23 怎么爱好法?
原 文:
She has an expensive taste in clothes.
原 译:
辨 析:
这又是一个逐字照搬因而充满翻译腔的译文,尽管尚能猜出其意思,但让人觉得十分别扭。taste是一个抽象名词,可以指具体的“滋味”、“口味”,如:This soup is to my taste.(这汤合我的口味。)也可以指“爱好”、“情趣”等较抽象的概念。a man of taste表示“有情趣/情趣爱好高雅的人”。That young guy is in bad taste.(那个年轻人很粗俗。)动词短语have a taste for something是“爱好某物”的意思,taste之前常可加上各种形容词,如: have a distinctive taste, have an aromatic taste, have an exquisite taste, have a fastidious taste, have an intellectual taste, have an elegant taste, have an elevated taste, have a bad taste, have a vulgar taste, have a savage taste, have a critical taste等,表示各式各样的情趣和风格。have an expensive taste的意思是说所爱好的东西很贵,与之类似的说法have a fashionable taste指喜爱时髦的东西。have a taste in something则指喜欢某种东西,如果将原句中have an expensive taste in clothes作为一个整体概念考虑,只要稍稍动一下脑子就可译成地道的汉语:她爱好(买/穿)高档的衣服。那么have an acquired / developed taste for something 怎么讲呢?这里的acquired / developed译成汉语时最好译成状语:后来 / 逐渐喜欢上了某物。