177 “娱乐车”是什么车?
原 文:
The roads are jammed with visitors in their recreational cars.
原 译:
辨 析:
粗一看,除了有点“翻译腔“之外,译文似乎还算忠实于原文,问题是“娱乐车”是什么车,从来没有听说过,游乐场里的碰碰车之类是不允许上路的。their recreational cars是一个名词加上定语修饰的短语,但是,从语义上说,这里的定语recreational并不是修饰cars的,这是一种常见的修辞手法,称做“转移形容”,即逻辑上修饰的不是其后的名词,而是visitors。确切的翻译应该是“路上挤满了开车来休闲娱乐的/找乐子的游客。”其实,汉语里也有这种修辞手法,如“怒发(冲冠)”、“愤怒的子弹”、“相思枕(上的长夜)”,《围城》中的“(辛楣和李梅亭吃几颗)疲乏的花生米”等都是。下面再举一些英语的例子和汉语译文:
He was lying on the sleepless bed. 他躺在床上睡不着。
He walked another ten weary miles before he found an inn. 他拖着疲乏的双腿又走了10英里才找到一家旅馆。
The mother of the sick child passed many anxious nights. 病童的母亲忧心忡忡度过了许多不眠之夜。
The servant presented an obsequious cup of coffee and then made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention. 仆人毕恭毕敬地端上一杯咖啡,然后使劲想立正,可是就是站不稳。
Thereafter he came to see her almost every day for six astonishing weeks. 从那以后的六个星期他几乎每天都来看望她,简直令人惊讶。
For Minnesota the social costs of gambling are emerging in vivid tragic details. 对明尼苏达州而言,越来越多的具体事例说明,社会为赌博付出了惨痛的代价。
Loss of habitat is pushing wildlife toward an uncomfortable proximity to humans. 由于野生动物不断失去其栖息地,它们被迫迁徙到人类的附近生活,毫无安全感。