from Yao, Shun, Yu, the Spring and AutumnPeriod, the Warring States Period to the dynasties of Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing.


    Admittedly, there is rarely any other technological invention having such a great impact on ourlife as the invention and revolution of television. It is a kind of electric audiovisual media a source ofabundant information, which gives people easy access to various live reports about games,concerts, and affairs occurring all over the world, as well as a vast variety of special programs, suchas programs about worldwide scenery, custom and culture, the spectacular sight in mysteriousseafloor and colossal cosmos, etc. All of them enrich our life and broaden our knowledge to asignificant degree.

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